Cadre prive en CDI cherche pour location longue terme un appt / pied terre paris (01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,10,15,16,17) - 2/3 pices minim 30m2 en bon tat / rnov. Cuisine amnage / quipe. Non meubl de prfrence. Meubl / grand studio bien amnag accept. Rangements, balcon, cave seraient des plus.
Loyer jusqu' 950CC/m, dispo partir de juin '07. Garanties bancaires / Loca-passe possible. Visite sur RDV, photos bienvenues et souhaites.
---- English ----
Professional relocating to Paris seeks 1/2/3 room (min 30m2) modern apartment in good condition with equipped kitchen for long term rent. Ideally non furnished, but furnished can be considered. Wardrobes / balcony / cellar would be a plus. Rent upto 950/month starting June '07.
Location in Arrdts 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,10,15,16,17 (basically with easy access to metro 10 & airport/trains).
Bank and LocaPasse guarantees possible. Photos desired before scheduling appointment for visiting the place.