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Your Body's Food Challenge

Your body's food challenge Posted 29 November 2008
It sometimes happen that we unexpectedly change our tastes and want to eat something specific right now, in this moment. But, you should know that if your body challenges you for eating something, this means:
magnesium insufficiency. Contained in nuts, fruits, peas

Want bread
Nitrogen insufficniency. This means our body requires the products that contin high notriciousness.

Want tea or coffee?
A sign that your body needs phosphorus. This element is contained in the anti-vegetarian food.

Want fried food
You need carbon, contained in fresh fruits.

You want carbonated water
Calcium defficiency.

What is your orgnism like?
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Re: Your body's food challenge Posted 20 May 2010
thank you for sharing,
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Your body's food challenge Posted 24 June 2010
wow this is very informative
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 13

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