So the most popular and old method to make you regain your valuable hair is wearing wigs.
But this is not that popular nowadays.
The development of the medicine can provide us with some more interesting solutions. So here they are:
1) Methods that don’t involve a chirurgical intervention:
A – Taking pills that promise wonders, by stopping the process of testosterone secretion.
B – Applying specially developed shampoos or oil that must be usually administrated every day.
2) Methods that involve chirurgical interventions:
A – Hair implant. This method involves cutting a portion of your skin from your back, where hair is not affected by the genetically loss patterns, and then replanting all the follicles in the front area.
B - Follicular unit extraction – it does not involve cutting a portion of your scalp skin, instead, each follicle is extracted one by one from the donor area, but it is speculated that this method is not that efficient as the first one from this category.
3) Shave it all – this one of the simplest method.
Now it is up to you to decide what to do. I’m also awaiting for other methods that maybe I’m not aware of from you!