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Finding Work

Finding Work Posted 31 July 2011
Hey Guys

I am moving to Paris in October and need to find work before I get there. Is there any one out there who can tell me where to start looking? Or should I just get there and wing it? I speak little French which is a massive issue but I am sure I am not the only one on this site with this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Location: Birmingham

Re: Finding Work Posted 11 January 2012
so what happened when you moved here? i just relocated from nashville...and it seems a student visa is the easiest option


-- 11 January 2012 --

so what happened when you moved here? i just relocated from nashville...and it seems a student visa is the easiest option

Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Finding Work Posted 29 February 2012
Ya finding work is hard for non French speakers.
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Posts: 28

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