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Safe Areas Of Paris?

safe areas of paris? Posted 01 February 2010
Hey guys,

first time using a forum. i will be going to paris in a month and am looking to stay in an apartment. im looking around this area
Quartier de la Sorbonne adjacent to boulevard St Germain. was wondering if this area was safe? or tips or opinions anyone could offer?! thanks.

Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: safe areas of paris? Posted 20 April 2010
IMO, these are the best and safest places in Paris where you can stay and feel comfortable which are 5eme and 6eme arrondissement (just south of the river).
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: safe areas of paris? Posted 16 May 2010
Yes it is safe in the Quartier de la Sorbonne and also in St Germain. But don't be too loose, you will never know what will happen. Stay safe and Enjoy your stay in Paris!
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 55

Re: safe areas of paris? Posted 09 August 2010
if your standards are american, Paris is just a haven of safety.
if your standards are european, Paris is just perfectly safe.
avoid very few areas at night (Gare de L'Est for instance) and you won't have any problem.
as a general advice, the more west, the safer. 7th, 8th, 16th are super safe !!!
and overly touristy places are also very safe but of course, you'll cross a few people trying to rip you off (nothing big though). especially around the Eiffel Tower, le Louvre, Notre-Dame, Saint-Germain...
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 27

Re: safe areas of paris? Posted 07 April 2011
Stay in the first arrondisement if you are worried about safety. But really, they are all safe in the center.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 31

Re: safe areas of paris? Posted 25 May 2011
The first is not safe at all because of the halle area, i would rather stay in the 8th, 7th or 6th, much safer
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 26

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