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Tips To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss Posted 13 October 2008
So, I know that I’ll have a lot of buddies coming to this thread as the number of people in USA getting bold is nearly half of the males. The point of this thread is to discuss all the available methods and wonders of the medicine that can help us regrow hair or at least make it stop thinning and help us all combat the myths of this topic.
So the most popular and old method to make you regain your valuable hair is wearing wigs.
But this is not that popular nowadays.
The development of the medicine can provide us with some more interesting solutions. So here they are:
1) Methods that don’t involve a chirurgical intervention:
A – Taking pills that promise wonders, by stopping the process of testosterone secretion.
B – Applying specially developed shampoos or oil that must be usually administrated every day.
2) Methods that involve chirurgical interventions:
A – Hair implant. This method involves cutting a portion of your skin from your back, where hair is not affected by the genetically loss patterns, and then replanting all the follicles in the front area.
B - Follicular unit extraction – it does not involve cutting a portion of your scalp skin, instead, each follicle is extracted one by one from the donor area, but it is speculated that this method is not that efficient as the first one from this category.
3) Shave it all – this one of the simplest method.
Now it is up to you to decide what to do. I’m also awaiting for other methods that maybe I’m not aware of from you! 8)
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Posted 17 October 2008
You mentioned shaving it in order to hide it. But, actually it could be a really good solution for recovering the hair. It will begin growing slowly after many times of shaving. This is natural, just as when girls shave their legs, the hair recovers quickly.
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Posted 28 October 2008
Unfortunately I feel in the future I will face the same problem. I am not determined what actions I will take then, but I definitely will do something. The most efficient way is probably the hair implantation, which is riskfree and 100% works.
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Posted 01 November 2008
This is all about genetics guys. So, if your father/grandfather is bold, you will be bold as well. No natural substance can save from this.
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Posted 09 November 2008
Head&Shoulders has released a new shampoo which allegedly strengthens the hair and doesn't allow it to fall. Don't know if that is true, but I trust H&D since it helped be dispose of dandruff.
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Posted 09 November 2008
actually he doesn't even look like a gay

His trends are very much European and he might become a candidate for the next president elections in France.
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Posted 12 November 2008
this mayor has big plans for the future. He envisages to participate in the next presidential electoral campaign, and I should tell you, he has big chances.
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Posted 14 November 2008
if he becomes a president/politician the country will know a collapse very soon. He will never be able to solve stringent problems. It's not manlike
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Posted 16 November 2008
You should now that a normal loss of hair is considered to be about 100 hairs per day is absolutely normal. The most of them are left on the pillow, on your jacket, on your comb etc.
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Posted 17 November 2008
100 hair per day? wow, it's too much. If we multiply this number by the number of teh years, then we get 36,500 persons...
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Posted 17 August 2009
I too suffering the same problem, Is there any natural remedies apart from head shave?
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Re: Hair loss Posted 20 February 2010
it looks like im joining the club, at 27 i thought id last longer, oh well, back on with it,
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Re: Hair loss Posted 30 August 2010
thank you for sharing this information.very useful.
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Re: Hair loss Posted 02 September 2010
bald is sexy anyways
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Re: Hair loss Posted 12 July 2011
its true that baldness is genetic, but there are certain things that can prevent it and there are also natural remedies for it. Smoking can cause hair loss, a bad diet can also cause it, vitamin deficiency or clogged hair follicles are also a reason for male hair loss. The natural remedies are mostly herbs like rosemary, saw palmetto, ginseng and horsetail. There are natural products that contain these ingredients and much more and I know what that's great, but I don't want to be doing any advertising. If someone is interested just message me :)
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Re: Hair loss Posted 30 July 2011
Smoking is great cause for hair loss and i have heard it form many people and thanks for sharing this helpful information and all the information is great and thanks man.
Chris Tremlet
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Re: Hair loss Posted 30 July 2011
Hey SSotirov. Thanks dear for sharing such a wonderful post. I have hair fall problem from last 2 years and my hair are so weak. i don't want to lose my hair. I will try to follow your tips. I will try natural treatment of herbs for my hair. Keep posting.
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Re: Hair loss Posted 17 August 2011
I think you need to have proteins and iron in your diet. Don’t stay too late at night, get enough sleep. Massage your scalp. Reduce the use of shampoo.
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Hair loss Posted 20 August 2011
Herbal Tip for Hair loss :
Take some Aloe Vera, mustard oil,olive oil and coconut oil.Mix them all and apply this on scalps.The regular use of this will grow new roots and healthy hair.Just try this.
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Re: Hair loss Posted 20 August 2011
Hair Loss is a common problem in the human community.It has so many reasons.It caused due to the stress,tensions,dandruff,nutrition deficiency and all.So you have to first find out the reason and after that go for the treatments.
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Re: Hair loss Posted 03 September 2011
There are several cases of the hair loss. If you want to reduce hair loss so you can do regular hair oil massage. Take a good night sleep. Always use best shampoo and conditioner.
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Re: Hair loss Posted 10 September 2011
Hi Guys....
Hair loss is the major problem in these days .I would say that WE first have to know what type of hair we have . Then we need to choose the shampoo according to your hair type . We also have to wash our hair daily twice a day .
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Hair loss Posted 14 September 2011
Hi All,
Great threat on hair loss. Some reasons of hair loss are:
Imbalance immune system,
Lack of red blood cells,
Iron deficiency,
Stress or depression,
Fungal infections,
Skin disorder.
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Posts: 133

Tips to prevent hair loss Posted 20 September 2011
Hi All,
Some tips to prevent hair loss.
Do combine and brush your hair daily,
Always use shampoo according to your hair texture,
Always use conditioner after shampoo,
Don't rub hair hard with towel to dry them,
Avoid touching or pulling your hair,
Do take adequate amount of protein through daily meals,
Do exercise to avoid stress.
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Re: Tips to prevent hair loss Posted 27 September 2011
Thanks for sharing these tips dear because i have hair fall problem from last two years and i want to make my hair strong and healthy. I will try to follow your tips for making my hair strong. I really like your post. Keep it up.
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Posts: 82

Uncommon causes of alopecia Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
Here are some uncommon causes of alopecia:
Infections such as syphilis or fungal infections,
Hormone problems,
Skin diseases such as lupus,
Skin cancers,
Thyroid disease,
Kidney failure,
Liver failure.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Tips To Prevent Hair Loss Posted 28 April 2015
There are so many causes behind the hair loss problems like physical or mental stress. The hormonal diseases like typhoid, Diabetes and fever are also be the major diseases which causes the hair fall issues.

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Re: Tips To Prevent Hair Loss Posted 07 May 2015
Tips for Hair Loss Prevention
1. Follow a healthy lifestyle,
2. Take care of your hair,
3. Avoid things bad for your hair, and
4. Adopt simple Home treatments.
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Re: Tips To Prevent Hair Loss Posted 27 May 2015
Is this forum still active? etui galaxy s6 etui cuir xperia z4
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Re: Tips To Prevent Hair Loss Posted 31 October 2015
Thanks for sharing good information because i have hair fall problem from last two years and i want to make my hair strong and healthy.
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