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Men's Accessories, The Watch

Men's Accessories, the Watch Posted 17 February 2013
The watch has always been a fashion accessory that maen and women love to buy, wear and collection. This particular accessory has became the work of the finest jewelry makers through history and some brands are now legendary.

I would like to explain why the watch is something that is that important in a gentleman's or lady's life. The most common thing people think about a watch is that it tells you what time it is, and this is certainly true, but the real symbolism of the watch goes deeper than this, you may think further and notice a watch is realted to time, and consequentially to death explaining therefore whay all this fetichism about watches, it is an object that reminds you not only what time it is, but also, that you are a being that evolves in time, and that in the end, you leave this world, a humblizing idea...

This is the symbolism i notice in the watch i just offered myself for my 29th birthday, -my first watch, a humble Fossil FS4787- but you may find other meanings and symbols in this fashion accessory and i would be interested in knowing them so feel free to share !

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Posts: 548

Re: Men's Accessories, the Watch Posted 17 February 2013
Paris forums Member
Posts: 138

Re: Men's Accessories, The Watch Posted 03 April 2013
Bulova You know that man watches the most famous and one of the most expensive brands of watches for men.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 16

Re: Men's Accessories, the Watch Posted 21 April 2013
Me... I'm gonna buy myself a LOTUS, i think it's a nice brand, i will keep this standard for watches because it's easy to get your watch stolen.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 138

Re: Men's Accessories, the Watch Posted 27 April 2013
Oh my God ! i found this french song about it

Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Men's Accessories, The Watch Posted 16 August 2013
A watch is a significant accessory for men.

Jaeger-LeCoultre men's watches the most popular and one of the most costly brands of watches for men.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 16

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