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Recommended Beauty Salons - Paris

Recommended beauty salons - Paris Posted 20 February 2008
Hi All,

Would love to get a proper wax done. A place that specializes in waxing would be fantastic and of course English would be a bonus but more interested in the beautician being experienced.

Can anyone recommend a good place?


Posted 13 September 2008
visit this
a very good beauty salon
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Posted 14 September 2008
Beauty salons are everywhere in Paris. It is the city of fashion you know.
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Posted 28 September 2008
Sorry for the question, but what region of your body you want it to get waxed?
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 212

Posted 28 September 2008
La Sultane de Saba

Beauty & Wellness » Beauty Salons in Paris

78 Rue Boissière, 75116 Paris
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Posted 28 September 2008
Rue Boissière???
What district is this?
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Re: Recommended beauty salons - Paris Posted 02 June 2010
Hey Pups! lol! at your post! My friend also had the same dilemma as you did when we were there before. We found this neat salon, it may be a bit pricey than other salons but they offer a wide variety of services, including waxing! Add to that, they also have some English speaking staff, they can help you with the services. The name of the salon is Sunso it's on 3 rue de Rivoli. Enjoy! :mrgreen:
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