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Best Food For Health.

Raw Food Benefits Posted 28 December 2011
Raw food has lot of benefits. Following are some benefits of raw food.
1. Raw food provides more energy
2. Easier & Faster Digestion
3. It contains lots of Fiber and Naturally Detoxes Your Body
4. Rapid Weight Loss
5. More Nutritional Value than Cooked Foods
6. Anti-Aging Benefits.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Coffee - advantages and disadvantages Posted 04 January 2012
It is a superb post. Thanks for sharing this information. You have discussed well about advantages and disadvantages of coffee. Great sharing. Keep it up.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Coffee - advantages and disadvantages Posted 06 January 2012
I appreciate for sharing these advantages and disadvantages of the coffee, I think most of the
people are not aware with this information. So what does you think coffee is good or bad?
Paris Forums Visitor
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Location: USA

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 06 January 2012
coffee contain a lot of caffeine. Some says it is good for our health if not too much. I love drinking milk with a little drop of coffee but since i have an ulcer i can't take a coffee anymore.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Location: USA

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 06 January 2012
Green tea helps in burn fat and boosts metabolism. The recent study reported that
3 – 5 cups of green tea per day can help you burn more than 70 calories per day,
which amounts to 7 pounds per year.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30
Location: USA

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 06 January 2012
Fish is best source of protein and good for the health, these post are quite right in which benefits
of the fish mention. I think we must eat fish for the healthy life.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30
Location: USA

Healthy breakfast Posted 06 January 2012
Healthy breakfast helps you in refuels your body, and benefit your overall health. Breakfast gives you a chance to start your day with a healthy and nutritious meal. Take more vitamins and minerals, Eat less fat and cholesterol. Avoid the cholesterol, which may reduce your risk of heart disease So do not skip breakfast it may be more important than you think.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Location: USA

Water Posted 06 January 2012
The human body, which is made up of between 55 and 75 percent water.Water is crucial to your health. It makes up, on average, 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry on normal functions.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Location: USA

Fruits and Nutrition Posted 06 January 2012
Fruits Contain dietary fiber, which adds bulk to the stool and also eases the rate of passage of materials through the large intestine. Fruits Are mild natural laxatives, Contains pectin, which assists in the formation of jellies.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Location: USA

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease Posted 08 January 2012
Dr. Dwight Lundell and “The Great Cholesterol Lie Air” On TV Health Magazine, Living In Style

Beginning first week of September, cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Dwight Lundell’s book, The Great Cholesterol Lie, will be featured on “Living In Style,” a heath news television series airing nationally on select cable networks and local ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX or I-Network Affiliates. The show reaches 80 million households.

n this featured segment, Dr. Lundell’s message, one he has been sharing for over six years, is clear and to the point: Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease.

While traditional mainstream medicine, physicians and pharmaceutical industry continue to insist cholesterol must be controlled by medication, Dr. Lundell marches to a very different drummer and perspective having performed 5,000 heart surgeries spanning 25 years.

Dr. Lundell had one goal when he dedicated his life to healing the human heart and that was to see an end to heart disease in his lifetime. As the years went by and the number of heart surgeries he performed escalated annually, he grew increasingly troubled by what he saw in every patient on his operating table.

Each patient had noticeable inflammation in the arteries of their hearts and more than half had normal cholesterol levels. When he approached his colleagues with his growing concern medicine was chasing the wrong cause of heart disease, his words were met with derision and seen as heresy.

An unusual physician in today’s world, he took a most unusual approach by leaving his surgical practice in 2003 to open a clinic where his theory that inflammation caused heart disease could be tested. The results of his clinical testing in patient after patient confirmed that without the presence of underlying inflammation, cholesterol would not become trapped in the artery wall.

Inflammation Traps Cholesterol In The Artery Wall

Let’s be clear on what this means. Reducing the amount of cholesterol in the body through medication will not prevent cholesterol from becoming trapped; rather, reducing the amount of inflammation will free cholesterol to flow throughout the arteries and body as nature intended. That subtle, yet significant difference is enormous.

For over forty years, Americans have felt tremors of fear upon receiving the news their blood indicates “high cholesterol” translated to, they are on the verge of heart disease. As we reach for the prescription being handed to us, we rarely question adding statin medication. It is time we do.

Through the years we became thoroughly convinced cholesterol caused heart disease from our physicians, our government and masterful marketing over truth in medicine as is seen nightly on TV commercials for Crestor and Lipitor.

Cholesterol is not evil and as science shows, decreasing cholesterol through medication has dangerous side effects for our cognitive functioning. Cholesterol is a vital substance to human life yet this tragic theory stays front and center as the cause of heart disease. Let’s look at a few facts.

National Cholesterol Education Program

In 2001, the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) revised their guidelines by lowering the cholesterol level seen as dangerously high. That substantial lowering placed 36 million more Americans in the category of requiring statin medication. Profits soared for statin mediation.

In the melee that followed, it was discovered of the nine members on the panel that wrote the new cholesterol lowering guidelines, six received research grants, speaking or consulting fees from at least three and in some cases all five of the manufacturers of statins; only one had no financial links at all.

For the year 2007-2008, The American Heart Association received $1,160,000 from Crestor’s manufacturer, AstraZeneca; $2,629,116 from Lipitor’s manufacturer, Pfizer and $3,053,470 from Zocor’s manufacturer, Merck & Co. That’s a lot of funding for the AHA. Could there be a conflict of interest concern visà-vi the AHA’s advice on statin medication and managing heart disease?

Inflammation, The Silent Killer

On the other hand, there isn’t a prescription to help lower inflammation. Inflammation is neither mysterious nor complicated yet the damage it causes running amok coined an apt term for inflammation – the silent killer.

In The Great Cholesterol Lie, you’ll learn how dietary recommendations born of the faulty cholesterol theory steered a nation of people away from real, wholesome foods in favor of low fat packaged foods laced with sugar and Omega-6 oils creating an epidemic of inflammation. Why? The human body’s response to the low fat regime is inflammation and an obesity epidemic.

Understanding what caused inflammation to escalate throughout our bodies and learning how to bring it under control is now Dr. Dwight Lundell’s role in medicine as thoroughly explained in his book.

For the last six years, Dr. Lundell has written books and articles, given speeches, radio shows interviews and created preventative health care programs for businesses. His mission today is to expose the truth that by treating inflammation, heart disease can be prevented and reversed.

The “Living in Style” television series offers uncommon insight into a variety of topics to educate and tackle life’s daily challenges with valuable information. Check your local listings
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 12

Honey and Cinnamon Benefits Posted 08 January 2012
Honey and Cinnamon Benefits

Honey and cinnamon benefits are proclaimed quite a bit over the internet in health columns and blogs as being a home remedy cure for many ailments. Remedies for hair loss, weight loss, bad breath, and acne to name a few, definitely peek the curiosity of self conscious sufferers. If something as simple as honey and cinnamon combined together can greatly benefit a person suffering from these ailments, then you can bet people will be at least curious to try it.

Honey has long been used as a health aid. Honey by nature is a antibacterial and antimicrobial. Hydrogen Peroxide is naturally produced by the enzymes contained in honey. This makes honey good for medicinal purposes.

Cinnamon comes from a small tree that grows in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam, and Egypt. In traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon has been used for ailments from the common cold to painful menstrual periods. Lab studies have proven that it may have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

When cinnamon is mixed with honey, they both combine as a very powerful medicinal serum to remedy even the common cold.

Ailments that honey and cinnamon benefits:
2.Hair Loss
3.Bladder Infections
8.Stomach ache
9.Heart Disease
10.Immune system
15.Skin infections
16.Weight loss
19.Bad breath
20.Hearing loss

Gaining the maximum honey and cinnamon benefits

To gain the maximum honey and cinnamon benefits, it is highly recommended by natural health professionals to use raw organic honey and pure cinnamon. First of all raw organic honey comes straight from the honey comb and into a jar without any heating process or filtering. Heat destroys the goodness in honey, and filtering strains out the propolis and other goodness which is all part of the medicinal effect of honey. Second, cinnamon comes from a few different varieties. Cinnamon sold in grocery stores is of the less expensive variety called cassia and contains a compound called coumarin. In high dosages, coumarin can damage the liver and thin out your blood. People with bleeding disorders should not take the cassia variety of cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is recommended and can be found in specialty stores. Ceylon is known as true cinnamon and is of a higher quality.

You can click on each of the listed ailments above to get further information and the proper recipe used to make your own home remedy. Feel free to comment to let everyone know how the remedies of honey and cinnamon benefits have healed you.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 12

Re: Honey and Cinnamon Benefits Posted 11 January 2012
No doubt that Honey and Cinnamon have lot of benefits. Everyone should read this article for information. You have discussed well about the benefits of honey and cinnamon.Great post and keep it up.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease Posted 11 January 2012
Well cholesterol is not good for health so should take care of it. We should eat those food which have low cholesterol. Anyway it is a nice article and i love to read it. Keep posting wonderful information.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Dark Chocolate Posted 15 January 2012
Dark Chocolate is well know for its healthy properties. It is proven scientifically that it has a positive effect on the heart. The purer the chocolate the healthier the benefits.

On a regular diet it can improve your overall well being (coupled with a healthy diet and lifestyle).
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease Posted 19 January 2012
thank jasson we wil try our efforts
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 12

Re: Honey and Cinnamon Benefits Posted 19 January 2012
thank agine jasson :wavey:
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 12

Re: Dark Chocolate Posted 19 January 2012
Dark chocolate is also my favorite. It is good to know the benefits of dark chocolate. Everyone should be aware with this information. Anyway thanks for sharing healthy information.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Drinks that can make you fat Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
List of drinks that can make you fat and if you are trying to lose weight avoid these drinks.
McDonald's Chocolate Triple.
Pepsi Cola/Coca Cola.
Starbucks Mint Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino.
Fresh Orange Juice.
French Vanilla Cafe Cooler.
Bubble Tea with Milk and Tapioca Pearls.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Benefits of chili food Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
Chili food are great for health and we must eat chili food more in our daily meals.
Chili food reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce inflammation. Chili food improve digestive system and helps in weight loss. Chili food is good for bone health also.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Benefits of eating fish Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
Fish is great for health and we must add fish in our daily meals.
Fish promotes weight loss and eases depression. Fish eliminates joint pain. Fish improves brain functionality and lowers cholesterol. Fish prevent from stroke and heart disease.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

food that can cause cancer Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
List of some food that can cause cancer and we must avoid these food items to prevent from cancer.
Hot dogs, doughnuts, excess alcohol, processed meats and bacon, sodas/soft drinks, crackers and cookies.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Benefits of salmon fish Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
Salmon fish is great for health and some health benefits of salmon fish are:
Salmon fish improve our vision and protects our body from free radicals. Salmon fish maintain brain health and boost digestive system. Salmon fish prevent from heart disease, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure and depression.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
Wheat grass juice is great for health and some health benefits of wheat grass juice are:
Wheat grass juice improves digestive system and helps in weight loss. Wheat grass juice prevents from cancer and high blood pressure. Wheat grass juice is great skin cleanser and great for hair health.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Benefits of coconut water Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
Coconut water is great source of energy and helps in losing weight. Coconut water is packed with electrolytes and contains essential vitamins. Coconut water cure upset stomachs and stops vomiting.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Food rich source of zinc Posted 27 January 2012
Hi All,
List of some food rich source of zinc and we must add them in our daily meals as zinc is great for health.
Dark chocolate, roasted pumpkin, dried watermelon seeds, sesame seeds, squash seeds, oysters, peanuts, toasted wheat germ, cocoa powder.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Food to gain weight Posted 27 January 2012
Hi All,
List of some food to gain weight and skinny people and those who want to gain weight must add these food items in their meals.
Baked potatoes, granola, pasta, fried and fatty food, sweets, beverages, soda and soft drinks.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Benefits of coconut water Posted 27 January 2012
NIce info!

I don't know what is the benifit of coconut water but taste of the coconut water is superb! :D
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Re: Benefits of salmon fish Posted 27 January 2012
Salmon fish is health oriented. It is my favorite food also.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Food to make brain sharper Posted 27 January 2012
Hi All,
We must add blueberries, almonds, wild salmon fish, green tea and dark chocolate in our daily meals as they are great to make brain sharper. Puzzle games, quiz, chess and monopoly are great games to make brain active and sharp.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

List of unhealthy diet food Posted 28 January 2012
Hi All,
thought of sharing list of unhealthy diet food and those who are losing weight must avoid them.
Diet soda, light salad dressings, baked chips, dried fruit, vegetable crisps, flavored yogurt, popcorn, cereal bars, smoothies, processed diet foods and snacks.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Fish oil or Krill oil which one is better? Posted 01 February 2012
Hi to all. I just want to know the best thing from these two. Kindly tell me that which one is better and beneficial Fish oil or Krill oil? Reply must and share with me some useful information.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Best food for health. Posted 01 February 2012
Health is precious and we should care of it. Food is important for living healthy life. these food are best for health.
1. Eggs
2. Meat
3. Vegetables
4. Fruits
5. Fish.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Best food for health. Posted 02 February 2012
the health foods for women are: eggs-bananas.milk.

I prefer her to take it every night that will support her by a strong energy :suicide:
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 12

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 03 February 2012
I agree with you . It provides temporarily energy. Its lot of use is not good of our health. Too much from 300mg of caffeine is harmful. It becomes addict to person.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Best food for health. Posted 15 February 2012
Healthy food is the food which fulfill the requirement of
essential proteins,vitamins of the body. Green and leafy vegetables,
eggs,meat, different seasonal fruits are the food items which are essential for the
proper growth of the body. raverboy
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Is wasabi good for my health ? Posted 16 February 2012
i was wondering...
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: DIET TO HELP MANAGE STRESS Posted 22 February 2012
I know how that is and have gone through that myself. That's why I use good stress management techniques and always try new ones to vary my tools. Best to you!

Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Best food for health. Posted 24 February 2012
Best food for health are:
1 Chilled Soups
2 Watermelon
3 Grilled Veggies
4 Salads
5 Low- and No-Calorie Beverages
6 Fruit-Based Desserts
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 24 February 2012
Coffee contains anti-oxidants that may offer some aerobic security, and research is displaying that it lowers the chance of creating diabetic issues, which is itself a significant heart problems risk element. But it also improves homo cysteine levels and may have side results on the aorta.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Re: Fish oil or Krill oil which one is better? Posted 24 February 2012
One thing that is worth mentioning, krill oil is not only a good product but also a source that is a lot easier to replenish compared to fish oil, which is in high demand due to its high consumption.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Re: List of unhealthy diet food Posted 25 February 2012
These are all true. Before I really love eating Processed diet foods/snacks, but I have stopped it because there are some health problem with these kind of foods. Buying a natural, whole food and not all these synthetics is better and healthier.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Re: Benefits of salmon fish Posted 26 February 2012
According to the World's Healthiest Foods site, 4 oz. of salmon contain 58 percent of the recommended daily allowance, or RDA, of protein. Salmon is a good source of phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. It contains over half the RDA of vitamins B3 and B12, and a fourth of the RDA of B6. As for vitamin D, the World's Healthiest Foods site reports four ounces of salmon contains 411 IUs, or 102 percent of the RDA. It's worth noting, however, that some experts believe vitamin D intake should be higher. Either way, salmon is still a good food source of vitamin D.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Re: Benefits of coconut water Posted 26 February 2012
Coconut Water Hydrates the Body

Coconut Water Relieves Urinary Problems

It Kills Intestinal Worms

It Breaks up Kidney Stones

It is Used in Blood Transfusion

It is is an Antibacterial

it Controls Vomiting
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 26 February 2012
The benefits of eating fish

Heart disease

No wonder the Government wants us all to eat more, with the Food Standards Agency recommending at least two portions a week of fresh, frozen, or tinned seafood (one of them of oily fish). The British Heart Foundation says eating oily fish can help to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve your chances of survival following a heart attack. Fish does this by lowering levels of fats called triglycerides in the blood - raised levels are associated with heart disease. Fish oils also appear to help reduce blood clotting and abnormal heart rhythms after a heart attack.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids found in many fish may prevent damage to brain cells. Eating fish can also reduce the risk of high blood pressure, which is linked with dementia. A French study of 2000 people showed that those who ate seafood at least once a week had a significantly lower risk of dementia over a seven-year period than those who didn't.

A Swedish study of 6000 men over a 30-year period showed that those who didn't eat any fish had between double and treble the risk of developing prostate cancer, compared to those who ate moderate or large amounts. Shellfish, such as crab and lobster, also contains selenium, thought to have cancer-fighting properties.

It's been reported that fish can help to ease depression. Again, it's down to omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to raise levels of the brain chemical serotonin.

Population groups that eat a lot of fish - Inuits in Greenland, for example - have low rates of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Studies have also shown fish oils to be useful in relieving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Social benefits

According to research carried out in Mauritius, children given lots of fish from the age of three are less likely to have criminal records by the time they reach 23.

According to dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, author of The Perricone Prescription, a salmon-packed diet can help smooth out age lines.
Which fish to eat

White fish like cod are a good source of low-fat protein and minerals.
Oily fish such as sardines, pilchards, salmon and mackerel have the highest concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids.
Crab, lobster and mussels come into the shellfish group and contain selenium, thought to have cancer-fighting properties.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 22

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 27 February 2012
buddy thank you for sharing this precious information
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 11

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 27 February 2012
i agree wit TORIFGARDER
excessive use can cause several side effect
thank for sharing this precious information
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 11

Re: Benefits of coconut water Posted 27 February 2012
Coconut water is generally the clear fluid which comes from unripe coconuts. Benefit of coconut water is that it has been found that it can give you a better skin as the coconut water itself handles the abdominal operate in our body.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 27 February 2012
Wheat grass has the ability to counteract the level of acidity levels in our body. Once this is done, our body becomes better, and the womb provides a healthy atmosphere for the egg to feed. Several women have knowledgeable the benefits of wheat grass in this respect. Though its impact may take a little time to appear, it is established,
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Benefits of chili food Posted 27 February 2012
Chili food are great for wellness. Chili prevents from cardiac arrest and boost digestive tract. Chili is good for bone wellness and helps in reducing inflammation.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 27 February 2012
Coffee is harmful its excellent for health in so many ways yes I agree that drinking 2 glasses in a day is healthy not whole day its excellent for your center, coffee lowers your possibility for center illnesses, Handles bronchial asthma, Reduces your chance of diabetic issues by 50%, coffee stops bowel problems .
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 27 February 2012
Fish is high in protein and omega-3 fat. But concerns have been brought up these days about substances found in use polluting the environment, such as mercury, PCBs and dioxins.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 28 February 2012
Well exactly its not for good health..

kurtis online
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 41

Re: Benefits of coconut water Posted 28 February 2012
wow! its very useful information thanks for the sharing.

lehenga choli designs
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 41

Re: Benefits of coconut water Posted 02 March 2012
If it's a young coconut, you can drink it! If it's old, make a Popsicle or coco flavored ice cubed to spice up your rum!

How to grow hair back http://growhairback.tumblr.com/
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 17

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 02 March 2012
Primary benefit is omega fatty acids. Otherwise, no special benefit is associated with eating fish has been noted even amongst islanders who only eat fish as their primary protein source.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 17

Re: Benefits of chili food Posted 02 March 2012
Well first, its always important to eat a few servings of fruits and vegetables per day, but more specifically, bananas have potassium, which is very good for you
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 17

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 04 March 2012
coffee have a number less benefits for health,
it reduce the body weight,
it refresh the brain,
it increase the metabolism,
it maintain the blood pressure.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Food to gain weight Posted 04 March 2012
to gain weight, you have to change your eating and daily routine working activities.
eating regular healthy breakfast.
use meat, chicken, fish, and fruits.
eat vegetables.
do less work and take proper rest after lunch for 2 hours.
i hope it change your life and style.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 04 March 2012
green tea have to many benefits.
it reduce the tiredness,
it maintain the body metabolism,
it refresh the brain,
it reduce the weight,
it helps to take sleep.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 04 March 2012
Fish have a number less benefits for human body.
it contain the essential vitamins for the growth of body tissues.
fish increase the metabolism of the body,
it reduce the chances of heart attack,
it maintain the protein and vitamins level,
fish provide the base for health growth of body.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 06 March 2012
Wheat grass juice are really good for skin.Wheat grass juice are good source of anti-oxidant,anti-bacterial agent which helps to prevent skin rashes,acne,pimple problem.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 09 March 2012
Fish is beneficial for Health.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Benefits of fish oil Posted 13 March 2012
Fish oil supplements also contain omega3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA vitamins, these vitamins are good for health
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Benefits of fish oil Posted 22 March 2012
Wow! i do not know about it thanks for the sharing..
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 41

Re: Best food for health. Posted 28 March 2012
A balance diet should be looked by people to have a healthy lifestyle. You need to eat healthy foods as well as do some workouts.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 35

Re: Benefits of chili food Posted 10 April 2012
Thank you, I also know that chili peppers have more vitamin C than the most of the citrics
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Benefits of coconut water Posted 15 April 2012
Well coconut water is very useful for health
It has many benefits and It is known by many experts that coconut water contains the following supplements needed to sustain life:

- glucose: which acts as sugar for energy in the body when taken

- vitamin Bs: for replenishment of worn out cells and tissues

- vitamin C: to shield the body form ailments like scurvy

- potassium: which helps in lowering arterial blood pressure
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 15 April 2012
There are lots of benefits of Wheat grass juice in which some are

Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion.
Wheatgrass juice is great for blood disorders of all kinds.
Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes.
Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 15 April 2012
As per my experience Fish is a superfood. Packed with vitamins and minerals, and a major source of omega-3 fatty acids, fish can help to protect against a range of diseases, from cancer to heart disease, depression to arthritis.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Benefits of salmon fish Posted 15 April 2012
Salmon fish if great for health and we must eat salmon fish daily. Some benefits of eating salmon fish are:
Improve your vision,
Maintain brain health,
Improve digestive system,
Prevent from heart issues,
Prevents from cancer,
Reduce high blood pressure,
Reduce depression
Great anti aging.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: List of unhealthy diet food Posted 15 April 2012
Avoiding unhealthy food is really important to live healthier life you should avoid foods like snacks, chips, soft drinks, fast foods, junk foods, bakery foods etc. Rather than this type of food you can give more importance to fresh fruits and veggies which are high in vitamins and minerals.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Fish oil or Krill oil which one is better? Posted 15 April 2012
Well I love to have fish oil. It is much better than Krill oil and also good for health.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 15 April 2012
I don't think so coffee is good for health because it has lots of caffeine that can effects on health so try to avoid coffee.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Best food for health. Posted 15 April 2012
I will suggest to eat fruits and vegetable and also drink water as much as you can. Make habit to drink milk daily. It will keep you healthy.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Re: Best food for health. Posted 18 April 2012
you should always take healthy food and it is good and protect your body.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Food to gain weight Posted 21 April 2012
some weight gaining tips are:
1.Increase Caloric Intake
2.Increase the Number of Meals
3.Include Smarter Foods In Your Diet
4.Consume lots of Proteins
5.Eat Lots of snacks
6.Energy Fluids
7.Increased workouts
8 Weightlifting
9 Supplements
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 17 May 2012
There are many kind of green tea's available in the market these days. You really need to choose from variet of green tea's which has really become hard.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

All these diets are pretty helpful if you want to get rid of your stress. Other than diets you should also take in consideration some exercise and other stuff.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 13 June 2012
Coffe contains 70% of caffeine what is really harmful fro your body. I think it is no use drinking it. I don't consume it.

Potty health
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: List of unhealthy diet food Posted 21 June 2012
Thanks for providing quite a good information. I will bookmark this list.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Food to gain weight Posted 21 June 2012
Eat soucream and food that contains lots protein and starch as potatoes, sweets and bread.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Food to gain weight Posted 22 June 2012
Rice, fired rice, chicken, mutton
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 22 June 2012
most of people like to drink a coffee and tea. It is usual, even though some problems is available. But it is not dangerous one.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Food to gain weight Posted 28 June 2012
TO gain weight eat rice , potato and take some tips from nutrition.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: List of unhealthy diet food Posted 09 July 2012
Thanks for sharing this helpful information !
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 52

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 22 September 2012
This statement vary from person to person because coffee is good for those who want to loose their weight but not good because it reduces the hemoglobin level in the blood.
It should not be taken regularly.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Is Coffee Good For Health? Posted 26 October 2012
coffee is not good if your abusing it. .moderate amount is fine
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Best Food For Health. Posted 24 April 2015
The rich vitamins and Proteins enriched healthy diet are necessary for the women who is gonna pregnant. The women also have to eat sea foods and Greeny vegetables for good health.

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Re: Best Food For Health. Posted 31 October 2015
Healthy food is good for the healthy life..........
1. Bread with 3 eggs and glass of milk
2. Chicken pasta in lunch
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