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Appartment (studio) For Rent, Oberkampf

Appartment (studio) for Rent, Oberkampf Posted 05 July 2010
I rent out my studio between July 12 and August 25. It could be rented for 3, 4, 5 or prefereably the whole period. The studio has seperated kitchen and bathroom, 23 m, clean and entirely furnished.
Close to Oberkampf and Republic, Calm and sunny. The area is well-known for its cafés, bistros and Parisian downtown atmosphere.

All charges, Internet and telephone (national and international calls) are included in the rent.
I rent it out to one single person between July 13 and August 25, 6 weeks, 1000 Euros.
For shorter periods:
1. 3 weeks: 750
2. 4 weeks: 900
5. 5 weeks: 1000

Please let me know if you need photos.
You can call me at 0628950162.
Paris Forums Starter
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