(Je ne parle pas français, seulement en anglais ou en espagnol)
I would like to know if any one of you can receive two foreign students just for three or four weeks. We need a cheap accommodation to assist to a congress near the metro stations Ségur (line 10) and Cambronne (line 6), in the 7th "arrondissement".
One important question is: Are you located on an accessible zone to these metros? (sorry but I don't know well the city yet)
We will attend to the "Invisible Universe International Conference" at the UNESCO headquarter. And to the "Marcel Grossmann Meeting"
you can contact me either to rodivan1(at)hotmail(dot)com, ivrguez(at)gmail(dot)com or rrodriguez(at)fis(dot)cinvestav(dot)mx
If you can help us we will be eternally grateful... Best regards... Ivan el Terrible