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Metro Door Open Mid-journey...

Metro door open mid-journey... Posted 20 March 2011
Was travelling today from Republique to Stalingrad on the Metro, was in the last carriage of the train and took my spot leaning against the back door so to speak that faces out onto the track behind as the train moves forward. Just before Gare Du Nord I suddenly felt the door give way behind me and swing open! Luckily I was not fully leaning against the door with all my weight and was able to steady myself, the door then swung back shut but needless to say I was a little shocked! :shock:

Anyone else experienced this kind of thing? I certainly won't be leaning on any doors again during my commute...
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Re: Metro door open mid-journey... Posted 20 March 2011
You were lucky, in the sense that you didn't lean on the door. They usually announce when a door is about to open.
Did you report this incident?
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Re: Metro door open mid-journey... Posted 26 March 2011
No I didn't report it as my French is very basic at present, I have enough trouble just buying a ticket if the cashier asks me anything after I have made my well-prepared statement in French!

I think after taking a look on the trains during my commute this week that I may have over-sold the danger as it seems on most trains the last carriage door opens into the drivers area rather than just being a door opening out onto the tracks. So I guess I would have just fallen into the empty driver's room at the back of the Metro. I was sure when it flipped open though that it was just open track that was behind me.

To be safe I just don't lean on the doors anymore...!
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