For girls, bag is an indispensable accessory when they go out, not only to act as a container to hold all the tiny essentials, but also an instrument to show their taste. Thus, luxury brand handbags are being worshiped and adored by women in all ages! The design and craftsmanship of luxurious handbags from Hermes or Louis Vuitton are impeccable, meanwhile, their prices are unaffordable for majority of our average people. Fortunately, now we have Coach handbags as a good choice! The creative designs, acute fashion taste, and refined craftsmanship are quite satisfying, the most important thing is you can own a Coach Bag with only several hundreds bucks, not thousands that you can’t afford.
After browsing the Coach’s new arrivals on its site, I found perfect bags for the winter: Coach Poppy Ski Bunny series. I should say, since the Poppy series had been launched, the designs barely let me down, no matter handbags, shoes or accessories.
In this season, there come the Ski Bunny bags in three different designs. The POPPY SKI BUNNY GLAM TOTE is inspired by Aspen and intricately quilted, it is a sporty-chic tote, lightweight but spacious, fun yet organized. The POPPY SKI BUNNY HOBO exudes a sporty chic of a ski chalet in a take-everywhere, it’s a lightweight bag with a modern design, an organized interior and a carefree attitude. The POPPY SKI BUNNY GROOVY CROSSBODY is an Aspen-inspired design in lightweight quilted nylon which is ideal for après-ski or anytime chic and sporty.
As a petite girl, I think the Poppy Ski Bunny Hobo Groovy Crossbody is more suitable for me and I do love this kind of retro and modern at once flavor! What do you say?