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Secret To Have Longer Eyelash

Secret to Have Longer Eyelash Posted 03 July 2012
Step 1: Curl your Lashes
Curling your lashes is one of the a secret to brighten up your face in five seconds.

Step 2: Primer
I think that mascara primer is seriously underrated. Whether you buy it on its own or it comes as an attachment with your usual mascara, this step is KEY.

Step3: Mascara
Once your primer is dry, it’s finally time for the main event: Mascara! If you used a primer + mascara combination, then I’d suggest using the mascara side for your first coat.

Step 4: Separate ‘Em
For this step, I like using a wand from an old mascara that I’ve cleaned and washed.

If you want to learn more: lashreviews
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