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London - July 7, 2005

London - July 7, 2005 Posted 14 July 2005
Bush, don't stand behind Prime Minister Blair during his speech with that look on your face. That laughable, embarassing military stance along with that look of disgust, shock, and anger.

No one is buying this bull shit anymore.

You are responsible for the deaths of those people today in London (Blair aswell: you shouldn't continue to participate in Bush's war). You are responsible for the attacks in Spain. You are responsible for the thousands of solidiers deaths in Iraq. You are responsible for 911.

I don't think anyone can stand to see this horrific display of betrayal. I am not an American citizen, but I think I can speak for most of them when I say: Bush, we are not stupid, we can see through this charade of lies and deception. We know that what you are doing is not benefiting anyone but yourself and your powertrip. You are an evil fraud.

You are killing thousands of innocent people with your pure ignorance. And hey, look! You haven't even found Osama yet. Infact, you have barely even started looking.

Your speech a few weeks ago was a fraud. Your sentences are polluted with lies and it is impossible to ignore them. You said that the invasion of Iraq was about 911....... What a pathetic joke. Oil anyone (as if that is old news)?

Found this bit on the Internet. Who do you think is responsible for the London bombings?

Posted 14 July 2005
IMHO Bush just used England to win the war. He couldn't care less what happens to her now.

Meanwhile, US President George Bush has warned Tony Blair not to expect any favourable treatment at the summit.

He said he was not prepared to sign ay deal over climate change, and that Mr Blair would not be cut any favours just because he supported the Iraq war.

Source of quote: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/050704/140/fmlpx.html

Posted 14 July 2005
Bush is just full of himself..what he is exactly full of is debateable. Putting him in office for a second term was the biggest mistake Americans could have made. At least there's a constitutional amendment which will prevent him from taking another term at office..or else all hell would break loose.

Posted 14 July 2005
Bush is just full of himself..what he is exactly full of is debateable. Putting him in office for a second term was the biggest mistake Americans could have made. At least there's a constitutional amendment which will prevent him from taking another term at office..or else all hell would break loose.

well its sad but!
somehow the conservatives back bush!!

thats wat made him wim twice!!

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