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How Much To Move To Paris To Stay?

How Much to move to paris to stay? Posted 13 June 2008
Could anyone please tell me how much it costs to move to paris to stay?? i have heard it costs a FORTUNE!. could anyone please shed some light on this?

Thanks In Advance
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Posted 13 September 2008
It can cost you about 10.000$, and that is if you don't buy any property in Paris, only renting.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 261

Posted 13 September 2008
oh no, definitely not 10,000$. I will tell that an average price for renting an apartment is about 150-200$ per week. So, do your calculations.
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Posted 14 September 2008
Yes but I was talking about sending your car, furniture and other stuff by sea to Europe.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 261

Re: How Much to move to paris to stay? Posted 28 May 2010
Although the cost of living is quite high in Paris compared to other cities, but i don't think it's something to be discouraged about. I mean for me, you can stick to your budget it just takes a resourcefulness. just put it this way, if you know your tight on budget, don't go eating in restaurants; you can always go ahead and cook your own food right? you can always save big money on that one. the first few weeks would be rocky since you will still be adjusting to the place and cost of living and stuff, but after that im sure you can find your own tricks on how to save money! :mrgreen:
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