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Favourite Paris Stories?

Favourite Paris stories? Posted 16 April 2011
Greetings from Garage48, an event where we aim to create a nifty website in 48 hours. Our idea is Storymarks (can't add a link as a newbie, just add "dot com" to the end as usual) - a site that connects stories to real life places. Think being able to see Paris news, legends, books and personal stories on a map. How does this sound? Also - what are your favourite Paris stories and what places to they relate to?

Share below or come check out the site in a couple of hours and add your Paris tales.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Sarasota Kids Clothing Posted 18 April 2011

Its been 3 year when i went to the Paris for 1 week. Me and one of my friend roaming around our hotel in the evening. Other friends of mine were sleeping because we had taken 8 hour journey to reach Paris. Suddenly i saw there is a old women trying to cross the road but she was scared, probably she didn't belongs to Paris and came from some other country. Because of old age she fallen down. we reached there and take her to the hospital. Her son still in contact with me and very much thankful for that incident i always think if we would not be there what would happened may be i would never get a chance to save some ones life. This story become one of the favorite story of mine.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 9

Re: Favourite Paris stories? Posted 22 April 2011
i am a chinese ,and i start to do foreign business from graduated from college .so i need a foreign name .my college classmate gave me the name "paris ".i love it .Also ,paris sounds like my family name pan in chinese . so i start my paris story .
paris pan
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5
Location: China

Re: Favourite Paris stories? Posted 16 November 2011
I saw there an old woman trying to cross the road, but she was afraid, maybe she does not belong to Paris and came from another country. Due to old age, she fell.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 28

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