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Gucci Fabric Shoulder Bag

gucci fabric shoulder bag Posted 16 February 2011
I have been wanting the gucci fabric shoulder bag for the longest time. So my BF got it for me! Now I know that many people are not fond of that bag...but they will be OK...but yesterday...the bag is stained with spot....can someone please tell me what i can use to clean the dirt off of the fabric? & how to clean the leather? Thnx a lot....
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 17

Re: gucci fabric shoulder bag Posted 17 February 2011
The best method for cleaning leather is determined by the type of the stain and the type of the leather. Read How to Treat Stains in Leather for advice on removing specific stains.
The following are instructions for general leather cleaning: Before cleaning leather, determine whether the leather is finished - like luggage, furniture and garments - or unfinished - like baseball gloves, work boots and saddles. Then follow the instructions below to keep your leather looking fabulous.
Finished Leather:
1. Place a small amount of a gentle, moisturizing soap such as Dove on a damp cloth and bring it to a light lather.
2. Rub the damp cloth on the leather without putting too much water on the leather.
3. Wipe away lather with a fresh damp cloth. Don't rinse the leather in water.
4. Polish leather with a dry towel.
5. Treat leather with a leather conditioner after it has dried completely.
Unfinished Leather:
1. Use a damp cloth or sponge to rub saddle soap into the leather; work soap into a light lather.
2. Wipe away lather and allow to air dry.
3. Oil leather with a leather preservative such as mink oil.
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Paris forums Member
Posts: 137

Re: gucci fabric shoulder bag Posted 07 March 2011
May follow the steps to clean your leather bag:
* Soft cleaning cloth
* Mild liquid facial or body soap
* Warm water
* Sponge or soft rag
* Dry towel
* Water-based leather protector/conditioner (found in most leather clothing or furniture stores)
use the above things to clean your bag.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

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