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Black Dots On My Face.....Help Me

Black dots on my face.....Help me Posted 15 April 2011
hello everyone. i have a problem. There are lot of black dots on my face . I am so upset in these days. kindly tell me whats wrong with me. I checked it to my doctor and he said everything is fine but how can it possible?. Give me some valuable ideas that what should i do for it . Thanks
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Black dots on my face.....Help me Posted 01 May 2011
they are blackheads. Can't possibly be so many moles.

The fastest, and best way to get rid of them is also the most painful.You can do extraction on them. I do it and it works great, with no side effects. You can google it for more info. :D
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29

Re: Black dots on my face.....Help me Posted 21 July 2011
Hi Joerk6,
Did you mean mole with black spots? Would you share some pictures of those black dots, it would be easier for me to prescribe you anything. Are they changing colors? Better consult your doctor as the change of appearance of moles is one of the first signs of skin cancer.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Black dots on my face.....Help me Posted 30 July 2011
Hi joerk. In my opinion you should drink lot of water in a day because water is good for skin problem. Try to avoid the oily and fast food because too much calories and oil cause this problem.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Black dots on my face.....Help me Posted 30 July 2011
Well you need to drink more water and do use good face wash for your skin like clean and clear and do wash your face with cold water.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

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