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Rush Of Joy!

Rush of Joy! Posted 25 October 2005
I just had to share this with all the TA members!!!
I finally got up enough courage to call Paris and make reservations for a few restaurants! I have been doing everything via email up to this point... which has worked great, but I really wanted to try my hand at speaking french.
At both restaurants the host/hostess were very gracious. When they answered, I spoke in my very aweful and I'm sure warped French... "Bonjour monsier, parle vous anglais?" Both times "Qui, Madame" was how they answered, and they were so very kind and immediatly began speaking in english!!!
I have this rush of energy and joy pulsating through my heart and veins... I was excited about Paris to begin with... BUT NOW I REALLY CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! (Nov 4th is just too far away...)
Thanks for letting me share my experience! (And not just asking questions left and right...)

Posted 25 October 2005
Tigerlilie.... when do you leave and come back? I'm just hoping you will post a trip report before I leave on October 18th.

Posted 07 September 2008
You were lucky to find so hospitable restaurants. Frenchmen are usually too proud to speak English.
Paris Forums Frequenter
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Posts: 451

Posted 13 September 2008
Well that is on the streets, and not during their day jobs.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 261

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