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Water Shortage

Water shortage Posted 11 October 2008
Certain researches show that an average European/American uses about 90 liters of water/day for his personal necessities. Yes - 100 liters!!! This quantity seems to be exaggerated, isn't it? It's because you never thought about that. For example having shower twice a day will need about 75 liters of water, the rest 20-30 go on personal consumption (about 1-2 liters/day) and dish washing.
It's high time that we think about this, because we use drinkable water for our necessities, while the world has only 3% of drinkable water from the total world's water system The nearest future may bring a problem like water shortage, which will have irrecoverable effects. Why don't we begin to think about it now and use it rationally, it's still not late
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Posted 22 October 2008
There were opinions saying that the subject of the 3rd World War will be the drinkable water, which is now becoming less and less.
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Posted 01 November 2008
There are solutions for filling the shortage of water. Since the climate is getting warmer, African countries (and not only), can import iceberg. A piece of iceberg can supply a little town with water for a very long time.
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Posted 04 November 2008
Yes tulaka. But another problem appears here: since it will be brought as far as from Antarctica/Arctic, the transportaion will be very expensive, and, in turn, the water.
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Posted 08 November 2008
there are certain towns in Europe that are used to collect water from the roofs after rain. This water is used for many household things, including consumption.
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Posted 12 November 2008
that's why many houses have their roofs pained white. White colour is making the water poor as it was given by the rain, no bacterias.
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Posted 16 November 2008
water desalination is a solution for the water shortage. However this process if very expensive and requires a lot of energy. Scientists are now working upon a better universal desalination device.
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Posted 17 November 2008
another way to save the water is to reuse the water from the sewerage networks. The point is that it's simple but the technology should be expensive.
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Re: Posted 22 January 2011
tulaka wrote:there are certain towns in Europe that are used to collect water from the roofs after rain. This water is used for many household things, including consumption.

hi rexresort is the most fabulous resort in Europe.
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Re: Water shortage Posted 15 February 2011
I don't know what will be the genuine resion for 3rd WW but yes the way people wasting water one day defiantly come where we will have to pay the price for each drop of the water.
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