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Expired Student Visa For France

expired student visa for france Posted 20 August 2005
i am having problems with student visa in france and i was wondering if someone is able to help me...

I am japanese and my student visa (long stay temporary visa) which allows me to stay in france as a student has recently expired in march (the visa was valid from sep to march) and i am still staying in france finishing my studies.
in order to extend my visa, i went to switzerland in january and had my passport stamped ( to state that i entered switzerland) to obtain a visiter's visa.
In a couple of days, that visiter's visa is to expire since it will soon be three months after my visit to switzerland. therefore this month, i went to andorra and received a stamp from andorra stating that i entered the country. On my way back into France, I tried to get my passport stampted to state that I reentered france but i was rejected and was told that i have overstayed and i have nolonger the right to remain in france.

Does this mean that I am currently illegally staying in France? Could someone please explain to me in what situation I am in and how I can get aaround it... I am planning to go back to japan by either the beginning or the end of july and I already have my flight booked. What should i do?? Would someone please help me...

Posted 14 September 2008
I don't know on what basis they let you cross the border. It’s some kind of confusion here.
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Posts: 261

Posted 19 September 2008
be careful not to get a deport, otherwise you won't be allowed to enter France for a period of 5 years, maybe more.
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Posted 28 September 2008
I think the best solution is to go to the Japan embassy.
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Posts: 212

Re: expired student visa for france Posted 09 June 2010
Wow.. you really went through a situation there.. but it's been 5 years now, so i wanna know if you were able to go back to Japan? And how were you abel to solve the situation. If i have read through your post a few years back, i would give the same advice as Planetman did, and that is to go and visit the Japanese embassy. They are more knowledgeable about problems like this and im pretty sure they are more than willing to help you go back to your country.. Hope everything was well for you! :mrgreen:
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Posts: 127

Re: expired student visa for france Posted 07 August 2010
great keep it up...
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Posts: 28

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