I am 27 years old young men.
I have never make love to a woman...
Allow me to correct myself; I have allready been engaged in sexual intercourses, however, I have never "make love"...
On one hand, we all know that it is possible to have sex with a person without sharing Love. On the other hand, we all know that it is possible to sleep with a person while experiencing Love even though we're not in love with that person...
I admit that the pevious statements might seem strange to some of you, but has you already all know, Life is strange...
I am leaving Paris on May the 6th 2011...
I would like to meet a young woman, sleep with that woman and share Love with her...
1 Metre and 85Cm. | have to admit that I could loose some weight, however women find that I have a very hansome face...
I am also well endowed (thanks nature...).
If you happen to be interested in spending some time with me, please let me know.
I am looking forward to hearing from you very soon...