Working in the bedroom is the easiest room of the house. Think of the color or your favorite item. This will help you decide on the color. Bedrooms work great when you get the walls painted and the molding is accented with another color. For example, if the walls are painted with a soft green, paint the molding on the floor and ceiling a light sand. The earth tones will bring out the best of both colors.
Then look at your floors. If the floors need help and you want to cover them up, this is a great time to place a beautiful rug on the floor. Add a little detail of boxes in the design or flowers. This depends on the theme or atmosphere you are looking for in the room. You can add small rugs by the dresser or chair. A long rug in front of a window is beautiful. Then look at the drapes over the window. You can add the same type of design that is in the rug or add another similar one. You can stay with square edges or rounded edges. Stripes are great to fit into a room. Stripes will make the ceiling look tall and the window to look large.
Add in your furniture. You can have fun selecting the bedding for the bed. Add a brown dust ruffle to the bedding. This will bring out the tan molding. If you have different colors, select a medium color that compliments the wood work.
The comforter and pillows can be of the same color or another accent. There are not too many colors. You can get too many patterns, but enjoy the many shades of colors that are available. Put the throw pillows on the bed and a throw blanket on the foot of the bed. WOW. The room is beginning to look outstanding. You can then add the candles and accessories to the room on the dressers. Add a book or two on the night stand with a great lamp.
The room is relaxing and a new place and you feel like royalty.