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How To Lose Weight

Ways to lose weight Posted 11 October 2008
Do you know that every year, millions are looking for ways of losing weight. Let's share our personal experience in losing weight for those who look for solutions. Or maybe you know or heard of good experiences of other people in weight loosing.
My recipe is simple - just don't eat anything all day long and practice sports. Choosing a correct sport is also important. So the best I can recommend is running. Thus, if you don't eat anything all day long, your body will apply to your "reserves", which is your fat, and running will put the last dot!
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How to lose weight Posted 13 October 2008
Many people are facing an uncommon problem of the contemporaneous world - excess of weight. The most affected nation is USA. The number of children, young people is increasing year after year. But unfortunately this issue is causing victims across the oceans also. The most popular and healthy way to lose weight is getting into sport, or going to the gym. But from my personal experience, the most efficient way to do it is running for 5 km per one or two days. If the weather outside is hot, then this is to our advantage and it will only increase the rhythm of the process that will help you see the difference in a couple of weeks. Good luck to you!
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Posted 17 October 2008
I noticed that people with nice shapes drink green tea. It really does help losing weight. The point is that green tea eliminates unnecessary substances from your body, among which there are the substances which maintain fatness.
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Posted 23 October 2008
Eating a lot of apples will definitely help you lose your weight. That is due to 2 reasons:
1. Apples clean your organism
2. It contains lots of vitamins and supplies the missing elements.
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Posted 25 October 2008
Swimming is the best way to keep you in shape. Remember that water swallows your powers and you get tired fast. That makes your body burn additional callories.
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Posted 28 October 2008
There is a special diet: eat a lot of apples. It's not hard to follow it. Apples clean our organism very fast. Besides, it contains various vitamins that are vitally important for the body.
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Posted 01 November 2008
For men it's important - do not drink beer if you wanna get rid of your belly. Remember, beer contains yeast, which has the property to flat.
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Posted 04 November 2008
Don't think that eating more meat will make you fatter. Meat doesn't cantain fat and you won't gain weight from eating it. So don't be afraid to eat meat.
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Posted 05 November 2008
Watch and learn how to lose weight easily and fast
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Posted 09 November 2008
the sport of running will help anybody lose way fast. You should realize that your diets are helpless if they are not followed by exercises like running. It will keep your legs and body in shape.
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Posted 13 November 2008
A brisk walk in the morning will be very usefyl. Of course it is recommended to run, but, if you can't just make this stroll, this will help your body increasing the substance exchange system.
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Posted 14 November 2008
The last time you eat during the day should be about 7 o'clock in the evening, or 5 hours before sleep.
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Posted 16 November 2008
Did you know that you can reduce the weight by simply eating the breakfast, yes, it's not a mistake, I said by not eating teh breakfast. You see, your organism processes the food best before the noon. So, if you eat the breakfast, your body will assimilate and burn this very quickly. Moreover, the burned calleries are accompanies by other calories that were earlier in your body. That's how I coment this.
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Posted 17 November 2008
The kremlin diet is a diet incented by Russia and which seems to becoming more and more popular in the world is a great diet. Its specifics consist in the fact that the diet includes eating only meat, and nothin more.
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Products which burn calories Posted 21 November 2008
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Products that burn calories

Postby M.Helen on Today, 21:19
Grapefruit - regularly consuming grapefruit, or at least 150 grams of grapefruit juice can reduce the weight by 2 kg in two weeks. It is believed it happens due to one reason - Grapefruit lows down the insulin level, which, in turn, dispose you of the mood to eat something.

Green tea - this plant gives a lot of positive effects to your health (including prevents cancer, improves the immune system). One of its features is to help your body metabolism.

Skim diary products. The calcium and acid contained by diary products helps you keep a normal weight of the body and reduce the weight essentially. The lost weight represent namely the fat of your body, it doesn't affect your muscles.

Spicy food. Spicy food helps burning calories, since they help your body sweat, increase heartbeating, which, in turn, propels metabolism.

Water. If you don't drink much water it will be difficult for you to lose weight. Lack of liquid in organism impedes the metabolism process.

Cinnamon. A quarter of teaspoon of cinnamon, eaten with normal food, helps the body assimilate sugar faster and more effective and reduce the sugar level in the organism. It's very important, because the sugar level in your blood creates new depot fats. Cinnamon can also be used instead of sugar, as it have a natural sweet taste.
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Posted 02 December 2008
Wanna lose weight:

1. Don't forget to take your breakfast. Turn on your metabolism earlier.

2. Load your muscles when walking. If you wanna pump your muscles take two little dumbbells and pump then while walking.

3. You need a dog. When your dog wants to take a stroll, you will simply have to do it!

4. Eat more often but in small quantities.

5. Reduce the consumption of fat.k
6. Talk on the phone and stay up. If you talk to your phone and you don't sit down, you can burn about 200 kcal in 40 minutes.

7. If you sit down, for example in an armchair, relax, but keep your back straight.
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Posted 17 August 2009
Do regular exercises daily such as walking, running, swimming etc., and avoid eating while watching TV.

If it is 1 or 2 floor in the building, use staircase instead of lift.
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Re: How to lose weight Posted 04 April 2010
One simple tip for loosing weight and that is don't sleep at night for continuous 3-4 nights not for a single minute.Believe me this will surely help you.
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Re: How to lose weight Posted 30 April 2010
Simple things like for instance climbing stairs, walking dogs, mowing your lawn, cleaning your house, dancing and other moving activities can burn a lot of calories. What is more engaging about moving around is that you don't just lose weight but you also relieve your mind and your muscles from stress. According to recent studies, movement is one of the best stress relievers so don't just sit all day in front of your computer at work. Stand up let's say every half hour and stretch your legs. Likewise, it would be better for you to take the stairs instead of riding the elevator when you go to the office.
Flaming Spaz
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Overweight Posted 14 May 2010
Hello, I have 28 years. I have a weight from about 7 years ago. When I get pregnant with my first child went up 35 kilos and not down more. My lowest weight was 69 kilos and the maximum is 108 kilos. Please anyone help me, sending me a diet...
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Re: Overweight Posted 20 May 2010

I am also in the process of loosing weight from pregnancy. Currently, I am on a water diet. Like I drink 2 glasses of water before and after I eat to make me feel full, I cut my rice to half a cup and it is very effective. Also, belly dancing is an enjoyable way of loosing weight because you can do it with your child watching you, thanks!
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Re: How to lose weight Posted 30 July 2010
Do some physical activity like walking and arabics.First of all you cam eat a diet food with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. People are do their diet for improve their health or lose their weight.These are normally used to stomach fat to maintain a proper fat your weight.Maintain a proper diet and your weight. Do some physical activity like walking and arabics.Eat a diet food with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
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Re: How to lose weight Posted 18 August 2010
hello ....there are many ways to lose weight. One is medication by going through a tablet course. Second one is through strict diet.
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Re: Overweight Posted 18 August 2010
obesity leads to the major problems in life like it gives trouble everywhere and gives more restriction on many activities

-- 20 August 2010 --

the monster named Obesity is commonly occuring in an average one memer in a family and this is the time to think over this problem otherwist the upcoming generation will face very difficulties in future which will lead to the dangerous problems like DIABETES which not only affect the person but also his next generations because it sticks to your jeans(DNA) and transmitted to next generations.

-- 23 August 2010 --

There are several ways to reduce weight and stay in shape like diet planning, weight training in gyms, brisk walking, running, jogging.
Some people also go for painful surgeries like liposuction or eat a fat burning tablet which sometime leads to side effects.
But why to do such difficulties when there is simple and cheap solution with less effort.
Cycling is the perfect solution for weight and fat reduction. The routine practice is associated with tremendous benefit for health.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 9

Re: Overweight Posted 26 August 2010
Exercise is the bodily activity that help to increase the strength and physical fitness.Exercise keeps our body relaxed and give you strength to do work and kept away from obesity.And it also helps in our Sexual Life.Exercise boost the immune system and prevent from the diseases like Diabetes,muscular disease,heart disease,etc.Try to it light food it can help a lot and avoid junk food.
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REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 31 August 2010
Hi!! HEY now don't worry about weight loss, Thomas Perraz here with some ultimate tips that will help you in reducing your weight naturally:

Do you want to be stay fit like any celebrity then what do you do:
Can you work out every day?
Can you afford luxury of housekeepers, cooks, nannies and personal nutrition and trainer?

If your answer is Big NO! then I have some simple tricks to burn your calories.

Cold water

Drinking plenty of cold water burns around 9.25 calories more than drinking water that is room temperature. Drinking plenty of water has proven that drinking water enhances weight loss in overweight personnel Also it is medically proven that the higher the consumption of water, the lower the amount of fat deposited or stored in the body. Have a daily consumption of 3to 4 liters of water. Drink more water and burn more fat.

To be continued...................

-- 01 September 2010 --


Take Walk:
When you are walking instead of pushing your toddler in the jogger stroller at the same pace, mix it up. First run fast and then run slow it down. The variation in speed will keep your toddler entertained, and your metabolism will stay longer throughout the day which will be cutting of your fats.

Take protein diet:
Your body needs more calories to metabolize protein than carbohydrates. A protein rich diet will be a thermic effect in body that is up to 30 percent of the total calories consumed. If you have a diet that contains 600 calories of protein, then you must be burning approximately 180 calories just by eating protein.

To be continued..................

-- 02 September 2010 --


Have spicy food:
The study experiment has proven there is an increase of in metabolic rates by as much as 25 percent after having 1-teaspoon red-chili powder in meal. Spicy foods also cause you to drink more water and it helps in weight loss. Drinking moderate amounts of coffee may also increase the rate at which you burn calories by up to 10 percent but do not to fill your coffee with cream, sugar and other syrups otherwise it will be increasing weight!
More fidget:
Fidgeting more is helps in burning more calories, people who are more active is more fit. An obese person sits, on average, 150 minutes more each day , obese people burn 350 fewer calories a day than do lean people. Fidgeting significantly increases your body metabolism rate. Try to be standing instead of sitting, Try bounce on your heels and regularly shift positions while sitting. Always move around more and burn fats away.

To be continued...................

-- 06 September 2010 --

And the last n best tip is:

Chewing gum:
Chewing gum can help in burning 11 more calories per hour. But aware of some artificial sweeteners and chew gum sweetened with xylitol or maltitol, otherwise look for naturally sweetened gum at a health food store. If you chew gum all day without changing your food or fitness habits, you can lose 10 pounds of body fat in one year.

to be continued..................

-- 09 September 2010 --

Smaller and nutritious meals in a day:
A healthy life doesn’t mean that one should have healthy food only during lunch and dinner. Preferably 6 small meals a day not only reduces the urge to eat out, but also keeps you active and healthy mentally and physically. Try out baked food items, steamed food, vegetable soups and juices for a healthy and obese free life.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 9

Re: How to lose weight Posted 01 September 2010
Exercise is the best way to reduce the weight.Exercise boost the immune system and prevent from the diseases like Diabetes,muscular disease,heart disease,etc.
Paris Forums Starter
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Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 09 September 2010
Nice information!
I am going to read your post everyday.
Good work :lol:
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 11

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 09 September 2010
Running is the best way to loose weight. Also by making good habit of healthy eating works great.
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Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 13 September 2010
Thanx Buddy, Did u really find my tips useful??
then let me know and ask any query if you had.

-- 14 September 2010 --

Now i am going to post some exercise programs that can help you lot in body fitness.
so wait i'll be posting soon................

-- 23 September 2010 --
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Posts: 9

Re: How to lose weight Posted 17 September 2010
Exercise - Exercising regularly is one of the easiest methods mentioned so far. Don't push yourself too hard though. Start off slowly (walking 20 minutes per day) then slowly increase the amount of exercise you do as you become more fit.

Diet - Going on a crash diet won't help you much in the long run, but a good diet definitely will. Research the various weight loss diets available online and once you find one that you like just stick to it.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 27 September 2010
If you're trying to lose weight you might be in need of some weight management tips to help you reach your goals. There probably isn't one of us that at one time or another hasn't thought to him or herself that "I need to lose some weight." Being overweight is a problem of global proportions, worldwide there are approximately 750 million people that are overweight. In the U.S. alone 2/3 of the population is overweight. Obesity is responsible for 325,000 deaths a year, in Europe 48 percent of the population is considered to be overweight. Being overweight contributes to developing diabetes, high blood pressure, numerous types of cancer and on and on. These are surely sobering statistics. But we need not find ourselves in this demographic. We can incorporate some weight management tips to but us on a path to long term and sustained good health.

One pound of fat is the equivalent of 3500 calories, a calorie is merely a way to measure a unit of energy, or heat. In order for us to lose one pound we have to find a way to burn up 3500 calories more than we consume. This is not something that can usually be done over night, but over time with sustained effort. And the best way to do it is with a combination of reduced caloric intake and increased physical activity. You can start by taking note of what you eat on a daily basis, keep a journal and write down everything that you eat during the course of a day. We want to see if we can reduce what we eat by say 500 calories per day. If you can cut 500 calories per day from your diet you will put yourself on a track to losing one pound a week. This is a reasonable and advisable way to approach weight reduction, weight loss achieved over a prolonged period of time is more likely to be permanent weight loss.

You can make some subtle changes to your diet that will allow you to reap rich reward for your waistline and your overall health. Eat protein which includes lean cuts of meat, chicken and fish, egg whites and nuts, and low-fat yogurt. Eat more fruit and vegetables make these the largest portions of your meal they'll help fill you with the good leaving less room for the bad. Drink plenty of the planets quintessential beverage water. Get yourself moving,get on a tread mill or a stationary cycle. Plan on working out five days a week for at least 30 minutes a day. And find yourself a good weight loss program that offers support and nutritional information and guidance. These weight management tips should have you on your way to reaching your weight loss objective.
Dyson Miles
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Re: Products which burn calories Posted 05 October 2010
Nice and informative post. I think fruits and vegetables are always good for the health. They also helps in losing weight.
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Posts: 11

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 05 October 2010
Me I'm just exercise and eat a balance diet... That's all for me, for my weigh loss program...
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Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 07 October 2010
Drinking alcohol can increase your weight. Alcohol is basically carbohydrates and which causes to gain weight easily and rapidly. Many people drink alcohol daily. When we eat or drink high caloric beverages before we sleep our body won't burn these calories it get store in our fat storages which increases body fats as increase alcohol consumption.

Also the more you are drinking alcohol, the more calories you taking in and the more weight you are gaining.
If you can’t leave alcohol, it can be understand because most people can’t; but you can limit your consumption. Instead of drinking 10 pegs limit them to 2. It is tough especially when you are with friends or out at a bar/club. But, the more drinks you have the more intoxicated you will get which give you less and less control over your inhibitions.
So avoid drinking before go to sleep. Stop eating or drinking 2-3 hours before you go to bed.
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Posts: 9

Re: Products which burn calories Posted 12 October 2010
Don't use any artificial products for weight reduction.

Always follow natural ways of weight reduction, that never gives any side effects and burns the fats naturally!!

-- 18 October 2010 --

how much did you lost this week???
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Posts: 9

Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 15 October 2010
Hi All;

I have been on Jenny Craig for a little under 2 months and I have lost 13 pounds. The program has become too expensive for me to afford, but I would still like to lose 10 more pounds. Summer is quickly approaching and I would like to lose it as quickly as possible. I need some good dieting tips, i have heard the special K diet works?

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Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 06 November 2010
tks for your share 8)
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Any health or beauty tips you know about weightloss, looks, Posted 10 November 2010
Hi All;

I want to try and be heathlier and feel better about myself because at the moment I have really low self esteem and I want to know any health tips you guys can give me.
- How to lose weight safely
- How to brush your hair or teeth properly
- How to apply makeup
- A good cleanser that won't harm your skin.

Basically just anything you know about being healthy or anything you can think of.

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Re: Any health or beauty tips you know about weightloss, loo Posted 23 November 2010
Exercise is very important for healthy weight loss.combination of proper food and exercise is improve muscles growth.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Products which burn calories Posted 29 November 2010
milk,whole grain cereal,oats,capsicum,spicy food,green tea,black coffee these are the calories burning foods.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Products which burn calories Posted 09 December 2010
There is no food that burns calories. Pure myth.

The best approach is always the same: lots of fruits and veggies, some protein, avoid sugar and salt, minimize fat.

Brett Tonaille
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Re: Products which burn calories Posted 02 January 2011
are the products good for pregnant woman? are they not harmful to the baby? let me know. thanks
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Re: Products which burn calories Posted 20 January 2011
Green Tea!
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Re: Any health or beauty tips you know about weightloss, loo Posted 20 January 2011
Mediterranean diet. Then follow a proper exercise habit
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Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 20 January 2011
Great. That's really one good information. Losing weight is never easy if you don't control yourself
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Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 20 January 2011
That's good to hear. There are actually no shortcuts in losing weight. You might wanna try mediterranean diet. It's a healthy diet which is lots of fibre and antioxidants
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Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 01 February 2011
Hey nice tips.Very helpful to us.I think regular 1 hour exercise like swimming, running are also a best natural way to reduced weight.
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Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 05 February 2011
That's very useful info.
I try to follow this :lol: .
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Re: Products which burn calories Posted 26 February 2011
Poor maintenance of appliances that burn carbon-containing fuel. Inadequate removal by blocked or partially blocked chimneys and flues allows levels to rise to dangerously high levels. These problems are not limited to poor housing and student accommodation, but as you are not directly responsible for the state of your chimneys and flues you should be extra vigilant.
Oscar Peter
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Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 26 February 2011
# Reduce the overall amount of fat, particularly that derived from animal sources.
# Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables that you eat every day.
# Increase the amount of complex carbohydrates, such as pasta and potatoes. Eat wholemeal bread rather than white or brown bread. Wholemeal cereals such as Weetabix, Shredded Wheat, Puffed Wheat or muesli are a very good start to the day. Breakfast is an important meal as it improves your levels of energy and cognitive functioning in the morning. People who go without have been shown to work less efficiently.

learn from other website. :lol:
Oscar Peter
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Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 10 March 2011
thanks for this information , i ll try it
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Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 23 March 2011
Follow this link, will help you.http:www.wikihow.com/Lose-Weight-Fast
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Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 24 March 2011
Very informative thread you made. Good and keep sharing such information!
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Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 24 March 2011
i think we must understand our body and eat food accordingly so we never find over weight.
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Posts: 157

Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 01 April 2011
Every year thousand of people dye due to alcohol and this ratio is increasing day by day. Very serious Issue!
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Posts: 157

Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 01 April 2011
Dear Parisforums readers,

I would like to add something i think is important.

If you pay attention to the issue, living in paris, the temptation to drink is great, bars everywhere and multiple nightclubs.

You have to look closer to the way you drink.

Paris' nightlife can be tricky, you go out with your friends to party. You get into this party mood when you forgetting everything, you relax and just enjoy. In this situation you will have a lot of opportunities to drink, and also to sniff coke ( let's be honest ).

The trick is, you don't have to fall in this trap. Keep your mind clear in every occasion, that helps you make better decisions. That doesn't mean you will not enjoy parisian nightlife, but you will enjoy it in a more responsible way.

Stay sober.

PS: if you're decided to drink anyway, prefer champagne. The smell of champagne will give a positive reaction if you talk to strangers, whereas the smell of beer will be a complete turn-off and give a negative image of you. Drink smart.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 04 April 2011
I'm assuming You guys have problem with alcohol.... And overweight.

Though It's a Nice post sounding like a medical expertise.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 09 April 2011
Running is the best exercises because it helps you burn the calories.
Just in 30 minutes a person can easily burn 300 calories.
Walking, Sprinting and adding hills or an incline can burn 180 calories in 30 minutes.
Bicycling and Swimming of 30 minutes can burn 400 to 500 calories.
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Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 09 April 2011
No doubt carbohydrates are responsible for the weight gain, regular drinker
gain weight rapidly. so make a workout routine to burn the extra calories.
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Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 09 April 2011
Make a workout routine to burn the calories.
Try to follow your plan regularly, avoid all the fast foods.
Take raw vegetables as a junk foods.
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Green tea for weight loss Posted 09 April 2011
Green tea helps in burn fat and boosts metabolism. The recent study reported that
3 – 5 cups of green tea per day can help you burn more than 70 calories per day,
which amounts to 7 pounds per year.
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Re: Products which burn calories Posted 09 April 2011
I have all these products for the calories burn but no result.
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Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 15 April 2011
Hi Stanley,
I agree that green tea is great for losing weight and boosts metabolism but 5 cups in a day will be too much.
I daily took 2 cups of green tea. 1 early in the morning and 2 after dinner.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Products which burn calories Posted 15 April 2011
Hi All,
Want to share food which will be helpful in burning calories:
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Hi berryk,
Break your meal in 6 small meals,
Drink 1.5 gallons of water daily,
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables,
Avoid soda and packed juices and drink fresh juices,
Chew food well before swallowing,
Start exercise for quick results.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 15 April 2011
Hi thomasperraz,
Thanks for bringing awareness of bad effects of alcohol with everyone.
Daily drinkers should avoid alcohol and make some exercise plan to reduce their extra weight.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 15 April 2011
Hi tulaka,
Great idea of starting a threat on ways to lose weight and I found many effective replies also.
Well here is my contribution.
Break your meal in 6 small meals,
Drink 1.5 gallons of water daily,
Eat raw food and avoid junk food,
Drink fresh juice and avoid packed juice,
Sleep 7/8 hours,
Exercise is must to lose weight so adopt any sport or do involve in any physical activity.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Any health or beauty tips you know about weightloss, looks, Posted 15 April 2011
To lose weight safely you should follow proper diet plan and exercise.
Use big brush for hair, start from lower side and take tangles out first.
Use soft braises tooth brush for your teeth and apply on every side and every corner in your mouth. Even on tongue.
Always apply makeup which suits you and according to fashion.
Before buying cleanser keep in mind your skin allergies.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Any health or beauty tips you know about weightloss, looks, Posted 15 April 2011
Absolutely good healthy tips and all the tips are helpful in beauty. Each and every important step has been discussed with detail and depth and it is a nice post.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 15 April 2011
Yes and also bring punctuality in your routine and carry on with this routine and don't show any negligence in any matter of your health. And the advices are really great and helpful and thanks for this post cherlie.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 15 April 2011
Yes it increases weight and the better option to avoid drinking is to start exercise and exercise can help you and your weight can be lost in this way.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 15 April 2011
good work dude. I really like your post. you have provided me such a wonderful and precious information. Thanks.
In my opinion , we can reduce our weight naturally by doing different exercises . We should do walk daily , We should drink water more then 10 times in a day , we should drink green tea daily. these are all natural ways to reduce weight.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Yes eat two times in a day.
Breakfast before 9:am, eat cornflakes or bread with butter and jam and a cup of tea/coffee/milk
Lunch at 2:00pm, eat Only a sandwich and take fresh juice of apple or any citrus flavor
Dinner should be awesome and eat whatever you want but its better to eat boiled rice or brown rice with salad and you may also eat wheat bread.
I think it is a good diet and will help you also.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 15 April 2011
Yes i agree. Green tea is good thing for fat burning. it can easily burn our fat and can reduce our weight. I also prefer to take green tea . it gives much help in reducing weight.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Products which burn calories Posted 15 April 2011
Yes i agree with you all. vegetables and fruits have a lot of energy and vitamins that are helpful in burning fat and we can easily reduce our weight so we should eat vegetables and fruits.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Products which burn calories Posted 15 April 2011
But it doesn't mean that we become fully vegeterian. We should also eat chicken, meat and beef to maintain the health. Because human body needs multi foods and meat is full of protein. I like vegetables but i also like to eat items of chicken and meat.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 15 April 2011
Green tea plays important role in loosing weight and i take it usually in breakfast and it really burns fat and it has no substitute. It really workouts in reducing fats and calories.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 15 April 2011
Yes i agree with you joerk6 because water is very important for us and we don;t drink even 8 glasses of water in a day. Although it is very good for health. But we don't give it importance. It is the best way to reduce weight naturally. Thanks for all for good posts.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 15 April 2011
You can join a gym for exercise but if you don't want to go then you can do diet at home.
Don't eat too much . Eat only 2 times in a day.
Use bread , egg , sandwich , butter , tea or coffee in a breakfast.
Eat some normal food like vegetables or any other meal at launch
Drink fresh juices in the evening
never eat too much before sleeping. these are simplest form of dieting. you can use these diet tools for your health. i hope it will work.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 01 May 2011
No sensible diet plan would ever suggest "giving up food" even for a second. You may have to give up certain foods if they're triggering and you can't stop yourself at just one serving, and you should never touch anything that contains trans fat, but those are the only two times you'd have to give up any food.
A proper diet plan is filled with complex carbs, lean protein, healthy fats and all the fruit and vegetables you can eat. For you, I'd recommend 2000-2500 calories a day for weight loss, and 2500-3000 for maintaining your weight.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29

Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 12 May 2011
Green tea is helpful for weight loss, it help us a lot to burn our fat..
By use 1 cup of tea, we can burn 300 calories which is best to reduce the weight..
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 12 May 2011
phentermine is the best supplements to reduce the weight so you can use ti without hesitation and without any side effect..
Just try it to get the good results

-- 14 May 2011 --

Any comment..

-- 14 May 2011 --

any comment..
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 12 May 2011
Exercise like running and skipping...
We can use these exercise to reduce the naturally without any side effect..
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 24 May 2011
I have a question.
I have read that there is a test called "food tolerance test" that tells you all the food you cannot eat, has anyone heard of that?
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 27 June 2011
Hey thanks for sharing such useful post.It is really helpful for me.
You have given really nice tips to lose wight naturally.
I am surely going to apply this tips.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 28 June 2011
It is true that using green tea really helps to lose weight. I tried it and really got good result in very short span of time. :D
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 28 June 2011
jenniferd wrote:It is true that using green tea really helps to lose weight. I tried it and really got good result in very short span of time. :D

green tea definitely does
Paris forums Member
Posts: 138

Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 12 July 2011
Yes it does help weight loss and the reason for that is the fact that It contains a substance called catechins, which increases the rate of your metabolism and suppresses appetite. That's why its often used in weight loss supplements. You would actually be surprised by the ingredients they use. Just to name a few-
beetroot, chitosan, white willow and others.

-- 12 July 2011 --

if someone wants to read more about those ingredients just send me a message cause I can't post any links yet :)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 12 July 2011
nice, I didn't know about the chewing gum :D good info
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 12 July 2011
yes I've heard of the food tolerance test and it seems to be very beneficial. Just ask your doctor about it, maybe he can direct you to somebody.

I don't think starving your self for a day will be any good. Yes maybe you will lose some weight, but depriving your body of the vitamins and nutrients it needs is just unhealthy. You should just cut on the junk food. Avoid ice cream, potato chips, fries, pop corn, sodas and other unhealthy stuff. I know that's very hard, especially if you are used to having all of this and you are craving it, but you should think about how good you are going to feel when you get in shape! Also there are ways to suppress your appetite so you can fight those cravings.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 20 July 2011
I might suggest that weight loss be made a second priority to good health and a good attitude about eating. By starving or using a fad diet, you might lose weight temporarily but it will come back most of the time. By learning to avoid "junk food" with high levels of empty calories such as prepared food and fast foods and substituting real food, mostly vegetables, you can avoid having to make crash weight loss a priority. Your body will thank you. Learn a bit about health, nutrition, and weight control without damage and learn to cook. Simple recipes with good nutritious ingredients are readily available. I wish you good luck with your health and with your weight objectives. Be kind to yourself and enjoy eating well.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Ways to lose weight Posted 20 July 2011
Hi tulaka,
Nice idea of starting such threat and great contribution by other members. Some tips from my end:
Drink green tea as it improves your metabolic system,
Prefer raw food over processed food,
Drink 2 glass of water before every meal,
Avoid beverages, soda and diet soda and grab fresh juices,
Take fat free dairy products and skinless chicken,
Chew food well before swallowing,
Do start exercise, sport or any physical activity to keep your body warm and active.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: REDUCE WEIGHT NATURALLY!! Posted 20 July 2011
Hi thomasperraz,
I always thought warm water is helpful in reducing weight and ancient Chinese people drink warm water to improve immune system. Thanks for the correction. May I have the link please, it will authentic your post.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 21 July 2011
Hi All,
Green tea contains concentrations of catechin polyphenols which are effective in burning fat and helps in weight loss. It also boosts your metabolism system. Green tea also release carbohydrates from your body. You may say green tea is packed with health benefits.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 21 July 2011
Hi berryk,
Some effective tips to lose your 10 lbs.
Take raw food more and avoid processed food,
Break your meal in 5 small meals,
Drink 2 glass of water before every meal,
Drink green tea twice in a day,
Prefer fresh juices over beverages, soda and diet soda,
Do start exercise or any sport and be regular.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Can anyone give me some dieting tips? Posted 28 July 2011
Diet is important and there are lot of diet plans now but you should focus only natural food like vegetables and fruits. These are best diet food. Eat three times in a day and don't skip any meal. try to do walk regularly and avoid oily food. Drink lot of water in a day. These are simple but best tips for dieting.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Green tea for weight loss Posted 28 July 2011
Green tea is good for health. it burns extra fat and calories easily. It prevents us from many diseases like cancer. it is good for lower blood pressure problem. Green tea is good for weight lose and makes our skin healthy. I suggest everyone to drink green tea regularly.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 29 July 2011
Hi thomasperraz,
Alcohol is bad for health and have many bad impacts over our health.
It increases the risk of cancer,
It might leads to stroke or heart problems,
It reduces the ability to think or focus.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Alcohol Increases your weight!! Posted 30 July 2011
Well no doubt that alcohol is not good for health. it has lot of side effects and it increases our weight so we should avoid the use of alcohol. Alcohol destroys the life and can causes many diseases.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

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