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Best Food For Health.

Benefits of eating apples Posted 11 August 2011
Hi All,
As we all know an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are great for health and have many benefits like:
They helps in losing weight,
They reduce the tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria in mouth,
They stabilize cholesterol level,
They makes your heart healthier,
They protects from gallstones,
They are used to treat diabetes,
They are effective for diarrhea and constipation,
They detoxify your liver,
They boost your immune system.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of fish oil Posted 11 August 2011
Hi All,
Some benefits of adding fish oil in your daily diet plans:
It stabilize weight,
It prevents from heart and cardio disease,
It reduces cholesterol level,
It prevents from joint pains,
It eases depression,
It improves your vision,
It reduces triglyceride level,
It is great for brain functions,
It may prevent from schizophrenia and
It improves mood.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of fish oil Posted 12 August 2011
No doubt about these benefits , Fish oil is an important part to have great health and especially for work out trainers.I also use fish in my two times meal per day to get more vitamins and metabolism.Thanks for sharing.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5
Location: USA

Green tea and Health Posted 12 August 2011
Green tea is super warm drinking for good health and the good benefits from green tea are as follows.

Prevent Cancer
fat treatment
cholesterol control

I suggest to make green tea as an essential part of twice a day.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5
Location: USA

Re: Posted 13 August 2011
Milk is very beneficial for health.one must have milk to made the body strong....!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Benefits of Milk Posted 17 August 2011
I think milk gives you soft skin because of the vitamin A & D. The lactic acid in milk contains beta hydroxyl acids which exfoliates your skin and gives it a healthy natural glow.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Coffee Posted 17 August 2011
Nice sharing.
Try coffee with flavor, I like hazelnut coffee but there are other flavors. Ask for a taste before you decide which one to buy. You can also drink tea if coffee doesn't convince you.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Benefits of Milk Posted 06 September 2011
Hi All,
Some more benefits of drinking milk daily are:
They helps in growth and making bones strong,
They prevent from diabetes,
They helps in developing and maintaining healthy teeth,
They prevent from certain types of cancer,
They helps in reducing high blood pressure,
They reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease,
They prevent from obesity.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of strawberries Posted 06 September 2011
Hi All,
thought of sharing some benefits of strawberries as they are great for health. Some more benefits of strawberries are:
Strawberries are great anti oxidant,
Strawberries keep our digestive system regular,
Strawberries lowers blood pressure,
Strawberries are great source of vitamin C,
Strawberries are great for eyes,
Strawberries are used to treat in?ammatory disorders,
Strawberries are rich in fiber,
Strawberries protect us from cancer,
Strawberries are great for bones building, structure and maintenance.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of broccoli Posted 06 September 2011
Hi All,
Broccoli is great for healthy and we must add broccoli in our daily meal plans. Some benefits of broccoli are:
Broccoli helps in maintaining nervous system healthy,
Broccoli helps in regulating blood pressure,
Broccoli is great antioxidant,
Broccoli prevent us from stroke and heart disease,
Broccoli prevent from osteoporosis,
Broccoli prevent us from cancer,
Broccoli prevent from common cold,
Broccoli is great for your brain.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of peaches Posted 06 September 2011
Hi All,
Peaches are great for health and we must eat peaches in our daily meal. Some more benefits of peaches are:
Peach are used to treat against worms in the intestines,
Peach are great antioxidant,
Peach are great to lose weight,
Peach are great for constipation,
Peach is helpful in preventing cancer.
Peach improves your eye sight and help you see better in the dark.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of honey Posted 09 September 2011
Hi All,
Honey is great for health and have many benefits. Some benefits of honey are:
Honey is great to reduce weight,
Honey is great to heal wounds,
Honey is used to cure arthritis,
Honey prevents you from mouth disease,
Honey is used to prevent hair loss,
Honey is used for the treatment of ulcer,
Honey regulates the heart beat,
Honey has great antiseptic properties.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of honey Posted 09 September 2011
Hi all,
very thanks to share this post,
very nice and amazing share,
please keep it up guys !!!!!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Benefits of strawberries Posted 09 September 2011
Hi all,
i like the strawberries very much,
i just love to eat it,
and there are many benefits of this,
its taste is very good !!!!!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Benefits of strawberries Posted 09 September 2011
mmm.... try to put some strawberries in your loukas.... and enjoy the beach
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Benefits of strawberries Posted 10 September 2011
No doubt that it is an informative post. Thanks dear for sharing such a useful information. Everyone should be aware with these benefits. No doubt that strawberry is a healthy fruit and i also love to eat it.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of honey Posted 10 September 2011
Honey is best for health and has lot of benefits. I also use honey and it has many benefits. I suggest everyone to use eat honey. Thanks for a wonderful post. Keep posting.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of Milk Posted 10 September 2011
Well milk is good for health. it makes bones and muscles strong and healthy. Milk is best for skin. It is good to drink milk regularly.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of honey Posted 10 September 2011
Hi Buddies......Honey has numerous Benefits . Some are as follows

Helps to protect s from severe diseases
Good for Health if we take it with Milk
It is a best Antibiotic
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Benefits of strawberries Posted 10 September 2011
Hi Buddies...

There are some Benefits of Strawberries as follows

It contain, vitamin B5, folic acid, potassium and Vitamin C in excess which are much important for health
It helps to Clean blood of harmful toxins
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Benefits of peaches Posted 10 September 2011
Peach is a healthy fruit and i am a great lover of it. I suggest everyone to eat it. It has lot of benefits. Thanks for sharing such a nice information.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of Milk Posted 10 September 2011
Hi Buddies.....

There are some important benefits of Milk . I hope that you should find these useful

Milk Contains Calcium which is important for the growth of bones and teeth
It gives us full energy
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Benefits of peaches Posted 10 September 2011
Hi Guys....

Benefits of Peaches are as follows

Helpful for the patients of Diabetes
Helpful to lose weight to a great extent
Saves us from so many diseases
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Green tea and Health Posted 10 September 2011
Well no doubt that green tea is good for health. It is good to drink two cup of green tea daily. It has so many benefits.
1. It burns extra fat.
2. It is good for skin.
3. It reduces high blood pressure.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Is pasta good for my health? Posted 12 September 2011
Dear Forum,

you have shown that you know a bit of everything about anything.

So i want now to ask you either pasta is good for my health or not.

I'm wondering about the carbohydrates or the sodium...

I'm requesting your expertise.

Thank You.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Is pasta good for my health? Posted 14 September 2011
Well in my opinion pasta is a good food and will be good for you because in pasta many vegetables are used which are good for health. I am a great lover of pasta so i suggest you to eat it without any fear.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of fish oil Posted 14 September 2011
Fish oil has many benefits and good for health.Fish oil is best for Heart diseases,weight lose, blood circulation,immunity,depression and Anxiety,and Eye Disorders. I suggest everyone to use fish oil regularly.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Healthy eating Posted 14 September 2011
Food is the need of our body and we can live healthy life with it.So for this purpose we should eat healthy food. I am also very conscious for my health. I eat natural food only like vegetables and fruits and i suggest everyone to eat natural food.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of eating apples Posted 14 September 2011
Well apple has lot of benefits. It is good to eat an apple in a day. Following are some benefits of apple.
1. Bone protection.
2. Asthma Help.
3. Lower Cholesterol.
4. Lung Cancer Prevention.
5. Breast Cancer Prevention.
6. Weight lose.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of Vegetables Posted 14 September 2011
Thanks Chris Tremlet for sharing such a useful information about vegetables. I am totally agreed with you that vegetables are best food for health and vegetables have lot of benefits. I also eat vegetables only. Vegetables are best diet food and good for fat burning and weight lose because vegetables are low calories food.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of Vegetables Posted 14 September 2011
Hey buddy it's so wonderful tips for everyone,who make their health good.thanks for sharing this.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Benefits of Vegetables Posted 14 September 2011
Hi Chris,
Great threat on the benefits of vegetables. vegetables are great for our health and we must eat vegetables in our daily meals. Some more advantages are.
They prevent from certain types of cancer,
They are great antioxidant,
They stabilize blood pressure,
They prevent from diabetes,
They are used to treat asthma, coughs, common colds and flu,
They helps in better sleep.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of raw food Posted 14 September 2011
Hi All,
Raw food are great for health and we must prefer raw food over processed food.
Quick weight loss,
Brings more energy,
Fast and easy to digest,
Fiber and naturally detoxes your body,
More nutritious than cooked foods,
They are great anti aging.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of chocolate Posted 14 September 2011
Hi All,
We all eat chocolates with delight as they are great in taste. Chocolates are great for health and some benefits of chocolates are:
Chocolates are great antioxidant,
Chocolate is a natural anti depressant,
Dark chocolate helps in lowering high blood pressure,
Chocolate prevents from tooth decay,
Dark chocolate reduces LDL cholesterol level.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of water Posted 14 September 2011
Hi All,
Water is vital for health and we must drink enough water to meet our water loss through different physical activities.
Water helps with metabolism,
Water helps in reducing weight,
Water makes our skin healthy,
Water regulates body temperature,
Water moisturizes air in lungs,
Water protects and moisturizes our joints,
Water protects our vital organs,
Water prevents us from dehydration.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of water Posted 20 September 2011
You are right Clauder that water has lot of benefits. We should drink lot of water in a day. Your post is awesome dear. Thanks for sharing such a new kind of information. Everyone should be aware with it.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of chocolate Posted 20 September 2011
I am a great lover of chocolate and i eat it many times in a day. Chocolate has countless benefits. Chocolate is good for skin. It is good to reduce high blood pressure. I suggest everyone to eat chocolate daily.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of raw food Posted 20 September 2011
Raw food has many benefits. It has more nutrition value than cooked food. Raw food has more energy. Raw food are best for weight lose. It is easy to digest. It has also anti aging benefit. It is good to eat raw food regularly.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 20 September 2011
Green tea is a herbal treatment of fat. It is best for fat burning. Green tea is also good for skin and prevents us from many diseases. Green tea reduces high blood pressure. Thanks for sharing such a nice information.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Best diet plan? Posted 20 September 2011
Your diet plan is good.I also eat boiled rice with salad in my dinner and i also drink fresh fruit juice in the evening. However your diet plan is awesome dear. Thanks for sharing.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefit of Fruits Posted 20 September 2011
Fruits have lot of benefits. Following are some more benefits of fruits.
1. Fruits provide energy to the body.
2. Fruits are good for skin.
3. Fruits provide us fitness and we can lose weight easily with fruits.
4. Fruits prevent us from many diseases.
5. Fruits regulate blood pressure.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Benefits of oatmeal Posted 20 September 2011
Hi All,
Oatmeal are great for health and we must add them in our daily meals. Some benefits of oatmeal are:
Prevents against breast cancer,
Lowers bad cholesterol levels,
Increase immune system,
Protects heart,
Maintain blood sugar,
Reduces risk of diabetes,
Great source of nutrient.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of water Posted 20 September 2011
Beer is better
Joseph Smith
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Benefits of eating carrots Posted 27 September 2011
Hi All,
We must add carrots in our daily diet meals as carrots are great for health.
Carrots improve vision,
Carrots prevents from cancer,
Carrots reduce the risk of stroke,
Carrots nourish your skin,
Carrots are great anti aging,
Carrots keeps your mouth clean if much after meals.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Disadvantages of having excess vitamin C Posted 27 September 2011
Hi All,
We must have balanced amount of vitamin C in daily meals as excess amount of vitamin C might cause
Formation of kidney stones,
Formation of gall stones,
GI cramps,
Exacerbation of hemochromatosis.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of potato Posted 05 October 2011
Hi All,
Thought of sharing some benefits of potatoes with everyone. We must add potatoes in our daily meal plans.
Potatoes helps in weight gain and those who want to gain weight must add potatoes in their diet meals,
Potatoes are great for skin as they are rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, zinc and phosphorus,
Potatoes are easy to digest,
Potatoes are used to treat rheumatism,
Potatoes are good for brain functions.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of fish oil Posted 07 October 2011
Fish oil has been taken to some extent or another age. One major reason is that many people participated in the original cod liver oil, which has a very long time a lot of popularity. Although the scientific community has recently been looking into the benefits of fish oil, they recorded some interesting results, which are associated with major omega3 fish oil.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Benefits of coconut oil Posted 11 October 2011
Hi All,
Coconut oil is great for our health and we must consume coconut oil daily.
Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair,
Coconut oil is beneficial for heart,
Coconut oil is effective in losing weight,
Coconut oil boosts immune system,
Coconut oil is used to treat healing and infection.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of eating carrots Posted 13 October 2011
Carrot is my favorite vegetable. I eat it because i know its benefits. Carrot is good for hair fall. It prevents us from many diseases. Carrot juice is beneficial for weak eye sight. It is good to eat carrot. Thanks for sharing its benefits.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Disadvantages of having excess vitamin C Posted 13 October 2011
It is a new kind of information and i never heard about the disadvantages of vitamin C. Thanks for sharing. I will try to maintain the quantity of vitamin C.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of potato Posted 13 October 2011
It is a nice information. Potato is one of my favorite vegetable. I am a great lover of it. It has many benefits. I suggest everyone to eat potatoes.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of coconut oil Posted 13 October 2011
Coconut oil is best for many reasons. It is good for hair. It makes hair strong and healthy. I also use it for my hair. However it has many benefits. Thanks for sharing.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Food for weight gain Posted 18 October 2011
Hi All,
List of some food to gain weight, must be helpful for skinny people and add them in daily meals.
Baked potatoes,
Fried foods,
White flour products,
Fatty foods,
Fruit juice in packages,
Soft drinks.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Top food to make brain sharper Posted 18 October 2011
Hi All,
List of top food to make brain sharper and must add them in our daily meals.
Dark chocolate,
Wild salmon,
Green Tea.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Top rules of good nutrition Posted 18 October 2011
Hi All,
Top rules of good nutrition and must keep them in mind to make get enough nutrition.
Never skip breakfast,
Snack with purpose,
Beware of portion distortion,
Drink enough water,
Eat more whole foods in meals,
Set the table.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Top rules of good nutrition Posted 19 October 2011
Another good post from you Clauder. Thanks for posting. food and nutrition are important for everyone so this post is important for everybody. I will also keep this information in my mind.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Is coffee good for health? Posted 19 October 2011
Hi everyone. We all know that green tea is good for fat burning. I want to know about coffee. Is coffee also good for fat burning and is it good for health? Reply must. I just want to know your opinion about it. Thanks.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

List of unhealthy diet food Posted 19 October 2011
Hi All,
List of some unhealthy diet food and we must avoid them while dieting.
Diet soda,
Artificial sweeteners,
Light salad dressings,
Processed diet foods or snacks,
Flavored yogurt,
Baked chips.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

List of healing food Posted 19 October 2011
Hi All,
List of some healing food, we must add them in our daily meals to make our life healthy and secure.
Fish, whole grains, berries, almonds/walnuts, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and legumes.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

List of healing food Posted 19 October 2011
Hi All,
List of some healing food, we must add them in our daily meals to make our life healthy and secure.
Fish, whole grains, berries, almonds/walnuts, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and legumes.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Food to gain weight Posted 19 October 2011
Hi All,
List of some food which will help to gain weight and those who wants to gain weight must add these food in their meals.
Baked potatoes, granola, avocados, pasta, fried food, sweets, white flour products and fruit juice in packages.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 21 October 2011
No coffee is not good for health.It provide some energy temporarily but coffee reduce hemoglobin level on your blood.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Benefits of chili food Posted 25 October 2011
Hi All,
Chili food are great for health and helps in making life healthier. Some benefits of chili food are:
Chili food reduces the risk of heart disease,
Chili food reduce inflammation,
Chili food improve digestive system,
Chili food is good for bone health.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of eating fish Posted 25 October 2011
Hi All,
Fish is great for health and we must eat fish daily in our diet meals.
Some benefits of eating regular fish are:
Promotes weight loss,
Eliminates joint pain,
Improves brain function,
Fights bad cholesterol,
Eases depression,
Preventing heart disease,
Reduces the risk of cancer,
Protect against alzheimers.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 25 October 2011
Hi All,
Wheat grass juice is great for health and some benefits of wheat grass juice are:
It boosts digestive system,
It is great for hair health,
It is great antioxidant,
It is used to treat cancer,
It reduces high blood pressure,
It is great skin cleanser.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of coconut water Posted 25 October 2011
Hi All,
Coconut water is great for health and we must drink coconut water daily.
Coconut water is packed with electrolytes,
Coconut water contains essential vitamins,
Coconut water is naturally fat free and low in calories,
Coconut water calms upset stomachs and reduces vomiting,
Coconut water promotes weight-loss and energy.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of salmon fish Posted 27 October 2011
Hi All,
Salmon fish is great in taste and have many health benefits too so we must eat salmon fish.
Improve your vision,
Maintain brain health,
Protects body from free radicals,
Reduce depression,
Prevent from heart disease,
Prevents from certain types of cancer,
Lowers high blood pressure,
Great for skin.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of black tea Posted 27 October 2011
Hi All,
Black tea is great for health and some benefits of drinking black tea are:
Black tea is good for overall health,
Black tea reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease,
After drinking black tea one will feel fresh,
Black tea will help to prevent aging sign on skin.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of coconut water Posted 27 October 2011
Coconut water is good for yellow fever.
coconut water is low in carbs.
coconut water is 99% fat free.
coconut water is low in sugars.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 28 October 2011
Fish contain selenium has the property to fight against cancer.
Children who eat fish be less likely to develop asthma.
Fish contain omega 3 fatty acid can contribute to the health of retina.
fish help the people with diabetes to manage the blood glucose level.
breastfed babies of mothers who eat fish have better eyesight.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Benefits of eating carrots Posted 31 October 2011
All vegetables are good for health.what is the specialty of carrot compare to other vegetables?
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Benefit of Fruits Posted 31 October 2011
Add fruit in your food daily to live long life.
An apple a day keep the doctor away.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Top rules of good nutrition Posted 11 November 2011
Keep your environment and organ clean.This is the basic rule for your good nutrition.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Benefits of coconut oil Posted 11 November 2011
We can't add coconut oil on cooking.So better we can use coconut more on food.At same time coconut oil increase your cholesterol.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Benefits of eating carrots Posted 11 November 2011
Not like carrots are special..
all fruits are natural gifts of god. but coming to carrots, it can also reduce the cancer cells in a patient..
are there any other fruits which does the same....
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 25 November 2011
Fish is good source of proteins. These proteins
are essential for the body. they are really good
for health of eyes and hairs.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Top rules of good nutrition Posted 28 November 2011
Thanks for the information you shared. As we can go with your good tips.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 13
Location: http://www.defnesoap.com/

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 07 December 2011
Yes i agree that fish has lot of benefits. It is full of protein and good source of energy. Everyone should eat fish. I am also a great lover of fish food.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Benefits of eating carrots Posted 07 December 2011
Carrot has lot of benefits. Thanks everyone for sharing the benefits of carrot. Carrot is good for eye sight and also good for skin. Carrot is good for hair. I suggest everyone to eat carrot.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Top rules of good nutrition Posted 07 December 2011
No doubt that these rules are great and important for everyone so everyone should read this post and keep these rules in mind. Thanks for sharing these nutritional rules.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Benefits of coconut oil Posted 07 December 2011
Thanks for sharing useful information about coconut oil. Coconut oil has many benefits. It is best for hair fall problem. It makes hair strong and healthy. I am using it on my hair and now my hair are so strong and healthy.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 07 December 2011
Green tea is natural and a natural fat burner to lose weight. It also have vitamin C in it which helps to lose weight, not only lose weight also have cure from cancer, diabetes.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: Benefits of coconut oil Posted 07 December 2011
Coconut oil is good for skin, erasing scars from ankles and hands,increase your hands beauty, good care for hair, good for foot cares.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: Benefits of eating carrots Posted 07 December 2011
Do not skip breakfast
eat your meal at regular times
drink plenty of water
avoid oily foods
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: Benefit of Fruits Posted 07 December 2011
Fruits cure from skin cancer, various of skin infections, body infection works as an anti-oxidant for you. makes your skin to look beautiful and younger in age. cure from cancer, eye weakness, cough, wounds recover and so many other.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: Benefit of Fruits Posted 08 December 2011
No doubt that fruits are best food and have lot of benefits. Fruits have lot of vitamins which are good for energy and health. Everyone should eat fruits regularly because natural food are always good.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 08 December 2011
I drink green tea daily. I have reduced lot of my weight with it. It is best way to burn fat. It is a best herbal treatment of fat and heavy weight. Thanks everyone for sharing its benefits.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Benefits of coconut water Posted 08 December 2011
Coconut water is best for skin. It is also good for hair fall solution. It makes hair strong and healthy. Thanks for a wonderful post. I use coconut water daily.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 08 December 2011
Well said and i am totally agreed with you. Coffee is not good for health so we should not drink it regularly. I don't like coffee at all.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Benefits of black tea Posted 08 December 2011
It is a new kind of information for me. I don't like black tea and i don't drink it regularly. However it has many benefits. Thanks for sharing useful information. Keep sharing.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Benefits of salmon fish Posted 08 December 2011
Salmon fish is good for health and has lot of benefits. I am a great lover of salmon fish. Thanks for sharing great information about it. I really like this post.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 08 December 2011
I never drink it before dear. I hope its taste will be good. I will try to drink it because you have discussed well about its benefits. Thanks for sharing.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Benefits of eating fish Posted 15 December 2011
Hay to all

Fish is full of vitamin in which especially vitamin A and E are useful for the eye vision, so those who take at randomly always be fit by all means.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 15 December 2011

No doubt about the wondering that herb/green tea have a lot benefits upon the body to reduce the extra fats even controlling the cholesterol level and sharp the brain in every respect.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 15 December 2011
It has many benefits such is defined as under.
hair health, great antioxidant,just to treat cancer, reduces high blood pressure,better for skin cleanser.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 19 December 2011
The benefits of wheatgrass juice are like High in antioxidants, Improves complexion, Reduces fatigue, Improve energy, Purifies the blood stream, Cleanses intestinal tract, Lower hypertension, Remove pollutants and Restores fertility.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Benefits of wheat grass juice Posted 22 December 2011
The allowances of wheat grass abstract are like High in antioxidants, Improves complexion, Reduces fatigue, Improve energy, Purifies the claret stream, Cleanses abdominal tract, Lower hypertension, Remove pollutants and Restores fertility.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Herb/green tea Posted 22 December 2011
Tea can actualize a calmer but added active accompaniment of mind. Studies accept apparent that the amino acerbic L-theanine begin in the tea bulb alters the absorption networks in the academician and can accept ascertainable furnishings on the academician waves. Added simply, tea can advice you relax and apply added absolutely on tasks.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Is coffee good for health? Posted 28 December 2011
I am totally agreed with you. Coffee is not good for health so we should not drink it regularly. I don't like coffee at all.anyway thanks Everyone for sharing those Informative anime and this thread....
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Is milk and honey good for my health? Posted 28 December 2011
I think that both of these things are good for health and I drank milk on daily basis.... It gives me much energy and also the honey has good and numerous results for the skin care... I drink honey with water early in the morning for the glooming for my skin....
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

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