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Can You Pay In Dollars Or Does It Have To Be In Euros?

Can You Pay in Dollars or does it have to be in Euros? Posted 03 January 2013
So ... what about the money.... I mean if you don't intend to pay the change because you think you're american and you can go and pay in dollars anywhere, let me tell you what i think... as an american citizen, you know what you are, and everybody respects this. The problem is, and this is when you, as a american citizen begin to doubt about the other people, some people just don't really think of the USA a the key Power center, in fact, they think of themselves as the key power center, and they want to be paid... in Euros.

I'll keep posting this kind of informative stuff over and over and over and over and over and over again.
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Re: Can You Pay In Dollars Or Does It Have To Be In Euros? Posted 13 January 2013
Can I pay in Euros in a US supermarket?
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