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Living And Working In Paris-Advice Needed.

living and Working in paris-Advice Needed. Posted 02 June 2008
Hello Im stuart and i dont want to come across as naive but haha here goes, I would LOVE to live in paris one day, i have been going to paris on holiday for the last few years as a big doors fan,paying respect to jim morrison who stayed and died in paris and is buried in pere lachaise.

I know moving there would be VERY VERY hard and would not expect it to be easy whatsover. Need to learn french haha!.

Was Inspired by jim Morrison living there as he wrote poetry and i do to and by the book shop shakespeare and co


http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/pa ... mparis.htm

Whatever advice people can give me i would truly appreciate.

Thanks in advance.

Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 10
Location: scotland

Posted 06 June 2008
See you made here from Total France then.

Next you'll be knocking on my door in Paris?

Posted 13 June 2008
Only if tbat's an Invite to have a few beers at the HIGHLANDER on the left bank!.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 10
Location: scotland

Posted 08 September 2008
Well you must speak to live in Paris, otherwise you'll find it difficult.
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Posted 13 September 2008
sure, the French language is very important, since France is a country that doesn't like foreigners speaking other languages than French
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Posted 14 September 2008
Or you must work at the USA embassy all your life time
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 261

Posted 19 September 2008
Elis wrote:Or you must work at the USA embassy all your life time

This requires a lot of knowledge. Not every second man is hired to work in embassy, you know
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Posted 28 September 2008
I know that there are many young writers working and living at Shakespeare &co. You should try your luck.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 212

Re: living and Working in paris-Advice Needed. Posted 28 May 2010
I feel for you Stuart! I have also been travelling back and forth to Paris and i would love to spend my retirement there one day. I mean who wouldn't want to?! the place is just magical and there is always something to do and discover! however, i think your biggest challenge in moving to Paris would be learning the language. French is unfortunately not as easy to learn as English, after that you have to process your visa and stuff. It is a lot of work but if you're really determined to move their you can always find a way! :mrgreen:
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