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30/night; 200/week; Cozy Studio In 10th, July 17th To 31st

30/night; 200/week; Cozy studio in 10th, July 17th to 31st Posted 13 July 2011
Looking to sublet my little studio in the 10th, 30 euros a night, 200 a week. You won't find a better deal than that. It's small but it's in a nice area, very close to the Canal St. Martin, Jacques Bonsergent and République. There's a stove, a fridge, a shower, a toilet and a bed: essentially, everything you would need while visiting. E-mail me at guitarpop77ATyahooDOTcom ASAP if interested as there is not much time left!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: 30/night; 200/week; Cozy studio in 10th, July 17th to 31st Posted 07 September 2011
Please advise if this studio is still available as of September, thanks.
English Teacher
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

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