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How To Create Your Own Diamond Wedding Ring?

How to Create Your Own Diamond Wedding Ring? Posted 24 March 2011
Creating your own diamond wedding ring for your wedding is exciting. By creating your own ring, you know that you are getting something that is exactly your style that you will love wearing every day for the rest of forever. Because diamonds are a girl's best friend, letting her choose what her "best friend" is going to look like will make her love it even more. Although there are not many diamonds that most girls don't like, there is something special about getting to create your own.
1. Decide whether you will go to the store to create your ring or you will do it online. Both choices have their own benefits. Going to the store will let you see all the stone cuts and clarity before you make a decision, while purchasing online will more than likely get you your ring more quickly.
2. Select a diamond cut. There are several to choose from, and it is all a matter of preference. The cut of the ring defines the shape of the stone, and this will also determine what kind of settings are available to you and whether you will be able to add more stones.
3. Choose whether you want more stones and what type of stones you want other than diamonds. The smaller the individual stones that you get will determine how many you can have in one ring setting.
4. Decide on the type of band you want. Do you want your stones laid in stainless steel, white gold, yellow gold or silver? Depending on how often you use your hands, you may want something stronger than gold to hold your stones in.
5. Select your setting. This may already be limited for you because of the number of stones you have chosen or the shape. For instance, a princess cut is a large square stone that you can't really add much to; however, if you were to choose a marquis cut, which looks like a teardrop, you could form the diamonds like butterflies or flowers.
Well for more information about it you can try this
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