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French Vocab: Le Comportement Humain (Human Behavior)

French vocab: Le comportement humain (Human behavior) Posted 09 November 2013
At times, the French act in a very unexpected manner that the foreigners would think they are outrageous. Their behavior towards work, love, sex, pleasure, money and other countries are indeed very different. Epicurean or just plain silly? Fun fact! On 2nd June 1685, King Louis XIV issued a decree that “The length of handkerchiefs shall equal their width, throughout my entire kingdom”. Ever since, handkerchiefs have been made square.

l’affection (f.) affection
l’amour (m.) love
la compassion sympathy
l’émotion, l’émotion vive emotion thrill
l’espoir (m.) hope
la gratitude gratitude
la satisfaction satisfaction
la surprise surprise
La naissance d’un enfant est un grand bonheur. The birth of a child is a great happiness.
On peut aussi éprouver You can also feel
du chagrin sorrow
de la colère anger
une déception disappointment
du dégoût disgust
du désespoir despair
de la haine hatred
de la honte shame
de l’ingratitude (f.) ingratitude
de l’irritation (f.) irritation
de la jalousie jealousy
de la peur fear
de la tristesse sadness
de l’anxiété (f.) anxiety
Il y a eu trop de déceptions dans ma vie. There have been many disappointments in my life.
Les expressions affectives (Emotional expressions)

un baiser, une bise, un bisou kiss
un cadeau gift
une caresse caress
une étreinte strong embrace, hug
des félicitations (f. pl.) congratulations
une menace threat
les mots d’amour (m. pl.) love words
des remerciements (m. pl.) thanks
des reproches reproaches

Note: you may check the original article at >>http://www.talkinfrench.com/vocab-human-behavior/ it has much better format for the Table
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