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Exercise Tips

Exercise Tips Posted 28 September 2010
Hi All:

does anyone have good exercise tips for men that i can use at home as all gym's are too far away. anything that will offer good results in a short amount of time, and some hint's on some good diet tips

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 05 October 2010
Buy a CD/DVD copy of exercise... There a lot of kind of exercise that you find in the Video store, Like belly dancing, yoga, wu shu, boxing... You do this all in your house... Try the south beach diet it is really effective...
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Yoga tips? Posted 07 October 2010
Hi All;

does anyone know any yoga stretches, techniches, or tips on yoga?

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 12 October 2010
Aerobics is very good exercise!

It gives results fast and easily.

It's a kind of dance in rhythm that includes the movements of body parts which burns more calories and helps to reduce weight.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 9

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 23 October 2010
Aerobic and yoga is good exercise for body..You also do that at home buy Video CD and according to that you practice at your home.along with that walk up stairs instead of taking the elevator,play with kids or play some games.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 9

Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 04 November 2010
Edging is the process of getting to the point of no return and holding the PC muscle until the feeling subsides, thus preventing ejaculation. Mine isn't too terribly strong but with enough practice I'm sure you could be able to stop orgasming completely. Some even have dry orgasms, where the feeling of ejaculation occurs but no sperm escapes......
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 06 November 2010
tks for your share 8)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 06 November 2010
tks for your share 8)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Yoga tips? Posted 17 November 2010
Yoga is a good way to keep your body healthy. Yoga not only provides you physical fitness but also provides you mental peace.There are some sites that provides Ramdev baba yoga aasanas online.simply search on Google ,To get yoga asanas online you can search Ramdev baba yoga asanas on Google search.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 25 November 2010
kegal exercise supports the bladder,uterus and urethra,kegal exercise is very good for womens.
Exercise keeps our body relaxed and give muscles strength to do work and kept away from the sexual disorders.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 20 January 2011
LOL this would be a good exercise for my friend
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 25 February 2011
Kegal exercise is good for improving the sexual health.this exercise strengthen the vaginal muscles.It also reduce the risk of prolapsed bladder problem.kegal exercise improves the muscles tone of the pelvic floor.It is the most popular exercise for pregnant women.kegal exercise also reducing the chances of premature ejaculation.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4
Location: New York

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 08 March 2011
These exercise benefits are good indeed, which work for the
fitness and healthy life, one of the most important factor is fitness
with the help of the exercise.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31
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Re: Yoga tips? Posted 18 March 2011
I never try yoga techniques for the fitness, because i have not
much information about the yoga and its exercise.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Yoga tips? Posted 19 March 2011
Stanley wrote:I never try yoga techniques for the fitness, because i have not
much information about the yoga and its exercise.

Why you replying?
Follow this link[ http://www.5min.com/Video/How-to-Perfor ... -228532912] to find some tech online.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 23 March 2011
I this information is very useful for every one here. Thanks for sharing.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 24 March 2011
I you shuld join bodybuilding forum forum the good result.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 28 March 2011
But video does not approaches to you requirements only discussion and correct guidance can fulfill you requirements.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 29 March 2011

-- 29 March 2011 --

jog and you will look like you're famous and sexy just like i am
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 09 April 2011
Push ups are one of the first exercises everyone can easily perform.
this workout is for the chest, triceps and even involve your back and shoulder muscles.
Dips are alternative to developing chest and triceps muscles.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 09 April 2011
These benefits of the exercise mention by the Kegal really help
us to motivate for the exercise. Because these benefits help in
to live healthy life.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Home workout routine Posted 09 April 2011
Before you start home workout warm up your body and get ready for exercise.
Push ups are one of the first exercises everyone can easily perform.
this workout is for the chest, triceps and even involve your back and shoulder muscles.
Dips are alternative to developing chest and triceps muscles.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31
Location: USA

Re: Home workout routine Posted 15 April 2011
Hi Stanley,
Thanks for the advices but I start with treadmill in routine.
This is the best exercise for cardio and keep you fit and healthy.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 15 April 2011
Hi copycat12,
Thanks for sharing Kegel Exercise Benefits with everyone.
Need to know more about kegal exercises. Can someone share some links with me please.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Hi berryk,
Most of the people have this problem. I too have faced this problem before joining gum last year.
You can walk, run and jog.
You can skip rope, using of stairs couple of times in a day is also effective.
It increases your stamina.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Yoga tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Wear comfortable cloths for yoga,
You should select a quite place where there will be no dust, insect and ventilated.
Clean your nostrils and bladder before starting yoga,
Always starts from easy posters, after getting flexible go for difficult ones,
There should be a gap of 4 hours between your meal.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Yoga tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Yes dressing is very important for this purpose and if dressing is not comfortable then you can't exercise well. And it is the basic thing and remaining thing has been discussed by cherlie and thanks for this beautiful information cherlie.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Yoga tips? Posted 15 April 2011
Dressing is important but there should be a good atmosphere in which we can easily do yoga. I have done yoga so many time and i feel great after doing it.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Is it possible to be a healthy without any exercise? Share your ideas Posted 15 April 2011
Hello friends. I want to ask one question from you. Is it possible to be a healthy person without a proper exercise? I want to know your opinions about it. Kindly reply me with your valuable thoughts. Thanks
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 15 April 2011
All these tips are best for health and also good for fitness. And tips are very nice and lot of thanks for sharing such beautiful tip.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Home workout routine Posted 15 April 2011
Yes i agree.we should warm up our body before doing any workout at home. Your advices are very nice. These method of exercises are very important for our health specially for cardio and it will keep us healthy and strong. Thanks
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 15 April 2011
Well i don't know about this exercise but i knew it right now from you people and it is very good and i need further explanation. Keep posting here thank you.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Home workout routine Posted 15 April 2011
But the thing is to act upon the schedule and also to maintain the routine. Because the harder thing is to be on the schedule and take all sort of challenges. And it is a good exercise thanks for this post.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Kegel Exercise Benefits Posted 15 April 2011
hello everyone. Thanks for the post and Kegel exercise benefits. Can someone share with me more information about it because i need more information.Reply must . Thanks.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

Both Yoga and Gym exercise is Suitable for healthy health? Posted 01 July 2011
The Yoga is different than Gym exercise, please explain me both are suitable for human body.
Paris Forums Starter
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Location: New York

Re: Both Yoga and Gym exercise is Suitable for healthy health? Posted 02 July 2011
I think instead of doing gym prefer yoga to keep your body healthy.Yoga is suitable for healthy health...Regular practicing of yoga is improve overall health..It prevent the health problems and also very helpful to reduced weight quickly..It is good stress reliever.
Paris Forums Starter
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Re: Both Yoga and Gym exercise is Suitable for healthy health? Posted 02 July 2011
I don't really know if it's good for your health,
but i know madonna does yoga, So i guess It makes You fit even if you're In The third age.

I mean, How many women of that age can claim to have a body that looks that good...
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Both Yoga and Gym exercise is Suitable for healthy health? Posted 21 July 2011
Hi jacksoncris,
Both are great for health and you can do yoga at home without paying much as you pay in gym.
Some benefits of yoga are:
It increases your cardiovascular efficiency,
It increases your strength and stamina,
It decreases your blood pressure,
It makes your gastrointestinal function normal,
It increases your body flexibility,
It increase your energy level,
It increase your immune system,
It improves your sleep.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Home workout routine Posted 21 July 2011
Hi Stanley,
I recently bought treadmill from E-bay on discount and I have few dumbbells at home also.
I love using treadmill and lifting dumbbells while watching my favorite TV programs.
You can do walk, run, step climb, skip rope, pull ups and push ups from home also.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Home workout routine Posted 28 July 2011
I agree with you all that it is important to warm up the body before doing exercise. Warming up is good for body and we can do exercise easily. i also warm up my body with little walk and after it i do my exercise. Anyway thanks for a wonderful advice.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 28 July 2011
No doubt that all these tips are very nice. Thanks for sharing such a nice tips about exercise. I agree that exercise is important for health and we should do it regularly. in my opinion running and walking are best exercises for fitness and weight lose. I do these exercises daily.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 28 July 2011
Yoga is one of the best exercise to make you fit.
Do some cycling, walking, jogging etc
Join some sports like football, bat-maintain, cricket.
Do first simple exercise.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6
Location: New York City

Re: Is it possible to be a healthy without any exercise? Share your ideas Posted 29 July 2011
Hi Joe,
Yes one can retain healthy without exercise with eating right food but exercise has its own importance.
Exercise prevents us from many major illness like depression, stress, anxiety, stroke, heart problems, diabetes and cancer.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Is it possible to be a healthy without any exercise? Share your ideas Posted 30 July 2011
In my opinion we can't live a healthy life without exercise because exercise is important for fitness and health. With eating food only we can't live healthy life properly because exercise increases our stamina and we can make a better body shape with exercise.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Is it possible to be a healthy without any exercise? Share your ideas Posted 30 July 2011
Well there is no chance of being healthy without exercise and exercise is very important to look smart and healthy and i like swimming, cycling and running.
Chris Tremlet
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Re: Both Yoga and Gym exercise is Suitable for healthy health? Posted 30 July 2011
I don't like to go in a gym. I prefer yoga because it is a healthy exercise. Yoga makes us fresh and healthy. It is good for lungs also. We can lose lot of weight with it so i like to do yoga and do it regularly.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 30 July 2011
Well these are good exercises but i go with the basic one like
1. Running
2. Cycling
3. Swimming
Chris Tremlet
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Re: Yoga tips? Posted 30 July 2011
Hello Joerk6. I agree with you dear that atmosphere is important for yoga. We should do yoga in a cool and calm place. Dressing is also play a vital role in yoga.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Yoga tips? Posted 02 August 2011
yoga is one of the best exercise to relieve the stress and depression.
Do meditation early in the morning which is good for health.
Paris Forums Starter
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Location: New York City

Fitness tips Posted 11 August 2011
Hi All,
Some tips to increase your fitness:
Work out regularly,
Have a balanced diet,
Combine the exercises,
Try new exercises to avoid routine,
Create a healthy environment around you,
Stay close to people who are motivated,
Fitness is a step to a healthier lifestyle.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of regular exercise Posted 11 August 2011
Hi All,
We must do exercise regularly as exercise prevents us from many major illness like:
They reduces and maintain our body weight,
They build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints,
They reduces the risk of diabetes,
They reduces high blood pressure,
They reduces the risk of heart disease,
They reduces high cholesterol level,
They reduces the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer,
They reduces depression and anxiety,
They reduces the risk of premature death.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Swimming exercise benefits Posted 12 August 2011
Hi All, I do like swimming because it is best cardio exercise which covers most of the body parts while swimming and has many benefits like:
It improves your acrobatic capacity,
It build muscles of your hips, shoulders, arms and back muscles,
It makes effective blood circulation,
It prevents you from obesity and joint problems,
It fights against stork and heart disease,
It increases your stamina.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5
Location: USA

Re: Swimming exercise benefits Posted 17 August 2011
Nice post.
Sure swimming is the best exercise you can get! its light on your joints so its difficult to get hurt doing it. the best way is to go to a pool and swim? Benefits are that it tones your stomach and legs.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Fitness tips Posted 20 August 2011
You must know one thing that the diet plan has also importance.Actually the balance diet plays the vital role.Infact you may gain the results by just bringing some change in diet.But it does not mean that exercise is not necessary.Balance diet and balance exercises,both are essential.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 23

Yoga tips? Posted 20 August 2011
Just search on Google about the Yoga expert BABA RAM DEV.You have not listened about the name of this person that is why i am recommending that its the new one just read this you will find this man different too.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 23

Benefits of strength training Posted 26 August 2011
Hi All,
Some benefits of strength training are:
Strength training increases muscular strength,
Strength training increases strength of tendons and ligaments,
Strength training improves flexibility,
Strength training reduce body fat and increased lean body mass,
Strength training decreases resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure,
Strength training bring good changes in blood cholesterol,
Strength training improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity,
Strength training improves strength, balance, and functional ability.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of Bikram Yoga Posted 26 August 2011
Hi All,
Some benefits of bikram yoga (hot yoga):
It results in weight loss,
It reduces stress,
It increase energy,
It increase flexibility,
It lowers blood pressure,
It improves muscle tone,
It improves concentration,
It prevents you from disease,
It stimulates the immune system,
It stimulates the thyroid gland, pituitary gland and digestive system.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of morning exercise Posted 26 August 2011
Hi All,
We must do regular exercise and best time for exercise is morning time. Some benefits of morning exercises are:
Morning walk reduces the risk the risk of heart attack by half,
It increase the strength of your heart and lungs,
Oxygen inhaled results great amount of energy especially to your joints,
It reduces the cholesterol level,
It increases self confidence,
It prevent from depression, stress and anxiety,
It promotes muscular development,
It strengthens the immune system,
It reduce high blood pressure,
It improves blood circulation system,
It results in early and better sleep.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of morning exercise Posted 29 August 2011
Morning exercise is really beneficial for good health. it is really
helpful to maintain the fitness level of the body. Yoga in the
early morning is good for physical as well as mental health.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Benefits of Bikram Yoga Posted 02 September 2011
I love Bikram Yoga! Could you give me addresses for studios in Paris, near Monmartre if possible :)
Thanks a lot!

Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Benefits of aerobic exercises Posted 06 September 2011
Hi All,
Aerobic exercises are great for health and we must do aerobic exercises daily. Some benefits of aerobic exercises.
Reduce weight by burning calories and fat,
Makes our heart strong,
Makes our pulse rate slower,
Makes our breathing more efficient,
Improve our body circulation,
Lower our cholesterol level,
Lower our blood pressure,
increase in total blood volume.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of cycling Posted 06 September 2011
Hi All,
Cycling is one of the great cardio exercise to reduces and maintain weight. Some other benefits of cycling are:
It builds strength and muscle tone,
It increases muscle tone,
It improves heart health,
It strengthens the immune system,
It reduce the risk of cancer,
It builds stamina,
It reduces stress,
It improves cardiovascular fitness,
It eats up calories,
It improves coordination.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Benefits of resistance training Posted 06 September 2011
Hi All,
Some benefits of resistance training are:
You will lose bodyfat,
You will gain strength without getting bulk,
You will improve your athletic performance,
You will be physically stronger,
You will reduce your risk of injury, back pain and arthritis,
You will reduce your risk of diabetes,
You will reduce your risk of heart disease,
It is never too late to benefit,
You will improve your mood and attitude.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Benefits of cycling Posted 10 September 2011
Hey dear your post is awesome. You have beautifully described the benefits of cycling. I also do cycling regularly. it has lot of benefits. It is good for legs and we can lose weight easily with it.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of morning exercise Posted 10 September 2011
Morning exercise has lot of benefits. it keeps us fresh all the day. It is also good for health. morning exercise provides fresh air to our body. Everyone should do it regularly.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of cycling Posted 10 September 2011
Hi Guys....

Cycling is the one of the best Cardio Exercise which is essential for lower parts of body especially legs to be functional for the long time period . It also helpful to burn more and more calories to lose weight .
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Fitness tips Posted 10 September 2011
Well in my opinion for a great fitness regular exercise and a proper diet plan are important. We should do exercise regularly and should eat simple food like vegetables and fruits.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of aerobic exercises Posted 10 September 2011
Well there are so many benefits of Aerobic Exercises that helps to lose weight very quickly and also helpful to main your body fit and energetic . I would suggest to take Aerobic exercises daily in the morning .
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Benefits of Bikram Yoga Posted 10 September 2011
well Bikram Yoga is the best type of Yoga which helps to lose weight and also helpful to get rid of stress . I do it daily in the morning . I think you people also have to do this.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Benefits of morning exercise Posted 10 September 2011
Hi .....

Morning walk is god for health because it contain fresh air and free from population . I get morning walk daily to keep myself active , energetic . It also good for health too .
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Yoga tips? Posted 10 September 2011
Hi Guys...

Yoga is the best Exercise which helps to prevent us from different diseases like Stress and Depression . I also help to lose weight .
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Fitness tips Posted 10 September 2011
Hi Buddies....

There are some Fitness tips as :

Drink Green Tea
Avoid from junk foods
Eat to your fill
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Swimming exercise benefits Posted 10 September 2011
Swimming Exercise is good for health as it helps to make your parts of body fit and also strong your muscles as well . I think it should be done to be healthy and fit for a long time .
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Exercise tips? Posted 10 September 2011
Well all exercises are good for health but there are some exercises that work well and give us return in form of good health and fitness are

Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

Re: Swimming exercise benefits Posted 14 September 2011
Thanks for sharing such a nice information. Swimming is a healthy exercise and good for health. It is a only exercise in which our whole body works. I also like to do swimming in the evening.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of regular exercise Posted 14 September 2011
Regular exercise is best for health. A person can live healthy life with doing regular exercise. Exercise increases stamina and helps us in losing weight. It is a great source of energy and we can get fitness easily with it.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Benefits of aerobic exercises Posted 20 September 2011
Aerobic exercises are best for health and fitness. No doubt that we can lose weight with these exercises. Thanks for sharing useful information. Keep posting.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Running tips Posted 22 September 2011
Hi All,
Some running tips for all, they will be more beneficial for beginners.
Use a running program,
Set some goals,
Combine exercise with proper diet chart,
Keep a running log,
Check your pulse,
Listen to your body.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Running tips Posted 27 September 2011
Running is my favorite exercise and it has many benefits. Your tips for running are nice and good for everyone. These tips are new for me. I will try to follow your tips.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Best exercises for health. Posted 27 September 2011
There are lot of exercises but in my opinion these are some best exercises for health. We all should do these exercises. Following are some best exercises.
1. Running
2. Walking
3. Jogging
4. Cycling
5. Swimming
6. Yoga.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

5 common training errors Posted 11 October 2011
Hi All,
5 common training errors and we must avoid doing them for hitting our goals.
Lack of maximal strength training,
Misapplication of plyometrics,
Drastic weight cuts,
Excessive non-specific cardiovascular conditioning,
Always training the abdominal lying down.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Top cardio exercises. Posted 19 October 2011
There are so many cardio exercises but in my opinion these exercises are best exercises for health and fitness.
1. Jogging
2. Yoga
3. Swimming
4. Cycling
5. Walking
6. Running.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Which one you prefer Exercise or Supplements? Posted 19 October 2011
Everyone wants fitness in his life and for this purpose some people do exercise and some people prefer supplements. I want to know your opinion about it. What you people like to do exercise or follow a supplement? Reply must.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 82

Re: Which one you prefer Exercise or Supplements? Posted 24 October 2011
I prefer exercise because there are lots of side effect using the supplements.Once you fail to take supplements it may effect your health more.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Secrets of motivation Posted 25 October 2011
Hi All,
While working out most of us found lack of motivation so some secrets of motivation for these people.
Put fun in the fitness,
Never stop experimenting,
Go to your happy Place,
Make it personal,
Strike healthy balance,
Plan to succeed,
Be a front runner,
Use your head,
Note what works.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Secrets of motivation Posted 08 December 2011
Success Secrets and Motivation from Steve Jobs of Apple Computers
"It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that ..."
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Which one you prefer Exercise or Supplements? Posted 13 December 2011
I prefer both because both have their own importance. Exercise is important for us and with supplements we learn many things about exercise and diet.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Your favourite sport? Posted 13 December 2011
Well there are lot of sport games but i like cricket. Which one is your favourite sport activity and why? Share with me your valuable ideas. Thanks.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Which one you prefer Exercise or Supplements? Posted 15 December 2011

Exercise is the better rather than the food supplement,constitutional walk is useful for health so me suggestion that in the very initial stage these not be taken.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Which one you prefer Exercise or Supplements? Posted 28 December 2011
For me It gives best result if you take supplements then do exercise for better and faster results.
Paris Forums Starter
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Which suplpements are good for body building? Posted 04 January 2012
Hi to all. I want to be a body builder. kindly suggest me some supplements. Tell me which supplement is beneficial and informative for this purpose. Reply must. Thanks.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Re: Benefits of regular exercise Posted 06 January 2012
Exercise make you happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out. Regular physical activity
can even help prevent depression and high blood pressure. Exercise help in burn calories. The more intense the workout,
the more calories you burn, and make easier to keep your weight under control.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Swimming exercise benefits Posted 06 January 2012
Walking, Sprinting and adding hills or an incline can burn 180 calories in 30 minutes.
Bicycling and Swimming of 30 minutes can burn 400 to 500 calories.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: Secrets of motivation Posted 06 January 2012
Working out is hard by definition. So, asking a bunch of strangers without even telling us
if you have a gym membership or need to burn fat or build muscle, is not going to get you
where you want to go.
Paris Forums Visitor
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How to build Stamina Posted 06 January 2012
Any one can use these tips to increase stamina.
components of a safe, effective exercise program are Frequency, intensity, and time or duration.
Do not accelerate your workout time too rapidly. If you are overweight and out of fitness,
you will need to lose your weight for the perfect body shape and fitness.
Paris Forums Visitor
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Motivation for Exercise Posted 06 January 2012
For the motivation You should have goals
or there's no reason to workout and no way to select the best exercises in developing you
program. So, for motivation, you will have create some goals. Then, you have a place to
begin and you can start working on your program and then worry about motivation.
Paris Forums Visitor
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My favorite Exercise Posted 06 January 2012
Chin-ups - wide grip
Bent-over barbell rows
Single arm rows
Dumbell biceps curl with forearm rotation
Paris Forums Visitor
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Re: My favorite Exercise Posted 25 January 2012
Good choice dear. My favorite exercises are
1. Walking
2. Running
3. Jogging
4. Swimming
5. Jumping
6. Dancing
7. Cycling
8. Yoga.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Workout songs Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
Thought of sharing new threat to share workout songs you listen. This is what I have in my I Pod and I love to play while mrning jog and evening gym.
Eminem - Go to sleep.
Eminem - Till I collapse.
The Black Keys - Lonely Boy.
Boy & Bear - Golden Jubilee.
Houdini - Foster The People.
Survivor - Eye of the tiger.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

Tips to get motivation Posted 26 January 2012
Hi All,
We cannot stick with workout with lack of motivation. Here are some tips for motivation.
Make your fitness personal and put the fun in fitness. Never Stop Experimenting and always go to your happy places. Strike a healthy balance and always plan to succeed.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25

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