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How Can I Get Healthy? -Health Tips?

Health Advice Please Posted 07 April 2010
Ok, so I'm very unhealthy. I'm almost 17, 5' 11'', almost 300 lbs, but am very strong. I know I can still make a change for the better and that's why I'm here. I need help making good diet restrictions, exercise recommendations, and vitamin/mineral suggestions. I am always tired, and my lower back hurts. I don't eat too much junk food, and just stopped drinking soda. I work next to a specialty pharmacy that just opened and a farmers market. Anything will be helpful. Thanks
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 30 April 2010
Hello skyler, well im glad to help you out here, my advice as follows;

1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.
2. Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods.
3. Maintain a healthy weight. The weight that's right for you depends on many factors including your sex, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and other illnesses. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you're constantly losing and regaining weight, a registered dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management. Regular exercise is also important to maintaining a healthy weight.
4. Eat moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Refer to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.
5. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal.
6. Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them.
Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. Adults who eat high-fat meats or whole-milk dairy products at every meal are probably eating too much fat. Use the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label to help balance your choices.
Choosing skim or low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat such as flank steak and beef round can reduce fat intake significantly.
If you love fried chicken, however, you don't have to give it up. Just eat it less often. When dining out, share it with a friend, ask for a take-home bag or a smaller portion.
7. Balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.
8. Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Do you add a lot of butter, creamy sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just cut back your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing out on vital nutrients.
9. Make changes gradually. Just as there are no "superfoods" or easy answers to a healthy diet, don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For instance, if you don't like the taste of skim milk, try low-fat. Eventually you may find you like skim, too.
10. Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.

If you can fin time to get a drink after work or you make the efforts not to miss you favourite television programs, then why do you not plan for your daily physical fitness activities? Try some of these tips to make exercising an easier priority:

Find a friend or buddy to exercise with of a similar fitness level than you.
Moving or dancing is great exercise so find the time to move to some music.
Play with your kids, go to the park. You can teach them the values of daily fitness and exercise, get them active and get your dose of exercise in as well.
Find a nice surrounding, a park, nature to exercise.
Have comfortable sport clothing, it will make exercising more comfortable.
Variety is key to ward of boredom, change your exercise routines the part of the body you exercise

And as for the vitamins and minerals i think you should know what you lack so that i can tell you what vitamins and minerals to take.
Flaming Spaz
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 20 May 2010
Flaming Spaz wrote:Hello skyler, well im glad to help you out here, my advice as follows;

1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.
2. Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods.
3. Maintain a healthy weight. The weight that's right for you depends on many factors including your sex, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and other illnesses. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you're constantly losing and regaining weight, a registered dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management. Regular exercise is also important to maintaining a healthy weight.
4. Eat moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Refer to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.
5. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal.
6. Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them.
Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. Adults who eat high-fat meats or whole-milk dairy products at every meal are probably eating too much fat. Use the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label to help balance your choices.
Choosing skim or low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat such as flank steak and beef round can reduce fat intake significantly.
If you love fried chicken, however, you don't have to give it up. Just eat it less often. When dining out, share it with a friend, ask for a take-home bag or a smaller portion.
7. Balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.
8. Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Do you add a lot of butter, creamy sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just cut back your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing out on vital nutrients.
9. Make changes gradually. Just as there are no "superfoods" or easy answers to a healthy diet, don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For instance, if you don't like the taste of skim milk, try low-fat. Eventually you may find you like skim, too.
10. Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.

If you can fin time to get a drink after work or you make the efforts not to miss you favourite television programs, then why do you not plan for your daily physical fitness activities? Try some of these tips to make exercising an easier priority:

Find a friend or buddy to exercise with of a similar fitness level than you.
Moving or dancing is great exercise so find the time to move to some music.
Play with your kids, go to the park. You can teach them the values of daily fitness and exercise, get them active and get your dose of exercise in as well.
Find a nice surrounding, a park, nature to exercise.
Have comfortable sport clothing, it will make exercising more comfortable.
Variety is key to ward of boredom, change your exercise routines the part of the body you exercise

And as for the vitamins and minerals i think you should know what you lack so that i can tell you what vitamins and minerals to take.

this post is very informative, thank you for sharing. I am still loosing my weight from pregnancy.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 31 July 2010
In my opinion, in particular food and food nutrition for maintaining health and treating diseases. Nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of the mental, physical, metabolic, chemical and hormonal activities.Sumptous food is available in fruits and vegetables. The fruits have the ability to provide all that your body needs.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 27 August 2010
This year, I made it a point to become healthy. I have lost some weight and got rid of some acne.

I really want to be healthy, and make sure that I look healthy.

Can you give me some all over health tips?
Im a teen girl by the way.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 30 August 2010
gaining weight is more easier than loosing it. junk food is the way to gain easy weight. eat burgers and chocolates more often.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 9

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 08 September 2010
Gaining weight is the easier task try to include more calories of food it will help in gaining the weight.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 11

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 17 September 2010
With ever increasing healthcare costs, we all need to aware of every opportunity to save money on our health care expenses. Even saving small amounts can add up over time to big savings. In addition to being healthy as a means of saving money, this article will present some helpful tips to save money on health care. Affordable family health insurance includes watching for ways to save.

Prescription drug costs keep increasing, but there are some things that you can do to help control the cost. If you happen to live near the Canadian border, you may know someone who crosses the border to get their prescriptions filled in Canada. Look into using a mail order pharmacy, as this can reduce your copay and give you a larger number of pills per refill. In many cases, you may be able to use a generic drug instead of a brand name, and this can really save you a lot. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about generic options.

If you just left a job that provided a health insurance benefit, you may be eligible for COBRA coverage. COBRA coverage allows you to maintain your health insurance through your previous employer for up to eighteen months, provided that you pay the employers portion of the premiums. In some cases you may benefit by shopping around for individual coverage or affordable family health insurance that may be cheaper than COBRA.

You may be inclined to believe that you are required to accept the prices that your doctor charges, but this may not be the case. You can negotiate with your doctor to reduce fees for certain procedures and services. Even elective surgery prices can be negotiated, such as laser surgery, botox injections or plastic surgery.
Dyson Miles
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 15

Health tips.......? Posted 23 September 2010
Hi All:

well i'm looking to become more healthy with my life and my habits. I'm not trying to loose weight just be healthy. Any tips.....like water tips or ways to avoid the unhealthy foods? ....also any fun activities or workouts?.....once again i'll remind you i'm not looking to loose weight just become healthy
Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 24 September 2010
One of the health benefits of aloe vera juices is that they help to detoxify the body and cleanse the colon. As parents, you know how children like to eat all kinds of junk food and those are bad for health. Drinking this juice daily helps the body to flush out harmful toxins that comes from junk food. It also has carrisyn that stimulate white blood cell production.

Other health benefits of aloe vera juice are thanks to the methionine, molybdenum, amino acids and serine threonine contained inside. These nutrients help to increase children's metabolism. A better metabolism means more energy is used and less fat is stored. This also helps to keep the fats away from the liver and arteries. A clean colon is also important for your kids' growth and health. Reason being a bad colon system will re-absorb back the toxins it is supposed to dispose, causing your kids to feel weak and easily exposed to sickness.
Dyson Miles
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 15

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 06 October 2010
For your problem on back pain... Try the Yoga... Enroll in the Yoga and tell them about your have a back pain problem... Cause there is a lot of different kind of Yoga for your fitness need... Eat fruits, vegetables, meat, drink plenty of water, fruit juices and milk...
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 06 October 2010
sheray wrote:
Flaming Spaz wrote:Hello skyler, well im glad to help you out here, my advice as follows;

1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.
2. Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods.
3. Maintain a healthy weight. The weight that's right for you depends on many factors including your sex, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and other illnesses. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you're constantly losing and regaining weight, a registered dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management. Regular exercise is also important to maintaining a healthy weight.
4. Eat moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Refer to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.
5. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal.
6. Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them.
Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. Adults who eat high-fat meats or whole-milk dairy products at every meal are probably eating too much fat. Use the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label to help balance your choices.
Choosing skim or low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat such as flank steak and beef round can reduce fat intake significantly.
If you love fried chicken, however, you don't have to give it up. Just eat it less often. When dining out, share it with a friend, ask for a take-home bag or a smaller portion.
7. Balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.
8. Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Do you add a lot of butter, creamy sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just cut back your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing out on vital nutrients.
9. Make changes gradually. Just as there are no "superfoods" or easy answers to a healthy diet, don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For instance, if you don't like the taste of skim milk, try low-fat. Eventually you may find you like skim, too.
10. Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.

If you can fin time to get a drink after work or you make the efforts not to miss you favourite television programs, then why do you not plan for your daily physical fitness activities? Try some of these tips to make exercising an easier priority:

Find a friend or buddy to exercise with of a similar fitness level than you.
Moving or dancing is great exercise so find the time to move to some music.
Play with your kids, go to the park. You can teach them the values of daily fitness and exercise, get them active and get your dose of exercise in as well.
Find a nice surrounding, a park, nature to exercise.
Have comfortable sport clothing, it will make exercising more comfortable.
Variety is key to ward of boredom, change your exercise routines the part of the body you exercise

And as for the vitamins and minerals i think you should know what you lack so that i can tell you what vitamins and minerals to take.

Very nice post thanks for sharing .
Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 06 November 2010
Hi All;

Does anyone know where I can find an informative article or guide about the health benefits of chromium?

My friend suggested I take Chromium as it is good for depression, is there anything else I should know?

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 06 November 2010
tks for your share 8)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 09 November 2010
Drinking 10-12 glass of water is very much helpful for health.and eating healthy food includes carbohydrates,protein,fiber are beneficial to keep body healthy.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 11 November 2010
Hi Larky,

As other forum members said, its very easy to gain weight by consuming junk foods and not doing any hard work but I've a question in my mind. Why everyone here is answering you for weight gain while you asked to become healthy. I think I got your point. :) Its good that you've lost weight and now you want to be healthy. For doing this, all you need is- some control over your diet. Keep this point in mind and consume only oil free and fiber rich foods, drink more water and do some exercise regularly. Thats it. Here you go.

"Going High"
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 22 November 2010
Like what every doctors would tell you - keep yourself healthy and active. This way, you can maintain a healthy condition. This may sound cliche for some of us, but the main secret here is having discipline to oneself.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

What are general health tips? Posted 05 January 2011
Hi All;

what type of diet, how much sleep, how much exercise, etc.

don't tell me it depends on the individual because i'm looking for general tips for everyone

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

What are the best health tips for 2011? Posted 11 January 2011
Hi All;

January is always health kick month and I'm interested in what people recommend! I guess new stuff about important Vitamins, Omega3s, weight loss treatments etc.

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: What are the best health tips for 2011? Posted 13 January 2011
Wake everyone at least 10 minutes earlier than usual to make sure there's plenty of time to eat.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 20 January 2011
Mediterranean diet! well not just that...maybe a diet which consists fibrous foods and antioxidants
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: What are the best health tips for 2011? Posted 20 January 2011
LOL. Eating time does not matter a lot. What matters a lot is what you eat. Try mediterranean diet. It's full of foods containing fibre and antioxidants
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 20 January 2011
Losing weight is as easy as gaining weight. Losing weight? eat a healthy diet...Want to gain weight? eat a healthy diet.. Both are the same. The difference is the food intake.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Health tips for a busy performer? Posted 02 February 2011
Hi All;

I'm singer and I'm ways going from show to show and performance to performance and once I get sick I can' seem to get better and it definitely gets in the way. Any tips on how to stay healthy all year long? Especially regarding constantly losing my voice..

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: Health tips for a busy performer? Posted 05 February 2011
Well I don't know your schedule dear, to be fit always rest and sleep is must. As you busy all the time so difficult for you to manage you proper food routine, but try to take your BF, Lunch and Dnr on the time and you'll experience that after the period of time you are fit and fine. raverboy
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

What are your top health tips to feel great? Posted 23 February 2011
Hi All;

What foods give you high energy? What healthy choices do *you* make in order to feel healthy and well?

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 24 February 2011
Using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs such as naprox, aspirin, and ibuprofen) cause ulcers. If prevention of stomach ulcers in patients using NSAIDs use Misoprostol medication. By lowering the amount of stomach acid, Misoprostol protects your stomach lining and helps decrease ulcer. Eat healthy!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 26 February 2011
There’s no better way to make new friends than to offer them food. If you can get everyone invited to throw in a few quid, (or bribe them to wash up), it’s cheap and fun and you get the satisfaction of knowing that you and your pals eat well at least once in the term.

Don’t be daunted by cooking for lots of people, start small, and cooking for four is as easy as cooking for one. Cooking a vegetarian meal is always a safe bet. It’s cheaper, and the likelihood is that at least one person present will be veggie - so you avoid the risk of panicking over a cheese omelette while your lovingly prepared steak and kidney pudding meets its maker. Better still, ask all of your guests beforehand, as food allergies are becoming increasingly common, and you may need to give your menu a little more attention.

Choose a dish that you like to eat and therefore can enjoy cooking and eating. If you have a “signature dish”, then cook that, but try tweaking it, or spicing it up a bit e.g. if your good at basic lasagne, then perhaps you could try with different ingredients, goat’s cheese with pesto and spinach or chicken and broccoli.

Shopping for ingredients is an integral part of meal preparation and by shopping around you can get better ingredients at cheaper prices. Take some time over shopping. Supermarket wars mean that there are often good two for one or half price offers on. Most supermarkets also reduce stock that is close to its sell by date - look out for these items and incorporate them in your menu plan, be flexible and you’ll save yourself cash.

-- Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:35 am --

you can know mreo here. I get the infor from studenthealth.co.uk. lol
Oscar Peter
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29
Location: Bermingham

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 26 February 2011
Physical activity is essential to prevent weight gain and to achieve weight loss. Ideally you should aim for at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise at least 3 times per week. If you hate gyms and courts, brisk walking for half an hour every day will help. Even 10minutes is better than nothing.
Oscar Peter
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29
Location: Bermingham

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 08 March 2011
Exercise schedule and diet plan or your daily routine is best tips
for the health, both of these ate the basic of he healthy life.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31
Location: USA

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 19 March 2011
Include protein, carbohydrate and fat in you diet. raverboy
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 23 March 2011
Generally 7-8 hrs sleep is consider as healthy sleep for human.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 23 March 2011
Flaming Spaz wrote:Hello skyler, well im glad to help you out here, my advice as follows;

Your post is useful thanks for sharing.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 24 March 2011
Just type best article directories in Google SE and find lots of result.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 28 March 2011
Hello friends!
Very bulk discussion is going here, but I like those information.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 08 April 2011
If you feel hungry do not just take some food and eat it, you can control by drink some mineral water
also you can consume some herbal for your healthy or diet :)
Paris Forums Visitor
User avatar
Posts: 24

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 09 April 2011
No doubt all the tips are best for the health and according to the
nature of the body. Thanks buddy for sharing wonderful information
on the topic of the health.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31
Location: USA

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 09 April 2011
These health benefits are no doubt best. No one can argue on these
health benefits, because all are perfect. This article i s
also source of the motivation for the healthy life.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31
Location: USA

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 09 April 2011
General health tips are;
lot of water in day time, fresh fruits and juices.
Include raw vegetables in your diet plan and try to exercise daily.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31
Location: USA

Re: Health tips for a busy performer? Posted 09 April 2011
These tips are quite effected.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31
Location: USA

Re: Health tips for a busy performer? Posted 15 April 2011
Hi berryk,
As you are related to media so you should keep yourself fit.
Do eat healthy diet food and drink lots of water. 1.5 gallon of water in a day is recommended.
Avoid soda, tin and canned juices as they have chemicals in them and grab fresh juices.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Hi berryk,
It depends upon your health and physique. But I will share few tips which will be effective for everyone.
Increase of fresh fruits and vegetables
8/10 glass of water daily
Use of fresh juices rather than soda and tin juices
skinless chicken and fat free dairy products
8 hours of sleep will be considered healthy
It depends upon your health. If you have no major illness you can do any exercise.
walking, running, jogging and swimming are best exercise for cardio.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 15 April 2011
Hi berryk,
Few health benefits of chromium:
Decrease blood sugar,
Decrease bad cholesterol circulation in blood,
Decrease body fats,
Increase muscle mass,
Increase good cholesterol circulation in blood,
Decrease the rate of heart attack and stroke.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 15 April 2011
Hi Skyler45,
Nice to know you make a "U" turn and decided to lose weight.
You have already given many useful tips and I hope you have started losing weight by following these tips. Few from my end:
Break your meals in 6 small meals as it will be easy for you to digest them,
As you already avoid soda so drink 8/10 glass of water daily,
Do use watermelon and grapefruits. They are also great source of water,
Start some sport or do start any physical activity.
Make small goals. After hitting your goals do make higher goals. It will motivate you.
Keep updating us with your achievements.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 15 April 2011
Thanks Cherlie
For wonderful information on health topic.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31
Location: USA

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Hi larky458,
The best advice I have for you is to join health gym.
Besides exercise you will be given proper diet plan which will helps you in gaining muscles and weight.
Do try protein shakes. They are good for health and will be helpful in gaining weight.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: What are your top health tips to feel great? Posted 15 April 2011
Food which gives you high energy:
As for feeling healthy and well I exercise daily in routine.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: What are the best health tips for 2011? Posted 15 April 2011
Hi All,
I have planned to reduce 20 lbs in next 3 months. I have make the schedule also.
Anyone wants to join me can PM me.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: What are the best health tips for 2011? Posted 15 April 2011
Well that's great and best of luck and hope you can reduce it with in given time and best of luck and it is a great effort.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: What are your top health tips to feel great? Posted 15 April 2011
All are great and good food and also fit and healthy diet that maintains good fitness. And balance diet always make good difference in health.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Yes and exercise is not the only thing to do we need to get proper diet and proper diet schedule that suits us. And every thing is important for fitness either it is your diet and exercise. And take proper guideline.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 15 April 2011
Thanks cherle for some informative advices and i am 100% satisfied with your advice and it really satisfied me and specially fresh juices are very informative one. They are the source of water and also fulfill your body requirement. Thanks for this post man.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 15 April 2011
Well the information is quite fresh and new and also very helpful for loosing weight. And it is a safe guideline to follow and also good tips. Thanks cherlie for this post.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 15 April 2011
The general health tips are.
1. Get up early in the morning
2. Take breakfast at 8:00 am
3. Eat cornflakes in breakfast
4. Drink a glass of milk
5. Go out for a walk and also do some exercise.
6. Try to eat sandwich only in lunch or also a glass of fresh juice not the packed juice.
6. Take maximum vitamins and proteins in your diet.
7. Avoid junk food
8. Drink protein shakes
9. And don't sit idle and do busy in any work except sleeping.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Health tips for a busy performer? Posted 15 April 2011
Yes these are really fill of chemicals and i also avoid them because these juices are not
suitable for health and i avoid drinking them. And i prefer fresh fruit juices in spite of canned juices. My favorite fruit juice is strawberry shake, apple and orange juice.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Health tips for a busy performer? Posted 15 April 2011
You are a singer dear so you should be healthy. You should eat good and healthy foods like vegetables and fruits and should drink juices because it contain lot of energy and vitamins. So try to eat healthy food and drink lot of water. i think you should drink a glass of water 10 times in a day it will make you energetic and active.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 15 April 2011
I think in exercises, you can do walk and running daily. 8 hour sleep is enough and you should eat simple food as a diet like vegetables and fruits.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 15 April 2011
hey cherlie . i really like your post. Thanks. your post have a great information and the information is new for me .it is helpful in reducing weight and fat so we should follow it. Thanks again. Awesome work.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Nice post dear. I like it. I want to ask one question. i want to make my hair healthy but how? I have a hair fall problem and thats why i am so worried. give me some valuable ideas for this problem. i used many shampoos and conditioner but my problem is still there. Help me. reply me soon . Thanks
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 15 April 2011
You should avoid heavy things like pizza and other fast food because these things only can increase fat. You should eat vegetables and fruits because vegetables contain lot of vitamins and power that is helpful in living healthy.Try to do walk daily . With this you can be healthy.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 16 April 2011
Hi berryk,
To lose weight while getting healthy you should have a balanced diet.
Do take use of fresh fruits and vegetables,
Drink 10 glass of water daily,
Do take fat free dairy and skinless chicken,
Avoid soda and packed juices and take fresh juices,
Do start any exercise to stay healthy.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 01 May 2011
Here is what you need to do, if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off. Eat 6 small meals a day about every 4 hours. Here what that will do for you, your metabolism will increase (i.e. Loose weight) and you will have more engry. If you go on a diet and eat less, your metabolism will slow down and store to fat. That is why diets dont work. Only the size of your fist, carbs (examples:baked potato, pasta, oatmeal, beans, corn, melon, apples, fat free yogurt, whole wheat breads)in one and protien (examples:chicken breast, swordfish, shrimp, turkey breast) in the other. You can also eat vegetables and salads with any meal, they dont have none or little fat). 30min cardo exercise every day. Any of these(examples: walking, jogging, swimming,running, biking, ect), Monday cardo, tues upper body (arms: curls, tricep extensions,pull ups, front press)(abdominals: leg pull crunch, leg raises), (chest: bench press, butterfly, pullover)(shoulders: front press, arm pullover, cross county skier machine)(back:seated row, lat pull downs, back extension)(YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IN ONE DAY, mix it up) wed cardo, thurs lower body (legs: leg pull,leg press, squats, lounges) fri cardo, sat upper. Sunday eat anything you want and dont exercising, you do this on sunday so your body doesnt go into starvation mode. YOU NEED TO TAKE SUNDAY OFF. If you stilck with this you will have a great body. also drink aleast 8oz of water daily! Stay away from Mcdonals, Wendys, ect because there is nothing good for you on the menu's even the salads are bad (beaon bits, cheeze, dressing, ect) Good Luck :)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 01 May 2011
how to start eating a healthy diet as i have no clue about how to get the right amount of foods per day.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 01 May 2011
Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium and a good source of magnesium and thiamine. The Brazil nut, in addition, is known as one of the world's most radioactive foods, due to the tree's accumulation of radium from the soil into the nut. It has been estimated that the concentration of radium in the Brazil nut is 1,000 times higher than in other foods.

Brazil nuts are 14% protein, 11% carbohydrates, and 67% fat. The fat breakdown is roughly 25% saturated, 41% monounsaturated, and 34% polyunsaturated. The saturated fat content of Brazil nuts is among the highest of all nuts, surpassing even macadamia nuts. Because of the resulting rich taste, Brazil nuts can often substitute for macadamia nuts or even coconuts in recipes. The high fat content of the nuts results in their not keeping well, and particularly, shelled Brazil nuts soon become rancid.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 24 May 2011
good to know about nuts, how about wallnuts?
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 01 June 2011
Health and fitness has become one of the major problems of daily life Affairs. health and beauty products. Add the same ingredients, honey and lemon of lukewarm water and drink on an empty stomach. Use the same honey and lemon, and massage your face and wash luke warm water fresh and soft skin is yours.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 14 June 2011
For getting healthy you should make up your mind.. you should get a proper diet from a doctor and always follow it with a certain daily exercise..
Paris Forums Starter
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Location: switzerland

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 20 June 2011
thank you !
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 24

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 20 June 2011
thank you !
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 24

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 27 June 2011
Thanks for health its really useful.
Drink lemon juice early in the morning with honey.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1
Location: united states

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 01 July 2011
Thanks for sharing good tips for health. You have shared really nice tips here.
This tips really going to help me a lot. Thanks once again it will help me to stay healthy.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 12 July 2011
proper nutrition is of key importance. Make sure you get enough vitamins, carbs, proteins and healthy fats. Also try eating a lot of veggies or drinking veggie juices. And of course avoid stress and try having a good time- a healthy spirit leads to a healthy body :)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 20 July 2011
For light exercise, try doing a power walk around the block in the morning. Take some water with you, and don't go to fast. Need to dust off your lungs before we do anything strenuous.
When my dad quit, he started going to the gym and power walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes. Then he would do some leg exercises (not sure what, he used the gyms equipment).
Food wise, anything is pretty much okay. Just try not to do anything like barbeque or grill. The smoke may bother you or tempt you to go back. I suggest veggies like bell peppers and fruits like apples and pineapple. Those always make me feel better and give me a little boost. And they always taste good. If you don't like veggies plain, go for a light or fat free ranch. I always like Hidden Valley Ranch.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: How can I get healthy? -Health tips? Posted 20 July 2011
Hi larky458,
Some effective tips to get healthy.
Drink as much water as you can,
Never skip breakfast as it provides you energy through out the day,
Chew you food well before swallowing,
Avoid drinking beverages, soda and diet soda,
Avoid or limit alcohol,
Do cardio exercise for at least 30 minutes,
Do awake and sleep early.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 21 July 2011
Hi berryk,
As you are trying to lose weight and increase health so my advice is to do cardio exercises.
Cardio exercises like walking, jogging, running, swimming and cycling are great to burn fat, reduce and maintain weight and prevent you from many major illness like depression, anxiety, stress, cancer, diabetes etc.
Do drink 2 glass of water before every meal. Drinking green tea is also effective as it improves your immunity system.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 21 July 2011
phipes wrote:good to know about nuts, how about wallnuts?

Hi phipes,
Walnuts are great to reduce stroke and heart disease,
Walnuts prevents from certain types of cancer,
It is great for type 2 diabetes,
Walnuts are great antioxidants.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 21 July 2011
Hi berryk,
What is your age, height and weight and what are your goals?
Raw food diet is great as it maintains your weight, cholesterol level and blood pressure. 8 hours sleep is considered enough sleep to retain health. At least 30 minutes of exercise daily is good to maintain health.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Health tips for a busy performer? Posted 21 July 2011
Hi berryk,
I take home made sandwich, dinner left overs, 1 seasonal fruit and coffee in lunch as eating fast food and junk food is not only expensive but bad for health also. As you are a singer so you should take healthy and balanced diet to avoid any illness and weight gain.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: What are general health tips? Posted 28 July 2011
Well in my opinion proper diet and regular exercise is important for live healthy. For a better health we should sleep at least 8 hours in a day and avoid over eating. We should eat simple food like vegetables and fruits and avoid fast food. We should drink more then 10 glass of water in a day because water is good for health.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: What are the best health tips for 2011? Posted 29 July 2011
Hi berryk,
Eating right and consistent exercise is the best health tip I can share with you.
Eat healthy but strict diet meal and do regular exercise to maintain health.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: What are your top health tips to feel great? Posted 29 July 2011
Hi berryk,
List of some foods rich in energy.
Water and
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 29 July 2011
Hi Skyler45,
Some tips might be helpful for you to reduce weight.
Break your meal in 5/6 small meals,
Do take raw food more in your diet meals,
Drink 3 cups of green tea daily,
Prefer fresh juices over soda, diet soda and beverages,
Do start some sport or exercise to lose weight quickly.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: What are your top health tips to feel great? Posted 30 July 2011
Well i eat fruits and vegetables only. these food are great for energy. I drink fruit juice also. Green tea is also good for energy. In fruits i eat banana grapes and strawberry.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Informative article or guide about the health benefits Posted 30 July 2011
Hey Cherlie thanks dear for sharing such a nice information. These tips are nice for me and important for everyone. No doubt that these tips are healthy. Keep posting.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: What are your top health tips to feel great? Posted 30 July 2011
Well it is a nice tip and all the information is nice and great and keep sharing some more interesting facts like this. All the fruits and vegetables are good for health and i also include these in my food.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Re: Health tips.......? Posted 30 July 2011
Hello everyone. Health is precious and we should are of it. Following are some tips for health.
1. Try to get up early and sleep in time.
2. Do exercise regularly.
3. Eat less but healthy food.
4. Eat fruits and vegetables only.
5. Drink lot of water in a day.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Health Advice Please Posted 30 July 2011
The tips are nice and thanks for sharing this and also it is an awesome and keep sharing some more information on health data and thanks buddy...
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Re: What are the best health tips for 2011? Posted 30 July 2011
Well there are some tips that i want to share here because i am health conscious and every one should be health conscious so i would like to say that
1. Eating balance diet is good for health
2. Walk is very necessary
3. Maximum use of fruits and vegetables
4. Maximum use of juices
5. Breakfast necessary and although you leave lunch that's alright but don't leave breakfast and dinner.
6. Avoid smoking
7. Do some exercises daily like running, jogging and swimming
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Causes of poor health and immune deficiencies Posted 11 August 2011
Hi All,
Some reasons of poor health and immune deficiencies:
Autoimmune diseases,
Poor diet or poor lifestyle,
Free radicals,
High sugar intake,
Immune diseases,
Nutrient deficiencies,
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

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