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Taxes On Environment Harm

Taxes on environment harm Posted 11 October 2008
I confidently believe that the environment is more important than the human progress. What do you choose - to be dead and rich or to be alive and poor? I choose the latter, since if you're dead, you need no welfare :) .
You should know that industrial companies emit daily tens of thousands of tons of CO2 into the environment. Only a very little share of them are official, the other share is hidden for avoiding taxes. What officials do? Officials, as well as producers, are more interested in the economic part, not the social one. Thus, they don't hasten to punish too much the producers, since the country's economy must be raised.
Do you think it's fair? To me, the taxes on environment pollution must be at least 3 times higher than the assessed harm.
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Posted 23 October 2008
We certainly don't want to return to the stone age. That's why imposing big taxes on pollution will make producers raise prices for their production, which will influence negatively the final consumer.
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Posted 31 October 2008
Cold_as_ice wrote:We certainly don't want to return to the stone age. That's why imposing big taxes on pollution will make producers raise prices for their production, which will influence negatively the final consumer.

In this case, governments should issue regulations saying that companies' products price shouldn't be related to environment taxes. It's a little bit tough, but feasible.
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Re: Taxes on environment harm Posted 22 January 2011
hi rexresort is the most fabulous resort in Europe.
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Re: Taxes on environment harm Posted 15 February 2011
Difficult to put any comments because it's true human life is all about changes that will never remain same. Development is part of human life this cannot be stop in any coast as far as concern the natural resources climate or can say the environment, we will have to take these factor in the considerations and to find the way of development that suits to our nature and climate.
As we have come long way, to return from here is almost impossible. :arrow:
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