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French Guy From Paris Willing To Help You

French guy from Paris willing to help you Posted 26 July 2010
Hi guys,

as said in the title subject, I live in Paris. So, I would be pleased to meet you in here, to grab a drink and talk or to help you to deal with some troubles that are likely to happen to you in Paris (like administration stuffs or finding a place to sleep, or whatever). About myself, I am student (24 years old), crazy about fashion, music, cinema, travels... I have lived in China (Beijing) for 2 years, as a student and have been travelling in many countries. Right now I am in London (a city that I love, especially the 3 pounds beer hehe. Kidding, I actually like so many things in there), doing a 2-months internship but might be back in Paris around the 15th of august (so, hopefully, I will be able to meet you there from that time).

Well, if you would like to contact me, send me a private message with your e-mail or phone number in Paris.


maomao (Morvan).
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: French guy from Paris willing to help you Posted 07 August 2010
thanks for the info..
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 28

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