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When It Comes To Health Care Issues, Why Do Republicans Assume Everyone Is Healthy?

When it comes to health care issues, Why do republicans assume everyone is healthy? Posted 15 March 2011
Hi All;

Did you know that about half of bankruptcies are due to health problems? Almost all of those people had health insurance and it didn't protect them from the medical costs. That is the problem we are trying to solve with Universal Health Care.

Why would anyone assume that the problem is that we are lazy and don't care to spend a hundred a month for health care? That is the argument that is put forward most often on this forum.

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: When it comes to health care issues, Why do republicans assume everyone is healthy? Posted 15 April 2011
Dear. i agree with you. Nice post . keep it up. We should do some work on it. Thaks for the post.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

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