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Visa HELP Posted 14 September 2008
How much time does it take to open a VISA?
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Posts: 141

Posted 19 September 2008
Mixi, give us more details so I can try answering your question. Where are you from? How much do you wanna stay and what is the purpose of your visit?
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Posted 28 September 2008
Maximus wrote:Mixi, give us more details so I can try answering your question. Where are you from? How much do you wanna stay and what is the purpose of your visit?

Are you working at the customs? I see you're quite informed about this stuff
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 212

Posted 28 September 2008
I used to live in Romania, I traveled a lot across Europe and now fortunately Romania joined EU and I need no visa now. So cheers for you, Romanians.
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Posted 28 September 2008
tulaka wrote:I used to live in Romania, I traveled a lot across Europe and now fortunately Romania joined EU and I need no visa now. So cheers for you, Romanians.

how is life in Romania, before and after the EU membership
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 261

Re: Visa HELP Posted 09 June 2010
Hey Mixi! It's been two years now, how was the process of filing a visa for you? I think the length of time that you have to wait would depend on what visa you are trying to get. From what i hear, the working visa would be the longest to get.. Why don't you share your experience with the visa process? im sure there are a lot people who are interested to know as well.. :mrgreen:
Paris forums Member
Posts: 127

Re: Visa HELP Posted 07 August 2010
very good...thanks
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 28

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