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Looking For Expats To Participate In A Photography Project

looking for expats to participate in a photography project Posted 09 February 2012
Hi everyone,

I am an american studying photojournalism in Paris. I am working on a reportage about Expats in Paris and was wondering if there's anyone who would be willing to let me tell their story? Let me know if you are interested : )

Kaitlin Rebesco
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: looking for expats to participate in a photography project Posted 14 February 2012
Kaitlin Rebesco wrote:Hi everyone,

I am an american studying photojournalism in Paris. I am working on a reportage about Expats in Paris and was wondering if there's anyone who would be willing to let me tell their story? Let me know if you are interested : )


Sounds cool let me know
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

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