At luxury007,I feel glad to see the constant updating of Louis vuitton the well-known House. It gives me a great deal of information about its new products and new designs which I keep an eye on it. I have introduced you plenty of chic and distinctive Louis Vuitton handbags for you, especially women’s bags. But I have never stopped searching for stylish bags for men because bag is not only the privilege of women, men can use bag to improve their personal impression.
Wallets are the necessities to men in daily life. In my own opinion, a wallet to a man just likes a handbag for a woman. This Louis Vuitton Long Wallet in signature Monogram Macassar canvas is endowed with striking-effect hardware and a generous interior. Contrasting black leather trimmings add it to a look of modern. The removable sliver chain is my favorite because its double functions that it can be used as wallet chain or wristlet.
The practicality of a wallet means more than its outside appearance. With a dimension of 19cm x 10cm, it comes with two compartments include one for notes, ID cards and receipts and the other zipped coin compartment with discreet design. This Louis Vuitton Wallet is not only stylishness and classic, but also practical and versatile. Such a wonderful wallet, could you resist? I believe no one will say yes.
You can find what you want at luxury007.