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Best Food For Health.

Coffee - advantages and disadvantages Posted 11 October 2008
Coffee is our morning friend. But, are we well-informed about its effect?
People who suffer from high blood pressure should avoid drinking it, since it raises the blood pressure. Two-three cups of coffee is not harmful, but don't become coffee-addict.
Exceeded consumption of coffee generates nervousness and sleeplessness. Therefore you rather should avoid coffee in evenings. There are people who sleep better after a cup of coffee, though.
You probably mentioned that coffee lovers normally don't have white teeth. Coffee's substances leave a yellow layer on teeth. Fortunately it doesn't cause gum.
What do you think about coffee?
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Posted 17 October 2008
the humanity hasn't yet found a better way to wake up faster than drinking coffee. If it makes your teeth yellow, just brush them more often and no problems. People who suffer of high tension should simply avoid it.
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Posted 22 October 2008
Avoid giving coffee to your children. Generally, this drink is for adults only. It's like a morning medicine to redress yourself. But, people are becoming dependent, and it's dangerous to make a child get use to this drink.
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Posted 12 November 2008
coffee contains less caffeine than tea. Caffeine is a substance used in the medicine as a stimulative. So, tea has the same properties as coffee does, especially black tea.
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Posted 14 November 2008
DId you know that the types of coffee you like to drink determines your character as a whole.
For example, if you like ground coffee, without sugar, this means you are strongly-minded and decisive person.
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Posted 16 November 2008
I should say coffe contains a lot of useful substances. These are calium, calcium, iron (Fe), magnium etc.
So if your body suffers from shortage of these, then you should drink coffee
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Posted 17 November 2008
If you drink a lot of coffee, then drink it with mixed milk. Milk contains some special substnaces I can't you tell about it.
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Herb/green tea Posted 25 November 2008
Tea is one of the greatest drink ever. In the last years, Europe faced a trend of drinking green/herb tea. It's due to people have realized it's necessary to take care about their health. What do you know about herb tea?
Here are some properties of herb tea?

Blackcurrant tea - has an amazing scent. It's very sharp and saturated. This tea contains lots of C vitamin and is recommended in treating the liver and buds.

Camomile tea - the list of the diseases this tea cures is long enough. It helps freshening the stomach, sleeplessness, nervousness. The basic property is - anti-inflammatory.

Rose tea - contains vitamins B K and C. You help your organism treat bronchitis, flues, stresses.

Magnolia vine tea - helps increasing the man's power. The tea smells similar to the lemon, however the vitamins are different from the lemon's.

Mint - beside the fact it gives cheerfulness to the entire organism, the mint tea lows down the arterial pressure. It stimulates blood circulation. Mint tea can calm you down very easily and is the best answer for sleeplessness.
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Healthy drinks Posted 27 November 2008
If you wanna maintain your health and keep your body in good shape, here are some drinks that are considered to have an advantageous effect on our health:
Milk: Milk has lots of carbohydrates, proteins and very little fat, that's why this product is digesting slowly and you feel well-fed. Milk contains calcium and vitamin D.

Hot chocolate or cacao: will lift your mood and protects you against heart attacks.

Tomato juice
It contains a substance called "Lycopene". In medicine this substance is known as a best substance that prevents cancer.

Orange juice: contains vitamin C, protects against many diseases (such as cataract, cancer). Recommended to drink for a couple that wants to conceive a child.
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Posted 14 February 2009
Orange juice is the best=)))
pumpkin juice is very useful too for those who trying to get in fit.
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Posted 14 February 2009
I love milk without coffee)))
I like the smell of coffe, but I can't stand its taste...
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Posted 31 March 2009
coffee contain a lot of caffeine. Some says it is good for our health if not too much. I love drinking milk with a little drop of coffee but since i have an ulcer i can't take a coffee anymore.
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Re: Coffee - advantages and disadvantages Posted 29 January 2010
Overall just about anything is okay in moderation I would say and a cup of coffee a day certainly isn't going to harm. Anything in excess is not good so enjoy your cup of cofee!
Paris Forums Starter
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Re: Coffee - advantages and disadvantages Posted 12 February 2010
This is indeed an Informative post and surely gives comfort to all those caffeine addicts. Thanks for sharing. Post like this offers great insight & benefit. Thank you!
Paris Forums Starter
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Re: Coffee - advantages and disadvantages Posted 20 February 2010
I am one of those addicts, I guess i have an minimum 6 cofees and 1 red bull a day. i do like to buzz though!
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Re: Herb/green tea Posted 11 April 2010
Mint tea is meant also to be very good for digestion and is very good.

I love my English tea but have started to drink several cups of green tea every day and I definitely more better for it.
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Re: Herb/green tea Posted 30 April 2010
Tea can create a calmer but more alert state of mind. Studies have shown that the amino acid L-theanine found in the tea plant alters the attention networks in the brain and can have demonstrable effects on the brain waves. More simply, tea can help you relax and concentrate more fully on tasks.
Flaming Spaz
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Re: Healthy drinks Posted 06 September 2010
I think orange juice is best.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 11

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 13 September 2010
What are some healthy drinks? I know now to stay away from coke but what are some drinks I need and some drinks I should stay away from? What I mean by need is like what are some drinks that can help me lose weight with exercise, of course?

Dyson Miles
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Re: Herb/green tea Posted 04 October 2010
Thanks for sharing the such a nice information. I heard that green tea is effective for the weight loss. Is it true?
Paris Forums Starter
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Re: Healthy drinks Posted 06 October 2010
Oops... You didn't mention the apple juice...
It is also good for the body who is having a diarrhea...
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Healthy Food? Posted 11 October 2010
Hi All;

I want to eat more healthy food. My family usally eat sandwiches and chips for lunch or steaks for dinner, but I'd like to add more variety with vegetables, pasta and fruit. I'm also trying to diet. Any websites or books would be helpful. Also, Is Nori absolutley needed to make riceballs, or can you make them without it?

Paris forums Member
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Re: Healthy Food? Posted 12 October 2010
take healthy diet.

Include fruits and salads in your regular meal.

Green vegetables, sprouts are the complete food, which contain all nutritious elements needed for body nurition.

thomas perraz
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honey for health by ihsan shanti Posted 20 October 2010
HONEY, a most assimilable carbohydrate compound, is a singularly acceptable, practical and most effective aliment to generate heat, create and replace energy, and furthermore, to form certain tissues. Honey, besides, supplies the organism with substances for the formation of enzymes and other biological ferments to promote oxidation. It has distinct germicidal properties and in this respect greatly differs from milk which is an exceptionally good breeding-ground for bacteria. Honey is a most valuable food, which today is not sufficiently appreciated. Its frequent if not daily use is vitally important.

The universal and natural craving for sweets of some kind proves best that there is a true need for them in the human system. Children, who expend lots of energy, have a real "passion" for sweets. This is really instinct. Proteins will replace and build tissues but it is the function and assignment of carbohydrates to create and replace heat and energy, and to provide what we call Honey, which contains two invert sugars, levulose and dextrose, has many advantages as a food substance. While cane-sugar and starches, as already intimated, must undergo during digestion a process of inversion which changes them into grape and fruit-sugars, in honey this is already accomplished because it has been predigested by the bees, inverted and concentrated. This saves the stomach additional labor. For a healthy human body, which is capable of digesting sugar, the actuality that honey is an already predigested sugar has less importance, but in a case of weak digestion, especially in those who lack invertase and amylase and depend on monosaccarides, it is a different matter and deserves consideration.

The consummation of this predigestive act is accomplished by the enzymes invertase, amylase and catalase, which are produced by the worker bee in such large quantities that they can be found in every part of their bodies. However, there is plenty of it left in honey for our benefit. The remarkable convertive power of these enzymes can be pif oven by a simple experiment. If we add one or two tablespoonful of raw honey to a pint of concentrated solution of sucrose, the mixture will soon be changed into invert sugar. The addition of boiled honey, in which the enzymes have been destroyed, will not accomplish such a change.

The frequent Biblical references to milk and honey demonstrate the importance of these two oldest aliments. Neither, how-ever, is a complet food nor a proper nutriment alone for a long period of time. They are effective only to supplement deficiencies of other food substances.

Milk has many drawbacks. As mentioned, it is an excellent breeding medium for bacteria. The inhabitants of the East quickly sour the milk of cows, goats, sheep, mares and camels and prepare curds and cheese from it, because in warm climates milk cannot be preserved otherwise. Honey, on the other hand, requires little attention and does not deteriorate even in the tropics. Honey has often been given reference over milk. It is not surprising that Van Helmont gave milk the epithet, "brute's food" and suggested bread, boiled in ber and honey, as a substitute. Liebig also recommended a substitute for milk. Honey has many advantages as a staple article of diet to secure optimum nutrition.
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Re: honey for health by ihsan shanti Posted 06 November 2010
tks for your share 8)
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Re: honey for health by ihsan shanti Posted 11 November 2010
Honey is a good source of vitamin B1,B2,C,B6,B5 and antioxidants.
Honey contain strong germ fighting property.
Benefits of honey:
It control calorie level
Easily digested
It diffuses though the blood
It support blood formation
It prevents alleges
It is very effective treatment for ulcers
Good skin lightener
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 13 November 2010
Hi All;

Like if I take a spoon full of honey followed by a glass of milk every night.

What are the health benefits of this?

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 13 November 2010
honey is a good source of vitamin B1,B2,C,B6,B5 and antioxidants.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: honey for health by ihsan shanti Posted 02 December 2010
If you like honey, you should go to rue de Levis in 17è arrondissement, there's a really nice honey store (metro Villiers).
Paris on Demand
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Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 20 January 2011
Honey is a good source of antioxidants. You might want to add some fruits too.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Healthy Food? Posted 20 January 2011
Fruits and raw vegetables for snacks. If you don't like the taste of vegetables you can stack them in pastas or stews and even soups
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Healthy eating Posted 26 February 2011
Britain has one of the highest incidences of heart disease in Europe. This is principally due to our diet. If you want to protect your heart and reduce the risk of other illnesses, some fairly simple changes to your diet could be of significant benefit.

Healthy eating means different things to different people, but the basic principles are simple.

* Reduce the overall amount of fat, particularly that derived from animal sources.
* Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables that you eat every day.
* Increase the amount of complex carbohydrates, such as pasta and potatoes. Eat wholemeal bread rather than white or brown bread. Wholemeal cereals such as Weetabix, Shredded Wheat, Puffed Wheat or muesli are a very good start to the day. Breakfast is an important meal as it improves your levels of energy and cognitive functioning in the morning. People who go without have been shown to work less efficiently.
* Rely more on chicken and fish as sources of protein because these meats are lower in fat. Interestingly, if you increase the amount of oily fish that you eat, you will be helping your heart even more as the oils contained in fish such as mackerel, herring and salmon have been shown to reduce the incidence of heart disease.
* Limit the amount of dairy produce, particularly eggs and cheese as these foods are high in cholesterol. Use semi-skimmed or skimmed rather than full cream milk. Skimmed milk has a higher percentage of calcium.
* Try to consume 5 different portions of fruit and vegetables every day (not including potatoes). You can include fresh fruit drinks as a portion and frozen vegetables are acceptable if you can’t manage to get fresh vegetables every day.

Vegetarians often assume that their diet is healthy because they are vegetarian, but in fact some can rely too heavily on dairy produce. It is important to eat a variety of pulses as a source of protein; remember that nuts are also very high in fat.

Really easy healthy foods, which are cheap and simple are jacket potatoes with coleslaw, baked beans or prawns. Wholemeal pasta with a tomato or vegetable sauce (tomatoes are currently thought to be extremely good for you). Stir fry chicken with vegetables and noodles. Wholemeal bread sandwiches with a low-fat filling, like cottage cheese or tuna with salad.

Handy healthy snacks can be obtained from dried fruits, apricots in particular.

Remember to drink plenty and try to include some water instead of relying too heavily on caffeine containing drinks. Fizzy drinks are awful for your teeth unless confined to mealtimes! Keep your alcohol intake to sensible limits and try not to smoke!

If by any chance you are thinking of having a baby, take some folic acid, available from chemists and give up alcohol and cigarettes.
Hope those inf are useful.
Oscar Peter
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Re: Healthy Food? Posted 08 March 2011
In my opinion raw vegetables and the fruits are the healthy food.
it can help in healthy life and for the fitness.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Healthy Food? Posted 11 March 2011
Healthy food is the one in which you get all the required nutrition that a body need. It should have less fat and then balance proportion of required minerals, protein and carbo hydrates.
Paris Forums Starter
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Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 18 March 2011
Honey give immunity to the body and milk give protein.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Healthy eating Posted 18 March 2011
I like this information, this is useful for me!
Paris forums Member
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Re: Healthy eating Posted 18 March 2011
Quite wonderful information about the healthy eating and very useful
for the health. these suggestion must follow for the healthy life.
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Re: Healthy eating Posted 23 March 2011
Thanks for all of you love it. I will keeep sharng more. :D
Oscar Peter
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Re: Healthy Food? Posted 23 March 2011
Website will definitely help you but you should know one thing that fruits and vegetables play very vital roll in human diet.
Paris forums Member
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Re: Healthy drinks Posted 24 March 2011
Thanks for the information!
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 02 April 2011
Yes,It is good for your health.But I would like to suggest that drinking honey and milk togetehtr daily in the morning is more beneficial to health.
Both honey and milk have antimicrobial and cleansing property which helps to glowing the skin. Drinking honey and milk daily in the morning is improve stamina and strength of the body.Honey and milk also cure constipation, and respiratory disorders.
Paris Forums Starter
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Location: New York

Coffee Posted 08 April 2011

i would like to know if coffee is good for my health.
Paris Forums Frequenter
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Re: Coffee Posted 09 April 2011
I think coffee is good for the health, because it help you in remain
active all the day. so I recommend you to take coffee.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 09 April 2011
Milk and honey is the best thing for the health. this combination
provide the energy for the workout. Milk is the source of the
protein and honey help in reduce fat.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Healthy drinks Posted 09 April 2011
All the fresh juices are the healthy drinks for healthy life. these juices
have lot of the vitamins and nutritions for the healthy life.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Healthy Food? Posted 09 April 2011
These suggestion if the healthy foods are best that we can take for
healthy life. we must include these foods in our diet.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Healthy eating Posted 09 April 2011
Healthy eating have much effect on our health, in my opinion it is more
important tan any other thing and this thread provide all the necessary
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Healthy eating Posted 15 April 2011
Hi Oscar Peter,
Thanks for sharing the informative article with everyone.
I hope other countries will also follow these tips to raise their health standards and to reduce their illness.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Healthy Food? Posted 15 April 2011
Hi berryk,
If you are trying to lose weight then pasts is not the right diet for you.
You can find tons of sites on internet, just Google them.
Besides fresh fruits and vegetables, do add fish, poultry and dairy items in your diet plan.
For best and quick results do start exercise with your diet.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 15 April 2011
Hi All,
I found grapefruit and water melon best if you want to lose weight.
They are best source of water. Drinking 1 glass of grapefruit early morning and water melon in evening will be best.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 15 April 2011
Honey and milk posses antimicrobial and ideal for cleansing.
Milk contains proteins and honey contains carbohydrates which will increase your stamina.
milk and honey are anti aging and anti bacterial.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Coffee Posted 15 April 2011
Hi Loukas,
If you have no major illness you can use coffee.
You can find advantages and some good recipes on internet.
What is your favorite coffee? I like nescafe and My favorite is capachino.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: honey for health by ihsan shanti Posted 15 April 2011
Yes i agree with you all that honey has so much vitamins and energy that is important for us. Honey is helpful in any disease . So we should use it because honey is important for healthy living.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Coffee Posted 15 April 2011
Capacino is best and nescafe is also my favorite. Coffee is good replacement for the tea specially when when their is tireness. One sip of coffee makes strong and alive.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 15 April 2011
Yes milk is best and also good for health and it has no substitute and also it is a good source of protein. Milk is good for health for everyone and it is a blessing in diets.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 15 April 2011
Grape fruit is very good to reduce weight and it burns fat and many other juices also come in this category and also helpful for health and in reducing weight.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Healthy eating Posted 15 April 2011
Hey thanks for the posting. You shared such a precious information with us. Thanks for it. I always think that what should i eat for my health .You have solved my problem now i can easily manage that what should i eat or not.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Healthy Food? Posted 15 April 2011
In my opinion you should eat raw vegetables and fruits because vegetables and fruits contain lot of energy that is helpful for our health. I also use vegetables and fruits .
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Healthy Food? Posted 15 April 2011
Yes it is included in healthy food but moreover i don't agree 100% on it. Because meat is included in healthy diet then vegetables come after this. But always give first priority to meat and chicken.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Healthy eating Posted 15 April 2011
Yes sure and it is also helpful for me and i am thankful to you for posting this wonderful advice and the problem with us people is that we are short of advices and don't follow the exact rule about healthy eating.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 15 April 2011
Yes i agree with you flemming . Grape fruit is good for health and can burn our fat and reduce weight easily. Carrot juice also important for reducing weight and it is helpful in hair fall problem.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Coffee Posted 15 April 2011
Yes i agree flemming that coffee is good replacement on tea. I prefer to take nescafe because i like its taste. Coffee give us lot of energy and keep us active and alive. So we should use coffee.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 15 April 2011
Yes it is true dear. Green tea is very helpful in reducing weight and fat. We should use it daily . It is natural method of reducing weight with no side effect.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 01 May 2011
I like Twinings chamomile and spearmint tea. It's so refreshing yet relaxing. It's also great for your digestive system.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29

Re: Coffee Posted 01 May 2011
Most coffee shops sell other drinks not just coffee. If you don't like the taste of coffee then you probably never will acquire a taste. However, if you really want to try I know my friend puts extra milk and cinnamon in her coffee.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 01 May 2011
Try these healthy drinks:

1)Tomato Martini
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Inactive Prep Time: 3 hours
Yield: 1 cocktail

Ice cubes
1 1/2 ounces gin
1 teaspoon dry white vermouth
3 ounces Tomato Water, recipe follows
2 tablespoons tomato based vegetable juice (recommended: V-8)
1/2 lemon, plus a twist for garnish
Couple drops Pernod, optional
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Hot sauce
Garnish: Olive, cherry tomato, and cocktail onion on a swizzle stick or toothpick

Fill a cocktail shaker or small pitcher with ice cubes. Add the gin, vermouth, tomato water, vegetable juice, and a healthy squeeze of lemon juice. Add a couple drops of Pernod if desired--it adds a nice background flavor, but more than 1 or 2 drops will overpower the drink. Season with salt, pepper, and a dash of hot sauce.
Cover and shake vigorously until mixed and chilled, about 30 seconds. (In general, the drink is ready by the time the shaker mists up.) Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Add the olive, tomato, and onion garnish. Drink.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 29

Re: Coffee Posted 07 May 2011
A growing body of research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are :

> less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia

> have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes

so, no doubt coffee is a good for health.

Golden Triangle Tours
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Posts: 4

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 24 May 2011
I think water is the healthiest of all drinks ;) :smile:
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 27 May 2011
Green Tea

When you think of good-for-you beverages, water immediately comes to mind, but there are others worth adding to your diet. "Some drinks have tremendous health benefits, from relieving minor ailments like indigestion to protecting against serious ones like osteoporosis," says Dan Nadeau, MD, medical director of Exeter Hospital's HealthReach Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Nutrition Center in Exeter, New Hampshire. Here, eight healthy drinks that are packed with disease-fighting nutrients. Now that's easy to swallow.

The Benefit: Helps reduce risk of osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and cavities. Green tea contains a rich concentration of flavonoids and polyphenols, natural antioxidants that may protect cells from carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) and inhibit tumor growth by helping to neutralize free radicals in the body. The tea's antioxidants may also guard against heart disease by relaxing blood vessels, inhibiting the formation of blood clots that trigger heart attacks and strokes. Green tea also contains fluoride, which strengthens teeth; the flavonoids may build up bones as well, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and tooth decay.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 9

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 20 June 2011
thank you !
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 24

Re: Coffee Posted 20 June 2011
thank you !
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 24

Re: Coffee Posted 24 June 2011
Coffee is good for health, coffee keeps always mind fresh.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Healthy eating Posted 02 July 2011
This is really nice post. You have given very good information about the topic.
Thanks for sharing nice tips about the eating habits. This is going to help me
in many terms thanks for such an important post.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 12 July 2011
healthy drinks are water, veggie and fruity juices, I like protein shakes as well :)) also don't forget green tea :)) and the good about the juices is that they can actually fight different conditions and diseases like acne, impotence and even cancer. You just have to use the right veggies :)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Healthy eating Posted 12 July 2011
thanks for the great resource :)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Healthy eating Posted 21 July 2011
Hi Oscar,
Very informative threat and thanks for sharing this useful information with everyone.
Spinach, broccoli, carrots, garlic, ginger, apples, apricots, bananas, watermelon, almonds, brown rice, walnuts, kidney beans, soy beans, peanuts, lean beef, chicken, turkey, tuna and salmon fish are some example of healthy food.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 21 July 2011
Hi All,
I found milk a complete healthy drink. List of some more healthy drinks.
Milk, water, pomegranate juice, Green tea, orange juice, ginkgo biloba tea, whey protein shakes, cranberry juice and lemonade.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Coffee Posted 21 July 2011
Hi Loukas,
Coffee is great for health and has many benefits, some are:
It stimulant and increase alertness,
It helps in breathing and good for asthma/bronchitis patients,
It maintains blood pressure and great pre-mature aging,
It boost your metabolism and burn extra calories,
It is effective in headaches and migraines,
It is good for type 2 diabetes patients,
It prevents from certain types of cancer.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 21 July 2011
Hi All,
Great threat and thanks for sharing green tea benefits with everyone. Some more benefits of green tea are:
It helps in reducing and maintaining your weight,
It reduces the risk of cancer,
It maintains your cholesterol level,
It increase your immune system,
It protects you from cardiovascular disease,
It prevents from tooth decay.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Healthy Food? Posted 21 July 2011
HI berryk,
Eat food high in fiber like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans etc
Add broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits in your diet meals,
Drinking green tea is effective as it boost your immune system,
Avoid taking white bread, and salty snack foods,
Eat lean meat, skinless chicken and low fat dairy products,
Fish, nuts, olive or canola oil are also good for healthy,
Avoid or limit alcohol intake.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Healthy Food? Posted 27 July 2011
Healthy food is good for the healthy life. You can take fruits and vegetables for good health and for non vegetarian meat and chicken are good healthy food.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Healthy Food? Posted 27 July 2011
if you want to leave healthy you must have to eat healthy foods it keeps you fit and slim...
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Healthy Food? Posted 28 July 2011
Well raw food is best food for health. Raw food has lot of benefits. it is easy to digest. Vegetables are low calories food so vegetables are best for health. Fruits are also healthy food which have lot of vitamins which are good for energy.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Coffee Posted 28 July 2011
I love to drink coffee. I drink a cup of coffee daily. Coffee is a replacement of tea. I don't like to drink tea. I like the taste of coffee. Coffee makes me active and keeps me healthy and alive. it is good for health also.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 28 July 2011
Well i don't like to drink artificial energy drinks. I drink fruit juice because fruits are natural food and have lot of vitamins,. Apple and grape fruit juices are good for health. I like to drink apple juice.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Healthy drinks Posted 28 July 2011
I like the milk to drink daily milk contains the most of proteins to leave healthy life.....
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: honey for health by ihsan shanti Posted 29 July 2011
Hi ihsan,
Thanks for sharing benefits of honey with everyone. Some more benefits are:
It is used for treatment of arthritis,
It prevent from hair loss,
It helps in reducing cholesterol,
It prevents from tooth ache,
It is used to cure cold and flu,
It strengthens the immune system.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 29 July 2011
Hi berryk,
Combination of honey and milk is great and have many advantages over our body.
They are great antibacterial,
They are anti aging,
They are anti microbial and good for skin,
They increase stamina,
They boost immune system,
They increase resistance power.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 29 July 2011
Honey is an excellent source of nutrition and milk is good for calcium, skin and it'll help you be energized. You'll be getting more nutrition and a better nights rest. Yes, it's good for your health!
Paris Forums Starter
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Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 30 July 2011
Well berryk milk and honey are good for your health because there are lot of protein which are good for your health. These things are best for health. Milk provide energy and growth to bones and muscles so that's why these things are healthy.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 30 July 2011
Yes milk and honey are good for health and i like to add it in my diet and i really like it and honey is used for smartness and fitness and it is awesome and is a medicine for many diseases.
Chris Tremlet
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Re: honey for health by ihsan shanti Posted 30 July 2011
Thanks angelinadiaz for the nice and amazing tips and honey is a best diet and i have heard from some doctors that it is a great medicine for many diseases and it is true and i love eating honey with many diets and also i use it in tea.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Benefits of Banana Posted 30 July 2011
Banana is good source of fiber and iron and it is my favorite fruit. Banana contains three natural sugars sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana given an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Benefit of Fruits Posted 30 July 2011
Fruits are good for health and we should eat fruits daily because fruits have lot of vitamins in it.
Fruits have many health benefits and are good for weight control. Fruits give more energy for exercising and you can maintain your blood pressure level. Fruits are good for lowering down cholesterol. Fruits play an important role in loosing weight, if only fruits are eaten in place of meal or you cut off some of your food from the daily routine and eat fruits in that time. Then you can easily lose weight
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Benefits of Vegetables Posted 30 July 2011
Vegetables are very good for health and has many benefits and are used as good and complete diet. Vegetables have such benefits
1. Vegetables are full of minerals and vitamins that is good for health
2. Vegetables are used as low carb diets
3. Vegetables are used for burning fats
4. Vegetables are used as diet in loosing weight
5. Vegetables are used in controlling the level of blood pressure
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Benefits of Milk Posted 30 July 2011
There are many health benefits of milk
1. Milk has the ability to prevent osteoporosis, hyper tension and colon cancer.
2. Milk is helpful for growing and development of bones.
3. Milk is the provider of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and protein that are essential for good health.
4. Milk is helpful for the maintenance of healthy teeth
5. Milk is helpful for hydration but it provides helpful nutrients.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Best diet plan? Posted 30 July 2011
These are good diet tips shared and i would like to add my diet routine here and my diet plan is as follows.
1. Bread with 3 eggs and glass of milk
2. Chicken pasta in lunch
3. Tea at 4:00 pm and sometimes i drink protein shake in place of tea
4. I eat boiled vegetables and sometimes i eat rice with salad.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 30 July 2011
Green tea is good for health and is used as fat burner and i love drinking green tea and thanks for sharing these tips and i take tea twice in a day.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Re: Coffee Posted 30 July 2011
Yes guys you are right that coffee is a good replacement for the tea and it has many benefits and i take coffee sometimes but not on regular basis. I take 4 cups in a week.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

Re: Healthy eating Posted 30 July 2011
Healthy eating is good for fitness and i think there are many diets that i use to take and also i am very much conscious about my health and i add fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken, milk and rice in my healthy eating.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

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