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Apple Powerbook Alu 15' 1,33GHz 1,25Go 100Go

Apple Powerbook Alu 15' 1,33GHz 1,25Go 100Go Posted 28 May 2007
Powerbook G4 Aluminium, rvision 2004

- CPU: 1,33GHz

- RAM: 1,25Go (512 Apple + 1024 Corsair) PC2700

- HD: 100Go (Samsung 5400RPM)

- ATI Mobility 9700 64Mo

- Combo DVD/CD-RW

- French AZERTY keyboard

- etc Specifications of the standard model

Bought in november 2004 with special operation MIPE by french government for cheap laptops for students "Portable 1 par jour" (http://delegation.internet.gouv.fr/mipe/)

I changed the hard drive and added some RAM. I also had to change the LCD screen which i had broken earlier (still 3 months of warranty).

The battery is 3 months old. Apple changed it with the battery exchange program.

Good overall state. The case is slightly scratched in a few places and the power plug has become a bit fragile. I also had to change the closing button which had become unreliable. Since then, perfect.

The computer is delivered with its original box and bundle: original CDs (Panther), cables, manuals. I send it with Chronopost (not included or hand-to-hand transaction in Paris.

The laptop comes with OSX Tiger, Microsoft Office 2004, iLife '06, iWork '06 et Virtual PC 2004 preinstalled (all English). Sorry I keep the CDs ^^.

The price is negociable.

I can be contacted through email or by phone 0686500633

Descriptif Powerbook G4 Aluminium, rvision 2004

- CPU: 1,33GHz

- RAM: 1,25Go (512 Apple + 1024 Corsair) PC2700

- DD: 100Go (Samsung 5400RPM)

- ATI Mobility 9700 64Mo

- Combo DVD/CD-RW

- etc http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerBook_G4_15%22

Achet neuf en novembre 2004 avec l'opration MIPE "Portable 1 par jour" (http://delegation.internet.gouv.fr/mipe/)

J'ai chang le disque-dur et ajout de la RAM. J'ai galement du changer la dalle LCD aprs avoir cass l'ancienne (encore garantie 3 mois).

La batterie est quasi-neuve (3 mois) et correctement "rode". Apple m'a chang l'ancienne qui tait dfectueuse.

L'tat gnral est bon. La coque est un peu use/raye par endroits et la prise d'alimentation est un peu sensible. J'ai galement chang le bouton de fermeture qui ne marchait plus. Depuis, nickel. Autrement, rien dclarer.

L'ordinateur est livr dans sa bote d'origine avec CD (Panther), cbles, manuels. J'envoie en Chronopost (frais non-compris) ou change main la main sur Paris.

Je livre l'ordinateur avec OSX Tiger, Microsoft Office 2004, iLife '06, iWork '06 et Virtual PC 2004 preinstalls (dsl je garde les CDs ^^).

Le prix est ngociable.

Je peux tre contact par email ou 0686500633
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