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Foundation For Ecological Consciousness

Foundation for Ecological Consciousness Posted 03 April 2012

I am a member of the Foundation for Ecological Consciouness.

We are into lobbying some governments agencies about the priority of our cause.
We try to explain these governments agencies about the steps they have to take to materially support our cause.

Ecological Consciouness is something that is becoming a central question for the government agencies. Of course, Most of the Time we knock at closed doors.

Our goal is to explain why supporting our cause is necessary for the future.

You can help us too ! Donate Now !

You Will receive the banking informations to make a generous donation by contacting us through Private Message.
For more information about our registration or the license we Will be glad to answer You.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 138

Re: Foundation for Ecological Consciousness Posted 17 May 2012
Fiel a su estilo canchero, Micaela Tinelli eligió unas gafas retro que le quedan muy bien ya que el marco ovalado le cubre las cejas.Jimena Barón optó por lentes grandes, un must de la temporada.Sabemos que este es un blog de moda pero
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