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Junk Food: Pro’s & Con’s

Junk food: Pro’s & Con’s Posted 13 October 2008
Fast food proved it already: what it is fast and good means it is too good to be true. However in the 21st century timing is one of the biggest dilemmas which any person may face at a moment. The big rate and speed of development of the society and the processes underneath it obliges us to follow its rhythms if we want to be part of it. Snacks are a common way to solve our basic needs in a very good and time efficient way. But wait, do we forget something?

Unfortunately snacks won’t prove to be that efficient when fighting a heartache or other side effects of their. So how to balance these two important aspects, is there any recommended ratio?
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Posts: 212

Posted 17 October 2008
In order to have a healthy body, the organism requires healthy food. Snacks are not healthy food. They contain very little vitamins, and eating snacks may become a habit of ours, which will make us forget about normal food.
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Posted 30 October 2008
To me, it's totally OK to have snacks. Just be careful not to get used to them. Snack help us because we don't always manage to follow the rules - breakfast, lunch, dinner. So it's better to make our stomach work by eating fast food.
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Re: Junk food: Pro’s & Con’s Posted 20 February 2010
the problem is that most of us in this day an age dont have the time to cook a healthy meal.
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Posts: 65

Re: Junk food: Pro’s & Con’s Posted 19 March 2010
HI ! guys its true today junk foof and snacks are basic needs and develop our society because in 21 century is so advance and any one has no more time to spend other things but we are eate regularly so they are not good for our health and this things also verify by doctors.

cheers !
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