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French Wine

French Wine Posted 16 March 2012

Does anyone know about a good wine shop In Paris ??

I'm not really a winer myself, but i know winers to make gifts to.

How do You love wine ?

And... i was wondering, what's up with the wine ? why is it people love wine ?
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: French Wine Posted 04 April 2012
Saint-Emilion is the oldest wine area of the Bordeaux region. The UNESCO organization recognized the great terroir of Saint Emilion and put the site on the World Heritage List (see Dec 2, 1999 report).

Saint Emilion wines are considered the most robust of the Bordeaux. They are generous, very colored, and reach their maturity quicker than other red Bordeaux
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: French Wine Posted 10 April 2012

If you are planning to give a wine gift to some one in paris, I know you can buy a card from Wine by one shop

You can use to taste different wines without having to buy the entire bottle, maybe also the people that run the bar can tell you more about the reason for the success of the wine and their differences.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

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