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How To Reduce Depression

How to reduce Depression Posted 06 January 2012
Meditation is proven to improve mood andreduce depression,
and is also not difficult to learn. 15 minutes a day is allthat
is required to help calm your mind and start to bring about positive changes
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Re: How to reduce Depression Posted 17 January 2012
when you are in trouble or depress then you can reduce depression by watching television, exercising every day and help to another people and just thinking about the thing you should do better and meet friend.
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Posts: 2

Re: How to reduce Depression Posted 19 January 2012
I am not agreed. In my opinion depression is nothing. It is just the creation of our own mind. I don't take medicines. When i feel depression and stress i do walk and listen music. Sometimes i read some books. With these things i can reduce my stress and depression.
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Posts: 46

Causes of depression Posted 27 January 2012
Hi All,
Depression is getting common these days and some causes of depression are:
Personal disputes or conflicts with family members or friends, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, drugs used to treat high blood pressure. Genetically depression problem or social isolation due to mental illness.
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Posts: 25

Re: Causes of depression Posted 28 January 2012
I do agree with you but let me tell you that all of this happening due to the materialistic and robotic life style which we have adopted and getting the depression and anxiety problems.
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Posts: 25

Re: How to reduce Depression Posted 31 January 2012
I think depression is a serious illness and not just something that's "in your head". I know I personally suffer from anxiety and mild depression. I have changed my diet and I exercise more and do other things to fight it but I also take medicine that my doctor prescribed. It has helped me overcome my anxiety and has made my life much more happier as a result.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: How to reduce Depression Posted 24 February 2012
Herbal Remedies: There are a wide variety of herbal therapies that people can use. For depression, St. John's wort and ginkgo Bilbao are the most popular for altering mood. You can Google results to see what comes up. Web MD is a good and reliable source where you can start

Exercise: Research on anxiety & depression shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help reduce anxiety and depression while improving mood. 30 to 40 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times a week is all that is needed.

Program your mind so your subconscious (or conscious) thoughts to become more positive. There are a number of great self help programs that can help you do this.
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Re: How to reduce Depression Posted 02 March 2012
Take deep breaths. Excercise. Read a nice happy book. Color with crayons. Spend time with people who make you feel happy.
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Re: How to reduce Depression Posted 15 April 2012
There are lots of way to reduce depression. Well to be very honest, I listen music whenever i feel depressed and music is very helpful for me to reduce it.
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DCRI Posted 20 May 2012
I have found by coincidence this very informative account on twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/DCRINews

It's some research center of the Duke University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_University
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Re: DCRI Posted 21 May 2012
What ? It's a strange coincidence, because you know what ? DCRI is the name of the french intelligence service for in-land intelligence.
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Re: DCRI Posted 21 May 2012
I didn't know at all... It's fascinating.
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Re: DCRI Posted 22 May 2012
Is it true they're all gay at the french DCRI ? i heard some rumor that they were.
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Re: DCRI Posted 22 May 2012
No that's for the CIA, you must be mistaking
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Health In the medias Posted 26 June 2012

there is something i don't know, it is ... can i rely on the medias for healthy products. There may be some status quo about products for health but i can verify... it's too easy.
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Should You believe What they say In the Medias Posted 27 June 2012
Hello, i have a basic question, should i rely on What they say on tv or on the internet for questions regarding health.

You should worry because i think people like me watching the shows, i think that In all fairness should be delivered a small present ation that is medically right.

As to the channels who diffuse shows related to health, i don't like to have to. Verify the presentators' accreditation.

What do You think ? Do i ask for too much? I think it's a cheap minimum.
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Posts: 548

Risky Behavior Posted 29 June 2012
Everyone knows about drug and the problem it can generate for your health.

Before you don't take action with drug, you have to think about the consequences it will have on your organism.
For example when you go at a party with friends and there's only two hours left, you have to take this important decision that will change your future for ever. I think it's about " in which scenario do i find my best interest ".

I think you're mature enough to know where you're best interest is.
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Tranquilizing Solution Posted 02 July 2012
Does anyone knows about effective tranquilizers ?
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Re: Should You believe What they say In the Medias Posted 06 July 2012
I think you should believe.
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Re: Should You Believe What They Say In The Medias Posted 06 July 2012
Loukas wrote:should i rely on What they say on tv or on the internet for questions regarding health
It is always better to verify the information. There are reliable sources and there less reliable sources.

IF they say something on TV it is usually to make it look like sensation for ratings. Try to find the source of their knowledge in the form of specific researches and try to understand them.

Here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ is a good place to check all medical info your read on internat and see on tv.
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Re: Should You Believe What They Say In The Medias Posted 09 July 2012
Loukas what TV shows are you talking about?
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Posts: 20

Lets talk health Posted 26 October 2012
Concern of your health? know the causes, symptoms and
treatment for certain condition regarding to your health.
Lots to learn and helpful advises you can get.
Click here for more info. Live healthy!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Better Health Condition With Diet and Sports Posted 18 November 2012
To be at the top of your potential, you first have to get a good diet, they say this in every health corner of your favorite magazine. One would have to get fresh products from a market place. Fresh tomatoes is not very hard to find but the vitamin impact it has is pretty impressive. So in the diet try to mix with seafoods and especially crab pliers which carry nutrients essential to your diet balance. Near your street, try to find a doctor and get contact lenses if you wear glasses to exercise in better condition. Then... If you live in New York, try to jog in central park where there is this Bouvier reservoir and enjoy french patisserie which is rich in sugar and starchy food. At this point, you understand the link between diet and sports because at the top of the food pyramid, they say you must eat a few candies only to get the whole diet. And on the way try to rest making pauses drinking tea which helps relax, but don't forget sports because women/men would kill for perfect bodies. Get some orange based drinks like FantA and don't forget to respect the diet and sports professionnals who builded this diet and food programs.

Wishing you a happy Diet&Sports experience.
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Posts: 138

Modern Psychiatry Conditions For Kaos Posted 14 April 2013
Modern Psychiatry is a field that involves KAOS because it takes care of mentally ill people that sometimes are reluctant to get treated explaining why the mental hospitals are closed. Psychiatry is a medical field that has evolved in time but Paris Hilton is not so a Superstar when you're a billionaire because of Prada and Gucci. Forex Trading has taken mentally ill people to places they never been before, but you cannot trust an interested person as a friend for psychiatry. Recent updates regarding psychiatry has shown that you may mistake a people with Gods because of the confusion in that Disneyworld where no one can really help someone hurt by KAOS excepet in a mental hospital where he can be provided assistance and support. The Pantheon is a temple where you connect all the gods all at once but nothing can stop the harm caused by a god like KAOS. Modern Psychiatry meets challenges but the real challenge is money to build better hospitals with more comfortable facilities and also provide access to care in developing regions along with the World Health Organization Ambassador.
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Re: Modern Psychiatry Conditions For Kaos Posted 14 April 2013
Sure, Modern Psychiatry is a field that needs to understand the nature of the universe especially what's beyond is kaos but one must get it once and for all about chaos and Harmony.
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We all end up at the Cemetary Posted 17 April 2013
in the end, we all die, in between take care of your health doing sports and eat well.
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Psykiatry Struggle Waste Posted 20 May 2013
When one is about studying something great during a structured free Time study Time, health problems waste efforts hard Time struggle illness Life shadow human despair weakness efforts disease Nice spring Times Destruction of Happy elementary springful Environment under shadow skies despite goodwill and enthusiastic interest in Planetary kept secrets.
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Posts: 548

Psychiaviruses Treatment Discovered. Posted 27 May 2013
I'm Loukas,

I've been sharing here about my psychiatrical struggle, and sorry about sharing bad news but it supports a lot to share with other members here.

What i get about the psychiaviruses is sensitive and historical. It Will have to reach mainstream database of knowledge. I have prepared some mail to adress to the international psychiatry college community to notify them
" the psychiaviruses are isolated " . It's a small reliefing step for a man and a good news for the rest of us, but I'm afraid i'm facing very sensitive hazardous material. I'm a Prudent Legend, but i think these sensitive volatile viruses are treatable by X-Rays. It's a good news, but i Fear massive epidemy in future times. This is Why I'm thinking of a New Agency. To help building viruses proof safe buildings but I'm maybe alarmist because I'm on the viruses frontline.

I think i have to lobby a bit about this.
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Re: Psychiaviruses Treatment Discovered. Posted 27 May 2013
I think Planes are already virus-proof...
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Re: Psychiaviruses Treatment Discovered. Posted 29 May 2013
So.... Everything Is Fine !! No need to Worry ! Everything is under Control ! I've been contacting some Research Team [nimh.gov] and Research Process Engaged
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Posts: 548

Psychiatry Dead End Protective Directives Posted 04 June 2013
Because living a normal Life is worth giving up some male dominacy character, an individual must find the cause of psychiatry In spiritual games. A human powerless left In violent aggressive players Turns as usual to One, Two, Three Spirituality to find rest and protection. This repetitive scenario is naturally proven Right because of the vulnerability of the human soul. It is left open and unprotected and most of all... POWERLESSIM. The hum^^^^^^n being is therefore looking for spiritual protection and must give up any ETALON spirituality because of violenceness powerlessful victims. Protection is the only human way in history of humanity. The Greatest is the only way for humans In this game. Strong characters found find and Will find the limits of their powerless Condition. The Half God finds a human heart.
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Psychiatry Case Closed Posted 05 June 2013
Time For Psychiatry Passed. No more details on the Anti-Life disease. Apologies for public drama. I'll bear the shame...
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Female Aerobic PsychoDynamic Daily Exercise Posted 06 June 2013
Models Female Aerobic Sportsroom. 210DcTE. Capture Video for John Marlboro, Movie Producer living In Boston. Exercise Daily In front of a Mirror with the music of your choice but prefer punchy tunes to give a boosting energy In the morning. Two weeks of exercise would reveal you unexpected potential. Nike Shoes Shop like Foot Locker and daily running session should wake up some energies to give your mornings a sporty note e e. Blender homemade juice: oranges kiwi and add any fruits you may like. dicomplexelax . PsychoDynamic: morning cable news 30 mn and Net based Newspapers for International Overlook: nytimes washpost haaretz etc... Written Media is Critical : You get the time to geolocate and map, learn about material you ignore. Finance Law/Politics Administrations etc. Wake Up the Godess and the Psycho Godess, and if you billionnaire daddy uncle or grandfather, i know what to do with BONDS...
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Posted 28 August 2013
Why so pessimistic?

Here is a piece of "Cemetary" concert:
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Re: How To Lose Weight Posted 22 May 2014
Hey.. I think Yoga is all time best and most effective way to get rid from stress so i suggest all of you to try Yoga
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