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Anybody Studying At Mines ParisTech?

Anybody studying at Mines ParisTech? Posted 19 December 2010
Hi all

I am from Finland and I am looking for someone who is studying at The École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (also known as Mines ParisTech, École des Mines de Paris, ENSMP, Mines Paris or simply les Mines) and living in student hostel of the University. I will need some information and It is very important for me. Or if you happen to know any student ( European, African, middle east, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese or South asian) who is studying there and you have contact with him/her please let me know.

I wish you all a merry christmas...

Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 15

Re: Anybody studying at Mines ParisTech? Posted 15 April 2011
Hello cheers. My cousin is studying in the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris. He is there for 3 years and now he want to back. If you want then tell me , i will inform him and will give you all information about him if you need it. reply must.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30

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